23 research outputs found

    Skolverkets bedömningsstöd i matematik för årskurs 1 - en multipel fallstudie i två kommuner

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    Nyckelord: Skolverkets bedömningsstöd i matematik, systematiskt kvalitetsarbete, kartläggning, tidiga insatser, matematiksvårigheter Abstract Syfte Studiens syfte har varit att synliggöra det arbete som sker på förvaltningsnivå, skolnivå och lärarnivå med Skolverkets bedömningsstöd i matematik för åk 1, som blev obligatoriskt att genomföra 2016, och därmed ge en bild av hur kartläggningens resultat används i det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet på alla nivåer i utbildningsorganisationen. Eftersom bedömningsstödet är ett relativt nytt kartläggningsmaterial var ytterligare ett syfte att undersöka hur skolor organiserar arbetet med bedömningsstödet för att identifiera elever i matematiksvårigheter samt få kunskap om vilka insatser som görs utifrån resultaten. Teori Studien är huvudsakligen baserad på ett kommunikativt och relationsinriktat perspektiv som kan användas för att studera samspelet mellan skolan som organisation och den enskilde elevens förutsättningar för kunskapsutveckling. En teoretisk utgångspunkt togs även i det sociokulturella perspektivet där lärande sker genom kommunikation och i samspel med andra. Metod Utifrån studiens syfte valdes en multipel fallstudie som forskningsansats. Som metod användes semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet bestod av sex skolor uppdelade på två kommuner. 14 intervjuer genomfördes med yrkesgrupper från olika nivåer i utbildningsorganisationen. Verksamhetschef, kvalitets-utvecklare, rektorer och lärare deltog i studien. Resultat I studien framkommer att det är lärare som genomför kartläggningen av elevers matematikkunskaper med hjälp av bedömningsstödet i matematik för årskurs 1. Resultatet visar att den specialpedagogiska kompetensen delvis används i analysen av resultaten på kartläggningen. Vidare framkommer att bedömningsstödet kan ge elever i matematik-svårigheter ökade möjligheter att utvecklas i matematik då åtgärder sätts in tidigt på gruppnivå, i form av en kvalitativ undervisning som förändrat

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    Sedan mitten av 1940-talet har Fiskeriverkets Sötvattenslaboratorium provfiskat sjöar i olika delar av Sverige. Sedan mitten av 1980-talet har provfiskena i första hand utförts i kalkade sjöar för att följa fiskbeståndens utveckling efter kalkning. I början av 1990-talet utökades verksamheten till att omfatta även referenssjöar som ej skulle vara påverkade av någon lokal föroreningskälla. Detta för att detektera biologiska förändringar som beror av mer diffusa orsaker som t ex klimatförändringar och en ändrad deposition av luftföroreningar. Följande rapport redovisar resultaten från de 37 sjöar som provfiskades under år 2003 och innehåller en övergripande del samt en utvärdering av resultaten från varje sjö

    Inhaling salbutamol may decrease time to exhaustion in some contexts of heavy endurance performances.

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    PURPOSE: To study the effect of inhaling a beta-agonist (salbutamol) compared to placebo on skiing and cycling performance in well-trained elite athletes. METHODS: Three different exercise protocols were used, all with a cross-over double blind placebo-controlled design. Participants inhaled 800 µg salbutamol or a placebo prior to the test, which was repeated on a following day with the participants inhaling the other substance. Fifteen junior elite skiers performed four free-style high intensity sprints (1100 m/work time 3.5-4.5 min). Twelve elite cyclists carried out a short cycling protocol, starting with two 5 min submaximal workloads followed by a maximal intermittent performance test to exhaustion. Another 12 elite cyclists performed the maximal intermittent performance test to exhaustion after a 150 min long submaximal cycling protocol. RESULTS: Group mean time for the ski sprints increased, with no difference between treatment groups. In the short cycling protocol time to exhaustion was 9.1% (95% CI 52-161) lower after inhaling salbutamol compared to placebo and in the long cycling protocol time to exhaustion was 9.1% (95% CI - 121-267) lower after inhaling salbutamol compared to placebo. Blood lactate, heart rate and ventilation increased during submaximal exercise with salbutamol compared to placebo in the short cycling protocol (p < .05). CONCLUSION: This study could not confirm any positive performance effects from inhaling 800 µg salbutamol compared to placebo in skiing and high-intensity intermittent cycling performance. Instead, time to exhaustion in the maximal intermittent performance test was lower in both cycling protocols. HighlightsThere was no difference in performance time between salbutamol and placebo treatment in real-life applicable repeated ski sprints.Time to exhaustion in the maximal intermittent performance test was 9.1% lower after inhaling salbutamol compared to placebo, both when performed after 10 and 150 min of submaximal cycling

    Complications of video-assisted gastrostomy in children with or without a ventriculoperitoneal shunt

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    The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that the presence of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt ( VPS) influences the frequency of postoperative complications after video-assisted gastrostomy ( VAG) in children. When using a power of 80%, a critical value for significance of 5% and an assumed population-based standard deviation of 0.4, it will be required to have a sample size of at least 14 children to show that a difference of 0.6 is significant when using Student's t test for paired samples. Thus, 15 consecutive children with VPSs were included in the present study. All the children had nutritional problems and underwent a VAG operation at a tertiary care university hospital. After the operation, the children were prospectively followed up. Specially trained nurses documented all complications according to a protocol. For the purpose of comparison, we had a control group of neurologically disabled children without VPSs, matched for age and operated with VAG. The children did not present with any serious postoperative intra-abdominal complications or central nervous system infection. There was no significant difference in the frequency of minor complications between the studied group and the control group. This study did not reveal that children with VPSs who undergo a VAG button placement are at high risk for infection and subsequent shunt malfunction. They did not have more postoperative problems than a matched control group of neurologically disabled children

    Closure after gastrostomy button

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    A gastrostomy device is removed from the gastrostoma when no longer needed. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis of whether it is possible for the surgeon to decide which stoma has to be closed with a gastroraphy and which to leave for a spontaneous closure within a reasonable period of time. Out of a cohort of 321 patients, who had been operated with a video-assisted gastrostomy, we included all the 48 patients having had their gastrostomy button removed. These patients were carefully followed and the closure of the gastrostoma was registered. According to the institutional routine we waited at least 3 months after the removal of the gastrostomy device before suggesting to the child's guardians an operative closure of the stoma. In 26 patients the stoma closed within 3 months, whereas in 22 patients a surgical gastroraphy was performed. We found no differences between the two groups regarding the patients' diagnoses, the duration of the gastrostoma use or patient's age at the time of removal of the gastrostomy device. This study rejected the hypothesis of predictability of the gastrostoma closure. Thus, we recommend a routine expectance after the removal of a gastrostomy device for at least 1 month. If no spontaneous closure occurs, then a gastroraphy should be performed

    Multicentre phase II trial of capecitabine and oxaliplatin in combination with radiotherapy for unresectable colorectal cancer: The CORGI-L study.

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    AIMS: This study assessed radiotherapy combined with capecitabine and oxaliplatin in patients with primary, inextirpable colorectal adenocarcinoma. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-nine patients entered the trial. Two cycles of XELOX (capecitabine 1000mg/m(2) bid d1-14+oxaliplatin 130mg/m(2) d1, q3w) were followed by radiotherapy (50.4Gy), combined with capecitabine 825mg/m(2) bid every radiotherapy day and oxaliplatin 60mg/m(2) once weekly. The primary end-point was objective response. RESULTS: Forty-seven patients were evaluable. Twenty-nine (62% [95% CI: 46-75%]) achieved complete or partial response. Thirty-eight (81%) went through surgery of whom 37 (97%) had an R0 resection and five (13%) had a pathological complete response. Seventy-eight percent were alive and estimated local progression rate was 11% at 2 years. The most common grade 3+ toxicity during chemoradiotherapy was diarrhoea (24%). CONCLUSIONS: XELOX-RT was feasible and showed promising efficacy when treating patients with primary inextirpable colorectal cancer, establishing high local control rate

    Optimal fractionation of preoperative radiotherapy and timing to surgery for rectal cancer (Stockholm III) : A multicentre, randomised, non-blinded, phase 3, non-inferiority trial

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    Background: Radiotherapy reduces the risk of local recurrence in rectal cancer. However, the optimal radiotherapy fractionation and interval between radiotherapy and surgery is still under debate. We aimed to study recurrence in patients randomised between three different radiotherapy regimens with respect to fractionation and time to surgery. Methods: In this multicentre, randomised, non-blinded, phase 3, non-inferiority trial (Stockholm III), all patients with a biopsy-proven adenocarcinoma of the rectum, without signs of non-resectability or distant metastases, without severe cardiovascular comorbidity, and planned for an abdominal resection from 18 Swedish hospitals were eligible. Participants were randomly assigned with permuted blocks, stratified by participating centre, to receive either 5 × 5 Gy radiation dose with surgery within 1 week (short-course radiotherapy) or after 4-8 weeks (short-course radiotherapy with delay) or 25 × 2 Gy radiation dose with surgery after 4-8 weeks (long-course radiotherapy with delay). After a protocol amendment, randomisation could include all three treatments or just the two short-course radiotherapy treatments, per hospital preference. The primary endpoint was time to local recurrence calculated from the date of randomisation to the date of local recurrence. Comparisons between treatment groups were deemed non-inferior if the upper limit of a double-sided 90% CI for the hazard ratio (HR) did not exceed 1·7. Patients were analysed according to intention to treat for all endpoints. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00904813. Findings: Between Oct 5, 1998, and Jan 31, 2013, 840 patients were recruited and randomised; 385 patients in the three-arm randomisation, of whom 129 patients were randomly assigned to short-course radiotherapy, 128 to short-course radiotherapy with delay, and 128 to long-course radiotherapy with delay, and 455 patients in the two-arm randomisation, of whom 228 were randomly assigned to short-course radiotherapy and 227 to short-course radiotherapy with delay. In patients with any local recurrence, median time from date of randomisation to local recurrence in the pooled short-course radiotherapy comparison was 33·4 months (range 18·2-62·2) in the short-course radiotherapy group and 19·3 months (8·5-39·5) in the short-course radiotherapy with delay group. Median time to local recurrence in the long-course radiotherapy with delay group was 33·3 months (range 17·8-114·3). Cumulative incidence of local recurrence in the whole trial was eight of 357 patients who received short-course radiotherapy, ten of 355 who received short-course radiotherapy with delay, and seven of 128 who received long-course radiotherapy (HR vs short-course radiotherapy: short-course radiotherapy with delay 1·44 [95% CI 0·41-5·11]; long-course radiotherapy with delay 2·24 [0·71-7·10]; p=0·48; both deemed non-inferior). Acute radiation-induced toxicity was recorded in one patient (<1%) of 357 after short-course radiotherapy, 23 (7%) of 355 after short-course radiotherapy with delay, and six (5%) of 128 patients after long-course radiotherapy with delay. Frequency of postoperative complications was similar between all arms when the three-arm randomisation was analysed (65 [50%] of 129 patients in the short-course radiotherapy group; 48 [38%] of 128 patients in the short-course radiotherapy with delay group; 50 [39%] of 128 patients in the long-course radiotherapy with delay group; odds ratio [OR] vs short-course radiotherapy: short-course radiotherapy with delay 0·59 [95% CI 0·36-0·97], long-course radiotherapy with delay 0·63 [0·38-1·04], p=0·075). However, in a pooled analysis of the two short-course radiotherapy regimens, the risk of postoperative complications was significantly lower after short-course radiotherapy with delay than after short-course radiotherapy (144 [53%] of 355 vs 188 [41%] of 357; OR 0·61 [95% CI 0·45-0·83] p=0·001). Interpretation: Delaying surgery after short-course radiotherapy gives similar oncological results compared with short-course radiotherapy with immediate surgery. Long-course radiotherapy with delay is similar to both short-course radiotherapy regimens, but prolongs the treatment time substantially. Although radiation-induced toxicity was seen after short-course radiotherapy with delay, postoperative complications were significantly reduced compared with short-course radiotherapy. Based on these findings, we suggest that short-course radiotherapy with delay to surgery is a useful alternative to conventional short-course radiotherapy with immediate surgery. Funding: Swedish Research Council, Swedish Cancer Society, Stockholm Cancer Society, and the Regional Agreement on Medical Training and Clinical Research in Stockholm

    Effects of winter tyres : state of the art

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    Choice of winter tyres has, from mainly being a matter of safety and economic costs for wearing of road pavements, during later years also become a matter of inhalable particles formed during pavement wear from studded tyres and their negative effects on public health. Further, the tyres' effects on environment and noise have been illustrated in several studies. The issue is also complicated by the fact that tyre choice effects on traffic safety have several components, including such diverging parameters as friction and behaviour. Finally all aspects have to be evaluated from a socioeconomic point of view for society to be able to decide which kind of distribution of tyre types that is the most profitable. This report is a summary of current knowledge in this complex research field.Valet av vinterdäck har, från att i huvudsak varit en fråga om trafiksäkerhet och slitage av vägar under senare år även kommit att handla om negativa effekter av de inandningsbara partiklar som bildas då dubbdäck sliter på vägbanan och de effekter på befolkningens hälsa som dessa partiklar har. Vidare har vägslitagets inverkan på miljön genom spridning av bl.a. tungmetaller belysts liksom däckvalets betydelse för bullerproblematiken. Frågan kompliceras ytterligare av att däckvalets betydelse för trafiksäkerheten har många beståndsdelar inkluderande såväl tekniska parametrar, t.ex. friktion, som beteendevetenskapliga aspekter. I slutändan måste alla dessa aspekter vägas samman samhälls-ekonomiskt för att den för samhället mest lönsamma däckanvändningen skall kunna uppnås. Denna rapport belyser kunskapsläget inom detta komplexa problemområde