71 research outputs found

    Entire functions with Julia sets of positive measure

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    Let f be a transcendental entire function for which the set of critical and asymptotic values is bounded. The Denjoy-Carleman-Ahlfors theorem implies that if the set of all z for which |f(z)|>R has N components for some R>0, then the order of f is at least N/2. More precisely, we have log log M(r,f) > (N/2) log r - O(1), where M(r,f) denotes the maximum modulus of f. We show that if f does not grow much faster than this, then the escaping set and the Julia set of f have positive Lebesgue measure. However, as soon as the order of f exceeds N/2, this need not be true. The proof requires a sharpened form of an estimate of Tsuji related to the Denjoy-Carleman-Ahlfors theorem.Comment: 17 page

    Escape rate and Hausdorff measure for entire functions

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    The escaping set of an entire function is the set of points that tend to infinity under iteration. We consider subsets of the escaping set defined in terms of escape rates and obtain upper and lower bounds for the Hausdorff measure of these sets with respect to certain gauge functions.Comment: 24 pages; some errors corrected, proof of Theorem 2 shortene

    Normal families and fixed points of iterates

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    Let F be a family of holomorphic functions and let K be a constant less than 4. Suppose that for all f in F the second iterate of f does not have fixed points for which the modulus of the multiplier is greater than K. We show that then F is normal. This is deduced from a result about the multipliers of iterated polynomials.Comment: 5 page

    Synchronization of Sound Sources

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    Sound generation and -interaction is highly complex, nonlinear and self-organized. Already 150 years ago Lord Rayleigh raised the following problem: Two nearby organ pipes of different fundamental frequencies sound together almost inaudibly with identical pitch. This effect is now understood qualitatively by modern synchronization theory (M. Abel et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 119(4), 2006). For a detailed, quantitative investigation, we substituted one pipe by an electric speaker. We observe that even minute driving signals force the pipe to synchronization, thus yielding three decades of synchronization -- the largest range ever measured to our knowledge. Furthermore, a mutual silencing of the pipe is found, which can be explained by self-organized oscillations, of use for novel methods of noise abatement. Finally, we develop a specific nonlinear reconstruction method which yields a perfect quantitative match of experiment and theory.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Rigidity of escaping dynamics for transcendental entire functions

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    We prove an analog of Boettcher's theorem for transcendental entire functions in the Eremenko-Lyubich class B. More precisely, let f and g be entire functions with bounded sets of singular values and suppose that f and g belong to the same parameter space (i.e., are *quasiconformally equivalent* in the sense of Eremenko and Lyubich). Then f and g are conjugate when restricted to the set of points which remain in some sufficiently small neighborhood of infinity under iteration. Furthermore, this conjugacy extends to a quasiconformal self-map of the plane. We also prove that this conjugacy is essentially unique. In particular, we show that an Eremenko-Lyubich class function f has no invariant line fields on its escaping set. Finally, we show that any two hyperbolic Eremenko-Lyubich class functions f and g which belong to the same parameter space are conjugate on their sets of escaping points.Comment: 28 pages; 2 figures. Final version (October 2008). Various modificiations were made, including the introduction of Proposition 3.6, which was not formally stated previously, and the inclusion of a new figure. No major changes otherwis

    Synchronization of organ pipes: experimental observations and modeling

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    We report measurements on the synchronization properties of organ pipes. First, we investigate influence of an external acoustical signal from a loudspeaker on the sound of an organ pipe. Second, the mutual influence of two pipes with different pitch is analyzed. In analogy to the externally driven, or mutually coupled self-sustained oscillators, one observes a frequency locking, which can be explained by synchronization theory. Further, we measure the dependence of the frequency of the signals emitted by two mutually detuned pipes with varying distance between the pipes. The spectrum shows a broad ``hump'' structure, not found for coupled oscillators. This indicates a complex coupling of the two organ pipes leading to nonlinear beat phenomena.Comment: 24 pages, 10 Figures, fully revised, 4 big figures separate in jpeg format. accepted for Journal of the Acoustical Society of Americ

    The iterated minimum modulus and conjectures of Baker and Eremenko

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    In transcendental dynamics significant progress has been made by studying points whose iterates escape to infinity at least as fast as iterates of the maximum modulus. Here we take the novel approach of studying points whose iterates escape at least as fast as iterates of the minimum modulus, and obtain new results related to Eremenko's conjecture and Baker's conjecture, and the rate of escape in Baker domains. To do this we prove a result of wider interest concerning the existence of points that escape to infinity under the iteration of a positive continuous function

    Fatou’s Associates

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    Suppose that f is a transcendental entire function, V⊊C is a simply connected domain, and U is a connected component of f-1(V). Using Riemann maps, we associate the map f : U→V to an inner function g : D→D. It is straightforward to see that g is either a finite Blaschke product, or, with an appropriate normalisation, can be taken to be an infinite Blaschke product. We show that when the singular values of f in V lie away from the boundary, there is a strong relationship between singularities of g and accesses to infinity in U. In the case where U is a forward-invariant Fatou component of f, this leads to a very significant generalisation of earlier results on the number of singularities of the map g. If U is a forward-invariant Fatou component of f there are currently very few examples where the relationship between the pair (f, U) and the function g has been calculated. We study this relationship for several well-known families of transcendental entire functions. It is also natural to ask which finite Blaschke products can arise in this manner, and we show the following: for every finite Blaschke product g whose Julia set coincides with the unit circle, there exists a transcendental entire function f with an invariant Fatou component such that g is associated with f in the above sense. Furthermore, there exists a single transcendental entire function f with the property that any finite Blaschke product can be arbitrarily closely approximated by an inner function associated with the restriction of f to a wandering domain
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