26,466 research outputs found

    Hunting Local Mixmaster Dynamics in Spatially Inhomogeneous Cosmologies

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    Heuristic arguments and numerical simulations support the Belinskii et al (BKL) claim that the approach to the singularity in generic gravitational collapse is characterized by local Mixmaster dynamics (LMD). Here, one way to identify LMD in collapsing spatially inhomogeneous cosmologies is explored. By writing the metric of one spacetime in the standard variables of another, signatures for LMD may be found. Such signatures for the dynamics of spatially homogeneous Mixmaster models in the variables of U(1)-symmetric cosmologies are reviewed. Similar constructions for U(1)-symmetric spacetimes in terms of the dynamics of generic T2T^2-symmetric spacetime are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to CQG Special Issue "A Spacetime Safari: Essays in Honour of Vincent Moncrief

    Band Gap and Edge Engineering via Ferroic Distortion and Anisotropic Strain: The Case of SrTiO3_{3}

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    The effects of ferroic distortion and biaxial strain on the band gap and band edges of SrTiO3_{3} (STO) are calculated using density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory. Anisotropic strains are shown to reduce the gap by breaking degeneracies at the band edges. Ferroic distortions are shown to widen the gap by allowing new band edge orbital mixings. Compressive biaxial strains raise band edge energies, while tensile strains lower them. To reduce the STO gap, one must lower the symmetry from cubic while suppressing ferroic distortions. Our calculations indicate that for engineered orientation of the growth direction along [111], the STO gap can be controllably and considerably reduced at room temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Fluctuations in superconducting rings with two order parameters

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    Starting from the Ginzburg-Landau energy functional, we discuss how the presence of two order parameters and the coupling between them influence a superconducting ring in the fluctuative regime. Our method is exact, but requires numerical implementation. We also study approximations for which some analytic expressions can be obtained, and check their ranges of validity. We provide estimates for the temperature ranges where fluctuations are important, calculate the persistent current in magnesium diboride rings as a function of temperature and enclosed flux, and point out its additional dependence on the cross-section area of the ring. We find temperature regions in which fluctuations enhance the persistent currents and regions where they inhibit the persistent current. The presence of two order parameters that can fluctuate independently always leads to larger averages of the order parameters at Tc, but only for appropriate parameters this yields larger persistent current. In cases of very different material parameters for the two coupled condensates, the persistent current is inhibited

    Evidence for an oscillatory singularity in generic U(1) symmetric cosmologies on T3×RT^3 \times R

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    A longstanding conjecture by Belinskii, Lifshitz, and Khalatnikov that the singularity in generic gravitational collapse is locally oscillatory is tested numerically in vacuum, U(1) symmetric cosmological spacetimes on T3×RT^3 \times R. If the velocity term dominated (VTD) solution to Einstein's equations is substituted into the Hamiltonian for the full Einstein evolution equations, one term is found to grow exponentially. This generates a prediction that oscillatory behavior involving this term and another (which the VTD solution causes to decay exponentially) should be observed in the approach to the singularity. Numerical simulations strongly support this prediction.Comment: 15 pages, Revtex, includes 12 figures, psfig. High resolution versions of figures 7, 8, 9, and 11 may be obtained from anonymous ftp to ftp://vela.acs.oakland.edu/pub/berger/u1genfig

    Parity Effect in a Small Superconducting Particle

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    Matveev and Larkin calculated the parity effect on the ground state energy of a small superconducting particle in the regimes where the mean level spacing is either large or small compared to the bulk gap. We perform a numerical calculation which extends their results into the intermediate regime, where the level spacing is of the same order as the bulk gap.Comment: 6 LaTeX pages, including 2 EPS figures; corrected reference and spellin

    Anomalously enhanced photoemission from the Dirac point and symmetry of the self-energy variations for the surface states in Bi2Se3

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    Accurate analysis of the photoemission intensity from the surface states of Bi2Se3 reveals two unusual features: spectral line asymmetry and anomalously enhanced photoemission from the Dirac point. The former indicates a certain symmetry of a scattering process, which results in strongly k\omega-dependent contribution to the imaginary part of the self-energy that changes sign while crossing both the dispersion curves and the energy of the Dirac point. The latter is hard to describe by one particle spectral function while a final state interference seems to be plausible explanation

    The canonical 8-form on manifolds with holonomy group Spin(9)

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    An explicit expression of the canonical 8-form on a Riemannian manifold with a Spin(9)-structure, in terms of the nine local symmetric involutions involved, is given. The list of explicit expressions of all the canonical forms related to Berger's list of holonomy groups is thus completed. Moreover, some results on Spin(9)-structures as G-structures defined by a tensor and on the curvature tensor of the Cayley planes, are obtained

    Cities in fiction: Perambulations with John Berger

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    This paper explores selected novels by John Berger in which cities play a central role. These cities are places, partially real and partially imagined, where memory, hope, and despair intersect. My reading of the novels enables me to trace important themes in recent discourses on the nature of contemporary capitalism, including notions of resistance and universality. I also show how Berger?s work points to a writing that can break free from the curious capacity of capitalism to absorb and feed of its critique

    High-energy hadron-hadron (dipole-dipole) scattering from lattice QCD

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    In this paper the problem of high-energy hadron-hadron (dipole-dipole) scattering is approached (for the first time) from the point of view of lattice QCD, by means of Monte Carlo numerical simulations. In the first part, we give a brief review of how high-energy scattering amplitudes can be reconstructed, using a functional-integral approach, in terms of certain correlation functions of two Wilson loops and we also briefly recall some relevant analyticity and crossing-symmetry properties of these loop-loop correlation functions, when going from Euclidean to Minkowskian theory. In the second part, we shall see how these (Euclidean) loop-loop correlation functions can be evaluated in lattice QCD and we shall compare our numerical results with some nonperturbative analytical estimates that appeared in the literature, discussing in particular the question of the analytic continuation from Euclidean to Minkowskian theory and its relation to the still unsolved problem of the asymptotic s-dependence of the hadron-hadron total cross sections.Comment: Revised version (to be published in Phys. Rev. D) with new comments in section 4, a new figure [Fig. 6], two new references in Refs. [3] and [34], and some other minor changes; 27 pages, 17 figure
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