355 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Within-day Energy Balance and Protein Distribution on Body Composition in Collegiate Female Basketball Players

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    Background: Previous research suggests associations between energy balance, eating frequency, macronutrient content, and macronutrient distribution with body composition. In particular, energy balance and protein intake have been conventionally evaluated in 24-hr time blocks, consistent with dietary recommendations and general public understanding. However, there is a potential benefit to investigating energy balance and protein intake in smaller increments of time to account for dynamic changes that occur within-day.Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate protein intake/distribution relative to energy balance fluctuations during the day and body composition in collegiate female basketball players.Methods: Subjects provided information on dietary intake and expenditure. Body composition was assessed by multi-current bioelectrical impedance. Energy balance (EB) and related protein distribution variables were determined with a Computerized Time-Line Energy Analysis procedure. Data were analyzed for associations between energy balance, protein intake and distribution, and body composition. Data are displayed as either traditional 24-hr EB and total protein intake or dynamic protein variables in relation to real-time EB (ingestion within ± 400 kcal EB or \u3e 0 kcal EB).Results: There was no relationship between net 24-hr energy balance and percentage body fat. A statistically significant positive relationship was observed between total protein intake and body fat mass (R = .597; p = .031). No relationship was observed between protein distribution variables (g in ± 400 kcal EB, g in \u3e 0 kcal EB) and percentage body fat. Protein eating occurrences (\u3e10g, ± 400 kcal EB) was inversely correlated with BMI (R = -.650; p = .016). Subjects with the greatest energy deficits presented with lower lean body mass (R= -.736; p = .004).Conclusion: These data suggest that within-day protein distribution relative to energy balance are associated with BMI, but not with percentage body fat. Those with the highest protein intake had the highest body fat mass, with no correlation between protein intake and total energy intake detected. In this group, no association between 24hr intake net values or within-day intake values were found to be related to body fat percentage. However, the greatest energy balance deficit during the day was strongly inversely associated with lean body mass, indicative of potentially deleterious effects of energy restriction

    Asociaciones vecinales en la posguerra : nuevas demandas y prestaciones sociales, ciudad de Córdoba

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    El propósito de este artículo es analizar el desarrollo de las asociaciones barriales en la ciudad de Córdoba durante el período 1943-1955 en orden de identificar la trayectoria de esas organizaciones, sus interacciones con el Estado y el gobierno peronista, sus funciones en el espacio urbano y, especialmente, su participación en la producción de servicios sociales como la salud, la asistencia social y el consumo. Esto nos permitirá comprender la contribución de las asociaciones vecinales a la vida social y política de la época y su intervención en la construcción de políticas sociales.The purpose of this article is to analyze the development of neighborhood associations in the city of Córdoba during the period 1943-1955 in order to identify the trajectory of those organizations, their interaction with the state and the peronist government, their function in the urban space and, especially, their participation in the production of social services as health, social assistance, and consumption. This research will allow us understand the contribution of neighborhood associations to the social and political life of that time and their intervention in the construction of social policies.Fil: Ortiz Bergia, María José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Houses for the workers: the state planes of social housing in the peronist Córdoba

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    Este trabajo buscó identificar las intervenciones en torno a la vivienda social implementadas en la ciudad de Córdoba durante los gobiernos peronistas, intentando comprender las lógicas políticas en las que se desarrollaron, sus principales características y dimensiones. Al respecto, la investigación nos permitió reconocer que las políticas de vivienda del período cambiaron en términos cuantitativos y cualitativos, promoviendo intensas transformaciones en las características urbanas de la ciudad y mejorando las condiciones de vida de la población. En el artículo analizamos cómo esa expansión de las políticas habitacionales fue el resultado de mecanismos directos e indirectos articulados por diferentes jurisdicciones, nacionales y provinciales.This paper had the aims to identify the state interventions over the social housing implemented in the city of Córdoba during the peronist government. We tried to understand their relations with the political context of the epoch, their major characteristics, dimensions and impacts. This research allowed us to recognize that the housing policies in Córdoba during the post-war changed in quantitative and qualitative terms and, in that way, they promoted an intense transformation of the urban characteristics of the city and an improvement of the living conditions of the population. In the paper, we analyzed how this expansion of the housing policies was the results of direct and indirect mechanisms articulated by different jurisdictions, national and provincial.Fil: Ortiz Bergia, María José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro de Estudios Históricos "Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti"; Argentin

    The uses of spatial scales and the historiographical practices within Argentina: an approach exercise based on the study of social policies

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    En las últimas décadas, en la historiografía argentina han surgido polos de conocimiento desde el interior nacional que buscan articular alternativas a una producción académica generada en Buenos Aires. El propósito de este artículo es revisar las fortalezas y las debilidades de esas investigaciones analizando cómo construyen sus escalas espaciales de estudio. Este trabajo provee algunas respuestas preliminares a esta cuestión examinando la producción reciente dentro del campo de la historia social dedicada al estudio de las políticas sociales. El supuesto principal del trabajo es que muchos de los trabajos de este tipo suelen prestar escasa atención a la reflexión metodológica sobre sus marcos espaciales de investigación, limitando el alcance explicativo de sus trabajos y sus posibilidades de repensar el conocimiento historiográfico previo.In the past decades, new sources of knowledge from the interior of the country have emerged in the Argentine historiography, seeking to articulate alternatives to the academic production generated in Buenos Aires. The purpose of this article is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of these investigations, by analyzing how they construct their spatial scales of research. This paper provides some preliminary answers to this question, examining the recent production in the field of social history dedicated to social policies. The main assumption of this article is that these kinds of studies usually do not pay the due attention to the methodological reflection about their spatial scales of research. In that way, they reduce their explanatory scope and the possibilities of rethinking the previous historiographical knowledge.Fil: Ortiz Bergia, María José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentin

    The risk of responsibility of the organ of administration of the cooperative societies in situations of insolvency, and of patrimonial losses

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    The current paper covers the aspect of the cooperative company´s directors legal responsability in situations of patrimonial losses and insolvency. The Study tries to present wich is the current Law, for what truns out to be necesary bear in mind the different treatment on the different cooperative autonomic laws. The study takes in consideration the jurisprudential treatment, wich allows us to value the practical transcendency of the interpretation which is the Court to the recentt reforms. The responsability in the Insolvency Law is an object of tratment differentiated in the last paragraphDirectors; cooperative company; responsability; insolvency; patrimonial losses

    Synchronization Gauges and the Principles of Special Relativity

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    The axiomatic bases of Special Relativity Theory (SRT) are thoroughly re-examined from an operational point of view, with particular emphasis on the status of Einstein synchronization in the light of the possibility of arbitrary synchronization procedures in inertial reference frames. Once correctly and explicitly phrased, the principles of SRT allow for a wide range of `theories' that differ from the standard SRT only for the difference in the chosen synchronization procedures, but are wholly equivalent to SRT in predicting empirical facts. This results in the introduction, in the full background of SRT, of a suitable synchronization gauge. A complete hierarchy of synchronization gauges is introduced and elucidated, ranging from the useful Selleri synchronization gauge (which should lead, according to Selleri, to a multiplicity of theories alternative to SRT) to the more general Mansouri-Sexl synchronization gauge and, finally, to the even more general Anderson-Vetharaniam-Stedman's synchronization gauge. It is showed that all these gauges do not challenge the SRT, as claimed by Selleri, but simply lead to a number of formalisms which leave the geometrical structure of Minkowski spacetime unchanged. Several aspects of fundamental and applied interest related to the conventional aspect of the synchronization choice are discussed, encompassing the issue of the one-way velocity of light on inertial and rotating reference frames, the GPS's working, and the recasting of Maxwell equations in generic synchronizations. Finally, it is showed how the gauge freedom introduced in SRT can be exploited in order to give a clear explanation of the Sagnac effect for counter-propagating matter beams.Comment: 56 pages, 3 eps figures, invited paper; to appear in Foundations of Physics (Special Issue to honor Prof. Franco Selleri on his 70th birthday

    Necessary Participants: National Centralization, Local Elites and Health Policies, in Córdoba 1946-1955

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    Durante el peronismo histórico fue gestado un proceso de intensa centralización de la autoridad y del control de las políticas públicas en el país que implicó un incremento inédito en las atribuciones y responsabilidades del Estado nacional en las jurisdicciones subnacionales. Con la finalidad de profundizar en la explicación de ese fenómeno, este artículo se interroga por las condiciones locales que hicieron posible la centralización de las políticas sanitarias. Para ello, la investigación se centró en el análisis de la Dirección General de Sanidad del Centro (DGSC), agencia dependiente del Ministerio de Salud Pública de la Nación creada en 1950 en la ciudad de Córdoba con actuación en esa provincia, Santiago del Estero y La Rioja. El estudio sobre el desenvolvimiento y los funcionarios responsables de esta agencia permite conocer algunos de los factores que posibilitaron una experiencia exitosa de centralización de las políticas públicas a mediados del siglo XX.During historical Peronism, there was a process of intense centralization of authority and control of public policies in the country. This phenomenon implied an unprecedented increase in the powers and responsibilities of the National State in subnational jurisdictions. In that historical context, the purpose of this article is to examine the local conditions that made possible the national centralization of the health policies. To this end, it is focused on the analysis of the Dirección General de Sanidad del Centro (DGSC), an agency under the Ministry of Public Health of the Nation created in 1950 in the city of Córdoba with action in that province, Santiago del Estero and The Rioja. The study of the development and officials of this agency reveals some of the factors that made possible a successful experience of centralization of public policies in the mid-twentieth century.Ortiz Bergia, María José. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. CONICET; Argentina

    Existence of the Schmidt decomposition for tripartite systems

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    For any bipartite quantum system the Schmidt decomposition allows us to express the state vector in terms of a single sum instead of double sums. We show the existence of the Schmidt decomposition for tripartite system under certain condition. If the partial inner product of a basis (belonging to a Hilbert space of smaller dimension) with the state of the composite system gives a disentangled basis, then the Schmidt decomposition for a tripartite system exists. In this case the reduced density matrix of each of the subsystem has equal spectrum in the Schmidt basis.Comment: Latex prerpint style, 7 page