344 research outputs found

    The Smiling, The Sick, The Suffereing: Snapshots of Syrian Displacement

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    Photographic images of Syrian refugees - smiling, sick, or suffering - on the news and in the ads of human rights organizations have been employed to mobilize governments, armies, or businesses. These images are effective in mobilizing various forms of support or intervention because they have a strong emotional impact on the mass public. The emotionally driven connection between spectator and refugee, however, raises some troubling questions about whose interests the images serve, and how they are used for various efforts. Is it possible to depict the suffering of Syrian refugees without violating their dignity, agency, and autonomy? I argue that well intentioned efforts to mobilize societies and governments through the use of photographs can become counter productive to the interests of refugees. Many refugees are silenced by these efforts, and left out of the dialogue regarding their rights and visual portrayal. Nevertheless, the use of photographs depicting refugees can be a powerful political tool, which should not be entirely disregarded as a form of mobilization. Photographic depictions are vital to the education of societies and governments, as well as a vital form of historical documentation, and it is possible to achieve a higher degree of autonomy and agency for Syrian refugees

    Epeli Hau’ofa: Stillehavsfortéllinger

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    Anmeldes af Steen Bergendorff &nbsp

    Shinji Yamashita & J.S. Eades (eds.): Globalization in Southeast Asia. Local, National, and Transnational Perspectives

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    Anmeldes af Steen Bergendorff &nbsp

    EnvarsrÀtten och grÀnslandet mellan laga och olaga frihetsberövande

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    EnvarsrĂ€tten enligt 24 kap. 7 § 2 st. RB stadgar att var och en fĂ„r frihetsberöva den som begĂ„tt brott pĂ„ vilket fĂ€ngelse kan följa, om personen pĂ„trĂ€ffas pĂ„ bar gĂ€rning eller flyende fot. Det faktum att fĂ€ngelse ska kunna följa innbĂ€r att Ă€ven vardagsbrott och smĂ„förseelser innefattas I envarsrĂ€tten, dĂ„ det Ă€r tillrĂ€ckligt att fĂ€ngelsestraff finns i straffskalan, Ă€ven om det i situationen inte hade varit aktuellt med ett fĂ€ngelsestraff. Genom att utgöra ett undantag frĂ„n förbudet mot olaga frihetsberövande i 4 kap. 2 § BrB skapar envarsrĂ€tten ett slags rĂ€ttsligt vakuum dĂ„ det Ă„ ena sidan kan vara ottillĂ„tet att frihetsberöva en annan p.g.a. bristande förutsĂ€ttningar I relation till envarsgripanderegelns rekvisit, samtidigt som ansvar för olaga frihetsberövande anses förutsĂ€tta uppsĂ„t, Ă€ven till det faktum att frihetsberövandet Ă€r olagligt. En person som pĂ„ sĂ„ vis har trott sig Ă€ga rĂ€tt att envarsgripa annan kan pĂ„ sĂ„ vis gĂ„ fri frĂ„n ansvar pĂ„ grund av sin villfarelse ifrĂ„ga om lagregelns innehĂ„ll. Ur rĂ€ttsĂ€kerhetssynpunkt Ă€r detta I viss mĂ„n problematiskt, dĂ„ i förlĂ€ngingen förutsebarheten och den allmĂ€nna tilliten till rĂ€ttsystemet, som en garant för den enskildes frihet frĂ„n godtyckliga frihetsberövanden riskerar att avta. Samtidigt kan denna ordning legitimeras utifrĂ„n det faktum att var och en helt enkelt inte kan förvĂ€ntas kĂ€nna lagen till punkt och pricka. Den medelvĂ€g som valts fĂ„r dĂ€rmed eventuellt anses rimlig under förutsĂ€ttningarna. Mer problematiskt Ă€r det faktum att rĂ€ttsomrĂ„det i sig Ă€r sĂ„ pass obearbetat I bĂ„de praxis och doktrin, att mĂ„nga viktiga tillĂ€mpningsfrĂ„gor Ă€r obesvarade. Är reglerna alltför oklara riskeras att den enskilde inte att vet om vilka rĂ€ttigheter hen har, och syftet med regeln riskerar att gĂ„ pĂ„ sĂ„ vis om intet. Till denna ordning tillkommer att envarsrĂ€tten inte endast omfattar privatpersoner utan likasĂ„ privatanstĂ€llda uniformerade vĂ€ktare, med batong och handfĂ€ngsel. Ur ett rĂ€ttsĂ€kerhetsperspektiv kan det vidare ifrĂ„gasĂ€ttas om det Ă€r lĂ€mpligt att tillĂ„ta uniformerade vĂ€ktare, bevĂ€pnade med batong, att bruka ett sĂ„pass ingripande tvĂ„ngsmedel som frihetberövande vilket aktualiseras redan vid smĂ„brott.The Swedish right to citizen’s arrest found in article 7 paragraph 2 chapter 24 of the Swedish code of judicial procedure stipulates that everyone may arrest a person who has committed a crime punishable by prison, if he or she is found in the action, or fleeing the scene of the crime. This creates a possibility to arrest another person even for petty crimes: the actual crime itself does not have to be severe, as long as a prison sentence is in fact legally possible as a punishment for the type of crime committed. By making an exception from the prohibition of unlawful arrests found in article 2 chapter 4 of the Swedish criminal code, the citizen’s arrest creates a sort of legal vacuum in the fairly large gap between what is allowed and what is illegal, or at least punishable. Even if the objective criteria for a legal citizen’s arrest are not met, and the arrest is in fact unlawful, often the arresting person cannot be held responsible, due to a lack of criminal intent regarding the fact that the arrest was unlawful. From a legal security perspective this is somewhat problematic as the individual might lose the sense of continual security and trust and towards the legal system as a whole. On the other hand it cannot be expected from the ordinary citizen to know every little whim of the law. Hence, giving relevance to a lack of intent towards the fact that the arrest is unlawful, might be a reasonable compromise given the preconditions of a civil society. More troubling though is that a lack of guiding caselaw and legislative history on the subject has left a number of questions regarding the application of the law unanswered. If the law isn’t clear and practical enough, there’s an apparent risk that the individual is unaware of her or his rights, which in the long run threatens to crumble the purpose of the law. Furthermore it is to be noted that the right to citizen’s arrest is not only a right execriced by the individual as a citizen. Uniformed professional security guards are in fact also included in the group of agents allowed the right to citizen’s arrest. Swedish security guards carry baton and handcuffs if nothing elses is prescribed. It is worth questioning, again from a legal security perspective, if it is appropriate to allow armed and uniformed security guards to use such an imposing coercive measure in response to petty crime

    Den Jyske Historiker 100: Mellem civilisationshistorie og globalhistorie

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    Anmeldes af Steen Bergendorff &nbsp

    SjÊlen kan ogsÄ se(s). Om verdensoplevelse hos mekeo, Papua Ny Guinea

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    Det sete afhanger ikke kun af ojnene der ser, men ogsa af sociale nonner for, hvad der kan ses, og hvordan det sete skal forstas. Observationen er afhangig af kalibreringen af den observerende, for at bruge en lettere omskrivning af Bohrs kendte dictum, og derfor er der forskel pa de handlingsstrategier, det sete udloser. &nbsp

    HÄllbarhetsredovisningens vÀg mot integration - PÄverkningarna som skapat förÀndringen

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    HÄllbarhetsaspekterna i företagens redovisningar blir mer detaljerade och omfattar nu hela företagets vÀrdekedja. Redovisningarna blir mer transparenta och allt fler hÄllbarhetsaspekter har integrerats i Ärsredovisningen. FörÀndringarna beror frÀmst pÄ införande av ramverk samt intressenternas inflytande. Utvecklingen mellan företagen Àr dock inte homoge

    ForsÞg med fÞrerlÞs bus i rutedrift pÄ sygehuse i Region SjÊlland

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    Trafikselskabet Movia har sammen med Metroselskabet, Region SjÊlland og Region Hovedstaden etableret et strategisk samarbejde for at teste, evaluere og formidle erfaringer fra de fÞrste forsÞg med fÞrerlÞse teknologi i kollektiv trafik i Danmark.Det fÞrste forsÞg er SygehusforsÞget, som over tre faser i perioden 2018-2019 gradvist tester og udfordrer busteknologien, driften og kundeaccepten pÄ SjÊllands Universitetshospital KÞge og Slagelse Sygehus. Denne artikel opsummerer de allerfÞrste erfaringer med forberedelser, busteknologi, rutedrift og kundeerfaringer

    New Complexity Results and Algorithms for the Minimum Tollbooth Problem

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    The inefficiency of the Wardrop equilibrium of nonatomic routing games can be eliminated by placing tolls on the edges of a network so that the socially optimal flow is induced as an equilibrium flow. A solution where the minimum number of edges are tolled may be preferable over others due to its ease of implementation in real networks. In this paper we consider the minimum tollbooth (MINTB) problem, which seeks social optimum inducing tolls with minimum support. We prove for single commodity networks with linear latencies that the problem is NP-hard to approximate within a factor of 1.13771.1377 through a reduction from the minimum vertex cover problem. Insights from network design motivate us to formulate a new variation of the problem where, in addition to placing tolls, it is allowed to remove unused edges by the social optimum. We prove that this new problem remains NP-hard even for single commodity networks with linear latencies, using a reduction from the partition problem. On the positive side, we give the first exact polynomial solution to the MINTB problem in an important class of graphs---series-parallel graphs. Our algorithm solves MINTB by first tabulating the candidate solutions for subgraphs of the series-parallel network and then combining them optimally

    Skin Exposures, Hand Eczema and Facial Skin Disease in Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to enhanced hygiene procedures and use of personal protective equipment, but also to increased attention to occupational skin disease in healthcare workers. The occurrence of hand and facial skin disease in > 5,000 Swedish healthcare workers was investigated in a questionnaire survey. Levels of skin exposure related to hygiene procedures and personal protective equipment were recorded. Caring for patients with COVID-19 entailed higher levels of wet work and face mask exposures, and was associated with higher 1-year prevalence of both hand eczema (36%) and facial skin disease (32%) compared with not being directly engaged in COVID-19 care (28% and 22%, respectively). Acne and eczema were the most common facial skin diseases; for both, a dose-dependent association with face mask use was found. Dose-dependent associations could be shown between hand eczema and exposure to soap and gloves, but not to alcohol-based hand disinfectants
