106 research outputs found
Flat bands with higher Chern number in pyrochlore slabs
A large number of recent works point to the emergence of intriguing analogs
of fractional quantum Hall states in lattice models due to effective
interactions in nearly flat bands with Chern number C=1. Here, we provide an
intuitive and efficient construction of almost dispersionless bands with higher
Chern numbers. Inspired by the physics of quantum Hall multilayers and
pyrochlore-based transition-metal oxides, we study a tight-binding model
describing spin-orbit coupled electrons in N parallel kagome layers connected
by apical sites forming N-1 intermediate triangular layers (as in the
pyrochlore lattice). For each N, we find finite regions in parameter space
giving a virtually flat band with C=N. We analytically express the states
within these topological bands in terms of single-layer states and thereby
explicitly demonstrate that the C=N wave functions have an appealing structure
in which layer index and translations in reciprocal space are intricately
coupled. This provides a promising arena for new collective states of matter.Comment: 5+3 pages. Title extended, as publishe
Topological Flat Band Models and Fractional Chern Insulators
Topological insulators and their intriguing edge states can be understood in
a single-particle picture and can as such be exhaustively classified.
Interactions significantly complicate this picture and can lead to entirely new
insulating phases, with an altogether much richer and less explored
phenomenology. Most saliently, lattice generalizations of fractional quantum
Hall states, dubbed fractional Chern insulators, have recently been predicted
to be stabilized by interactions within nearly dispersionless bands with
non-zero Chern number, . Contrary to their continuum analogues, these states
do not require an external magnetic field and may potentially persist even at
room temperature, which make these systems very attractive for possible
applications such as topological quantum computation. This review recapitulates
the basics of tight-binding models hosting nearly flat bands with non-trivial
topology, , and summarizes the present understanding of interactions
and strongly correlated phases within these bands. Emphasis is made on
microscopic models, highlighting the analogy with continuum Landau level
physics, as well as qualitatively new, lattice specific, aspects including
Berry curvature fluctuations, competing instabilities as well as novel
collective states of matter emerging in bands with . Possible
experimental realizations, including oxide interfaces and cold atom
implementations as well as generalizations to flat bands characterized by other
topological invariants are also discussed.Comment: Invited review. 46 pages, many illustrations and references. V2:
final version with minor improvements and added reference
Non-Hermitian Weyl Physics in Topological Insulator Ferromagnet Junctions
We introduce and investigate material junctions as a generic and tuneable
electronic platform for the realization of exotic non-Hermitian (NH)
topological states of matter, where the NH character is induced by the surface
self-energy of a thermal reservoir. As a conceptually rich and immediately
experimentally realizable example, we consider a three-dimensional topological
insulator (TI) coupled to a ferromagnetic lead. Remarkably, the symmetry
protected TI is promoted in a dissipative fashion to a non-symmetry protected
NH Weyl phase with no direct Hermitian counterpart and which exhibits
robustness against any perturbation. The transition between a gapped phase and
the NH Weyl phase may be readily tuned experimentally with the magnetization
direction of the ferromagnetic lead. Given the robustness of this exotic nodal
phase, our general analysis also applies to, e.g., a two-dimensional electron
gas close to criticality in proximity to a ferromagnetic lead. There, the
predicted bulk Fermi arcs are directly amenable to surface spectroscopy methods
such as angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Effective spin chains for fractional quantum Hall states
Fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states are topologically ordered which
indicates that their essential properties are insensitive to smooth
deformations of the manifold on which they are studied. Their microscopic
Hamiltonian description, however, strongly depends on geometrical details.
Recent work has shown how this dependence can be exploited to generate
effective models that are both interesting in their own right and also provide
further insight into the quantum Hall system. We review and expand on recent
efforts to understand the FQH system close to the solvable thin-torus limit in
terms of effective spin chains. In particular, we clarify how the difference
between the bosonic and fermionic FQH states, which is not apparent in the
thin-torus limit, can be seen at this level. Additionally, we discuss the
relation of the Haldane-Shastry chain to the so-called QH circle limit and
comment on its significance to recent entanglement studies.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Written for a Special Issue on Foundations of
Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience in Journal of Computational and
Theoretical Nanoscience (proceedings for nanoPHYS'09 in Tokyo
Link between the hierarchy of fractional quantum Hall states and Haldane's conjecture for quantum spin chains
We study a strong coupling expansion of the fractional quantum Hall
state away from the Tao-Thouless limit and show that the leading quantum
fluctuations lead to an effective spin-1 Hamiltonian that lacks parity
symmetry. By analyzing the energetics, discrete symmetries of low-lying
excitations, and string order parameters, we demonstrate that the
fractional quantum Hall state is adiabatically connected to both Haldane and
large- phases, and is characterized by a string order parameter which is
dual to the ordinary one. This result indicates a close relation between (a
generalized form of) the Haldane conjecture for spin chains and the fractional
quantum Hall effect.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure
Non-Abelian Fractional Chern Insulators from Long-Range Interactions
The recent theoretical discovery of fractional Chern insulators (FCIs) has
provided an important new way to realize topologically ordered states in
lattice models. In earlier works, on-site and nearest neighbor Hubbard-like
interactions have been used extensively to stabilize Abelian FCIs in systems
with nearly flat, topologically nontrivial bands. However, attempts to use
two-body interactions to stabilize non-Abelian FCIs, where the ground state in
the presence of impurities can be massively degenerate and manipulated through
anyon braiding, have proven very difficult in uniform lattice systems. Here, we
study the remarkable effect of long-range interactions in a lattice model that
possesses an exactly flat lowest band with a unit Chern number. When spinless
bosons with two-body long-range interactions partially fill the lowest Chern
band, we find convincing evidence of gapped, bosonic Read-Rezayi (RR) phases
with non-Abelian anyon statistics. We characterize these states through
studying topological degeneracies, the overlap between the ground states of
two-body interactions and the exact RR ground states of three- and four-body
interactions, and state counting in the particle-cut entanglement spectrum.
Moreover, we demonstrate how an approximate lattice form of Haldane's
pseudopotentials, analogous to that in the continuum, can be used as an
efficient guiding principle in the search for lattice models with stable
non-Abelian phases.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. As publishe
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