11,981 research outputs found

    Comment on "Optical Response of Strongly Coupled Nanopraticles in Dimer Arrays" (Phys. Rev. B 71(4), 045404, 2005)

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    I have re-calculated the extinction spectra of aggregates of two silver nanospheres shown in Figs.~2 and 3 of Ref.~8. I have used the approximate method of images according to Ref.~8 and an exact numerical technique. I have found that the three sets of data (those I have obtained by the method of images, the numerical results, and the results published in Ref.~8) do not coincide. In this Comment, I discuss the reasons for these discrepancies and the general applicability of the method of images to the quasi-static electromagnetic problem of two interacting nanospheres.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Engineering Electromagnetic Properties of Periodic Nanostructures Using Electrostatic Resonances

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    Electromagnetic properties of periodic two-dimensional sub-wavelength structures consisting of closely-packed inclusions of materials with negative dielectric permittivity ϵ\epsilon in a dielectric host with positive ϵh\epsilon_h can be engineered using the concept of multiple electrostatic resonances. Fully electromagnetic solutions of Maxwell's equations reveal multiple wave propagation bands, with the wavelengths much longer than the nanostructure period. It is shown that some of these bands are described using the quasi-static theory of the effective dielectric permittivity ϵqs\epsilon_{qs}, and are independent of the nanostructure period. Those bands exhibit multiple cutoffs and resonances which are found to be related to each other through a duality condition. An additional propagation band characterized by a negative magnetic permeability develops when a magnetic moment is induced in a given nano-particle by its neighbors. Imaging with sub-wavelength resolution in that band is demonstrated

    Lectures on Non-BPS Dirichlet branes

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    A comprehensive introduction to the boundary state approach to Dirichlet branes is given. Various examples of BPS and non-BPS Dirichlet branes are discussed. In particular, the non-BPS states in the duality of Type IIA on K3 and the heterotic string on T4 are analysed in detail.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX; lectures given at the TMR network school on `Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and quantum gravity', Torino, 26 January - 2 February 2000, and at the `Spring workshop on Superstrings and related matters', Trieste, 27 March - 4 April 2000; references adde

    Exactly stable non-BPS spinors in heterotic string theory on tori

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    Considering SO(32) heterotic string theory compactified on a torus of dimension 4 and less, stability of non-supersymmetric states is studied. A non-supersymmetric state with robust stability is constructed, and its exact stability is proven in a large region of moduli space against all the possible decay mechanisms allowed by charge conservation. Using various T-duality transform matrices, we translate various selection rules about conserved charges into simpler problems resembling partition and parity of integers. For heterotic string on T^4, we give a complete list of BPS atoms with elementary excitations, and we study BPS and non-BPS molecules with various binding energies. Using string-string duality, the results are interpreted in terms of Dirichlet-branes in type IIA string theory compactified on an orbifold limit of a K3 surface.Comment: 47 pages, 14 figures, LaTe

    Slow Dynamics in Glasses

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    Minimalist theories of complex systems are broadly of two kinds: mean-field and axiomatic. So far all theories of complex properties absent from simple systems and intrinsic to glasses are axiomatic. Stretched Exponential Relaxation (SER) is the prototypical complex temporal property of glasses, discovered by Kohlrausch 150 years ago, and now observed almost universally in microscopically homogeneous, complex non-equilibrium materials, including luminescent electronic (Coulomb) glasses. Critical comparison of alternative axiomatic theories with both numerical simulations and experiments strongly favors dynamical trap models over static percolative or energy landscape models. PACS: 61.20.Lc; 67.40.F

    Ordering in a frustrated pyrochlore antiferromagnet proximate to a spin liquid

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    We perform a general study of spin ordering on the pyrochlore lattice with a 3:1 proportionality of two spin polarizations. Equivalently, this describes valence bond solid conformations of a quantum dimer model on the diamond lattice. We determine the set of likely low temperature ordered phases, on the assumption that the ordering is weak, i.e the system is close to a ``U(1)'' quantum spin liquid in which the 3:1 proportionality is maintained but the spins are strongly fluctuating. The nature of the 9 ordered states we find is determined by a ``projective symmetry'' analysis. All the phases exhibit translational and rotational symmetry breaking, with an enlarged unit cell containing 4 to 64 primitive cells of the underlying pyrochlore. The simplest of the 9 phases is the same ``R'' state found earlier in a theoretical study of the ordering on the magnetization plateau in the S=3/2S=3/2 materials \cdaf and \hgaf. We suggest that the spin/dimer model proposed therein undergoes a direct transition from the spin liquid to the R state, and describe a field theory for the universal properties of this critical point, at zero and non-zero temperatures

    An Investigation of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Influences on the Aggressive Behavior of Crayfish

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    Several influences have been identified as important in determining aggressive (i.e. agonistic) hierarchy formation in crayfish, however the relative significance of these factors has yet to be determined. This study compares several aggressive influences, including previous winning or losing experiences, prior shelter possession, starvation, olfaction obstruction, and control treatments to determine which of these factors affect aggressive interactions to the greatest extent. The analysis will reveal which of these effects is strongest when directly confronted against one another. Each crayfish received one of the above treatments and then interacts with another size-matched crayfish that received a different treatment. All trials were recorded and then analyzed using a blind analysis scheme. Trials of each experimental treatment versus a size-matched naive crayfish have been completed to date, and the cross-comparison trials are currently in progress

    Absorption of dilaton s-wave in type 0B string theory

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    We find the absorption probability of dilaton field in type 0B string theory. Since the background solutions are of the form AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5 on both regions, we use the semiclassical formalism adopted in type IIB theory to find the absorption cross section. The background tachyon field solution was used as a reference to relate the solutions of the two regions. We also consider the possible corrections to absorption probability and the ln(lnz)\ln(\ln z) form of the correction is expected as in the calculation of the confinement solution.Comment: minor corrections, reference added, version to appear PR

    Dirichlet Branes on Orientifolds

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    We consider the classification of BPS and non-BPS D-branes in orientifold models. In particular we construct all stable BPS and non-BPS D-branes in the Gimon-Polchinski (GP) and Dabholkar-Park-Blum-Zaffaroni (DPBZ) orientifolds and determine their stability regions in moduli space as well as decay products. We find several kinds of integrally and torsion charged non-BPS D-branes. Certain of these are found to have projective representations of the orientifold ×\times GSO group on the Chan-Paton factors. It is found that the GP orientifold is not described by equivariant orthogonal K-theory as may have been at first expected. Instead a twisted version of this K-theory is expected to be relevant.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures. v2 typos corrected, references included, (4,s)-branes re-examine