1,969 research outputs found

    Hyperfine clock transitions of bismuth donors in silicon detected by spin-dependent recombination

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    Bismuth donors ion-implanted in 28Si and natSi are studied using magnetic resonance spectroscopy based on spin-dependent recombination. The hyperfine clock transition, at which the linewidth is significantly narrowed, is observed for the bismuth donors. The experimental results are modeled quantitatively by molecular orbital theory for a coupled pair consisting of a bismuth donor and a spin-dependent recombination readout center, including the effect of hyperfine and Zeeman interactions

    Chytridiomycosis causes catastrophic organism-wide metabolic dysregulation including profound failure of cellular energy pathways

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    Chytridiomycosis is among several recently emerged fungal diseases of wildlife that have caused decline or extinction of naive populations. Despite recent advances in understanding pathogenesis, host response to infection remains poorly understood. Here we modelled a total of 162 metabolites across skin and liver tissues of 61 frogs from four populations (three long-exposed and one naive to the fungus) of the Australian alpine tree frog (Litoria verreauxii alpina) throughout a longitudinal exposure experiment involving both infected and negative control individuals. We found that chytridiomycosis dramatically altered the organism-wide metabolism of clinically diseased frogs. Chytridiomycosis caused catastrophic failure of normal homeostatic mechanisms (interruption of biosynthetic and degradation metabolic pathways), and pronounced dysregulation of cellular energy metabolism. Key intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle were markedly depleted, including in particular a-ketoglutarate and glutamate that together constitute a key nutrient pathway for immune processes. This study was the first to apply a non-targeted metabolomics approach to a fungal wildlife disease and specifically to dissect the host-pathogen interface of Bd-infected frogs. The patterns of metabolite accumulation we have identified reveal whole-body metabolic dysfunction induced by a fungal skin infection, and these findings have broad relevance for other fungal diseases

    Group testing with Random Pools: Phase Transitions and Optimal Strategy

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    The problem of Group Testing is to identify defective items out of a set of objects by means of pool queries of the form "Does the pool contain at least a defective?". The aim is of course to perform detection with the fewest possible queries, a problem which has relevant practical applications in different fields including molecular biology and computer science. Here we study GT in the probabilistic setting focusing on the regime of small defective probability and large number of objects, p→0p \to 0 and N→∞N \to \infty. We construct and analyze one-stage algorithms for which we establish the occurrence of a non-detection/detection phase transition resulting in a sharp threshold, Mˉ\bar M, for the number of tests. By optimizing the pool design we construct algorithms whose detection threshold follows the optimal scaling Mˉ∝Np∣log⁡p∣\bar M\propto Np|\log p|. Then we consider two-stages algorithms and analyze their performance for different choices of the first stage pools. In particular, via a proper random choice of the pools, we construct algorithms which attain the optimal value (previously determined in Ref. [16]) for the mean number of tests required for complete detection. We finally discuss the optimal pool design in the case of finite pp

    Metabolic characterization of the natural progression of chronic hepatitis B

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    Background: Worldwide, over 350 million people are chronically infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and are at increased risk of developing progressive liver diseases. The confinement of HBV replication to the liver, which also acts as the central hub for metabolic and nutritional regulation, emphasizes the interlinked nature of host metabolism and the disease. Still, the metabolic processes operational during the distinct clinical phases of a chronic HBV infection-immune tolerant, immune active, inactive carrier, and HBeAg-negative hepatitis phases-remains unexplored. Methods: To investigate this, we conducted a targeted metabolomics approach on serum to determine the metabolic progression over the clinical phases of chronic HBV infection, using patient samples grouped based on their HBV DNA, alanine aminotransferase, and HBeAg serum levels. Results: Our data illustrate the strength of metabolomics to provide insight into the metabolic dysregulation experienced during chronic HBV. The immune tolerant phase is characterized by the speculated viral hijacking of the glycerol-3-phosphate-NADH shuttle, explaining the reduced glycerophospholipid and increased plasmalogen species, indicating a strong link to HBV replication. The persisting impairment of the choline glycerophospholipids, even during the inactive carrier phase with minimal HBV activity, alludes to possible metabolic imprinting effects. The progression of chronic HBV is associated with increased concentrations of very long chain triglycerides together with citrulline and ornithine, reflective of a dysregulated urea cycle peaking in the HBV envelope antigen-negative phase. Conclusions: The work presented here will aid in future studies to (i) validate and understand the implication of these metabolic changes using a thorough systems biology approach, (ii) monitor and predict disease severity, as well as (iii) determine the therapeutic value of the glycerol-3-phosphate-NADH shuttle

    Irreducible holonomy algebras of Riemannian supermanifolds

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    Possible irreducible holonomy algebras \g\subset\osp(p,q|2m) of Riemannian supermanifolds under the assumption that \g is a direct sum of simple Lie superalgebras of classical type and possibly of a one-dimensional center are classified. This generalizes the classical result of Marcel Berger about the classification of irreducible holonomy algebras of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds.Comment: 27 pages, the final versio

    The Flare-energy Distributions Generated by Kink-unstable Ensembles of Zero-net-current Coronal Loops

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    It has been proposed that the million degree temperature of the corona is due to the combined effect of barely-detectable energy releases, so called nanoflares, that occur throughout the solar atmosphere. Alas, the nanoflare density and brightness implied by this hypothesis means that conclusive verification is beyond present observational abilities. Nevertheless, we investigate the plausibility of the nanoflare hypothesis by constructing a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model that can derive the energy of a nanoflare from the nature of an ideal kink instability. The set of energy-releasing instabilities is captured by an instability threshold for linear kink modes. Each point on the threshold is associated with a unique energy release and so we can predict a distribution of nanoflare energies. When the linear instability threshold is crossed, the instability enters a nonlinear phase as it is driven by current sheet reconnection. As the ensuing flare erupts and declines, the field transitions to a lower energy state, which is modelled by relaxation theory, i.e., helicity is conserved and the ratio of current to field becomes invariant within the loop. We apply the model so that all the loops within an ensemble achieve instability followed by energy-releasing relaxation. The result is a nanoflare energy distribution. Furthermore, we produce different distributions by varying the loop aspect ratio, the nature of the path to instability taken by each loop and also the level of radial expansion that may accompany loop relaxation. The heating rate obtained is just sufficient for coronal heating. In addition, we also show that kink instability cannot be associated with a critical magnetic twist value for every point along the instability threshold

    Climate Variability and Oceanographic Settings Associated with Interannual Variability in the Initiation of Dinophysis acuminata Blooms

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    In 2012, there were exceptional blooms of D. acuminata in early spring in what appeared to be a mesoscale event affecting Western Iberia and the Bay of Biscay. The objective of this work was to identify common climatic patterns to explain the observed anomalies in two important aquaculture sites, the Galician RĂ­as Baixas (NW Spain) and Arcachon Bay (SW France). Here, we examine climate variability through physical-biological couplings, Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomalies and time of initiation of the upwelling season and its intensity over several decades. In 2012, the mesoscale features common to the two sites were positive anomalies in SST and unusual wind patterns. These led to an atypical predominance of upwelling in winter in the Galician RĂ­as, and increased haline stratification associated with a southward advection of the Gironde plume in Arcachon Bay. Both scenarios promoted an early phytoplankton growth season and increased stability that enhanced D. acuminata growth. Therefore, a common climate anomaly caused exceptional blooms of D. acuminata in two distant regions through different triggering mechanisms. These results increase our capability to predict intense diarrhetic shellfish poisoning outbreaks in the early spring from observations in the preceding winter

    Displaying the Heterogeneity of the SN 2002cx-like Subclass of Type Ia Supernovae with Observations of the Pan-STARRS-1 Discovered SN2009ku

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    SN2009ku, discovered by Pan-STARRS-1, is a Type Ia supernova (SNIa), and a member of the distinct SN2002cx-like class of SNeIa. Its light curves are similar to the prototypical SN2002cx, but are slightly broader and have a later rise to maximum in g. SN2009ku is brighter (~0.6 mag) than other SN2002cx-like objects, peaking at M_V = -18.4 mag - which is still significantly fainter than typical SNeIa. SN2009ku, which had an ejecta velocity of ~2000 kms^-1 at 18 days after maximum brightness is spectroscopically most similar to SN2008ha, which also had extremely low-velocity ejecta. However, SN2008ha had an exceedingly low luminosity, peaking at M_V = -14.2 mag, ~4 mag fainter than SN2009ku. The contrast of high luminosity and low ejecta velocity for SN2009ku is contrary to an emerging trend seen for the SN2002cx class. SN2009ku is a counter-example of a previously held belief that the class was more homogeneous than typical SNeIa, indicating that the class has a diverse progenitor population and/or complicated explosion physics. As the first example of a member of this class of objects from the new generation of transient surveys, SN2009ku is an indication of the potential for these surveys to find rare and interesting objects.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Localization corrections to the anomalous Hall effect in a ferromagnet

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    We calculate the localization corrections to the anomalous Hall conductivity related to the contribution of spin-orbit scattering into the current vertex (side-jump mechanism). We show that in contrast to the ordinary Hall effect, there exists a nonvanishing localization correction to the anomalous Hall resistivity. The correction to the anomalous Hall conductivity vanishes in the case of side-jump mechanism, but is nonzero for the skew scattering. The total correction to the nondiagonal conductivity related to both mechanisms, does not compensate the correction to the diagonal conductivity.Comment: 7 pages with 7 figure

    Modeling the Radio and X-ray Emission of SN 1993J and SN 2002ap

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    Modeling of radio and X-ray observations of supernovae interacting with their circumstellar media are discussed, with special application to SN 1993J and SN 2002ap. We emphasize the importance of including all relevant physical mechanisms, especially for the modeling of the radio light curves. The different conclusions for the absorption mechanism (free-free or synchrotron self-absorption), as well as departures from an ρ∝r−2\rho \propto r^{-2} CSM, as inferred by some authors, are discussed in detail. We conclude that the evidence for a variation in the mass loss rate with time is very weak. The results regarding the efficiencies of magnetic field generation and relativistic particle acceleration are summarized.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Uses svmult.cls. To appear in proceedings of IAU Colloquium 192 "Supernovae (10 years of SN 1993J)", April 2003, Valencia, Spain, eds. J. M. Marcaide and K. W. Weile
