65 research outputs found

    Quantized conductance in a one-dimensional ballistic oxide nanodevice

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    Electric-field effect control of two-dimensional electron gases (2-DEG) has enabled the exploration of nanoscale electron quantum transport in semiconductors. Beyond these classical materials, transition metal-oxide-based structures have d-electronic states favoring the emergence of novel quantum orders absent in conventional semiconductors. In this context, the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface that combines gate-tunable superconductivity and sizeable spin-orbit coupling is emerging as a promising platform to realize topological superconductivity. However, the fabrication of nanodevices in which the electronic properties of this oxide interface can be controlled at the nanoscale by field-effect remains a scientific and technological challenge. Here, we demonstrate the quantization of conductance in a ballistic quantum point contact (QPC), formed by electrostatic confinement of the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 2-DEG with a split-gate. Through finite source-drain voltage, we perform a comprehensive spectroscopic investigation of the 3d energy levels inside the QPC, which can be regarded as a spectrometer able to probe Majorana states in an oxide 2-DEG

    Field-effect control of superconductivity and Rashba spin-orbit coupling in top-gated LaAlO3/SrTiO3 devices

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    The recent development in the fabrication of artificial oxide heterostructures opens new avenues in the field of quantum materials by enabling the manipulation of the charge, spin and orbital degrees of freedom. In this context, the discovery of two-dimensional electron gases (2-DEGs) at LAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces, which exhibit both superconductivity and strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC), represents a major breakthrough. Here, we report on the realisation of a field-effect LaAlO3/SrTiO3 device, whose physical properties, including superconductivity and SOC, can be tuned over a wide range by a top-gate voltage. We derive a phase diagram, which emphasises a field-effect-induced superconductor-to-insulator quantum phase transition. Magneto-transport measurements indicate that the Rashba coupling constant increases linearly with electrostatic doping. Our results pave the way for the realisation of mesoscopic devices, where these two properties can be manipulated on a local scale by means of top-gates

    Phase Separation and the Phase Diagram in Cuprates Superconductors

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    We show that the main features of the cuprates superconductors phase diagram can be derived considering the disorder as a key property of these materials. Our basic point is that the high pseudogap line is an onset of phase separation which generates compounds made up of regions with distinct doping levels. We calculate how this continuous temperature dependent phase separation process occurs in high critical temperature superconductors (HTSC) using the Cahn-Hilliard approach, originally applied to study alloys. Since the level of phase separation varies for different cuprates, it is possible that different systems with average doping level pm exhibit different degrees of charge and spin segregation. Calculations on inhomogeneous charge distributions in form of stripes in finite clusters performed by the Bogoliubov-deGennes superconducting approach yield good agreement to the pseudogap temperature T*(pm), the onset of local pairing amplitudes with phase locked and concomitantly, how they develop at low temperatures into the superconducting phase at Tc(pm) by percolation.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Competition between electron pairing and phase coherence in superconducting interfaces

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    In LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures, a gate tunable superconducting electron gas is confined in a quantum well at the interface between two insulating oxides. Remarkably, the gas coexists with both magnetism and strong Rashba spin–orbit coupling. However, both the origin of superconductivity and the nature of the transition to the normal state over the whole doping range remain elusive. Here we use resonant microwave transport to extract the superfluid stiffness and the superconducting gap energy of the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface as a function of carrier density. We show that the superconducting phase diagram of this system is controlled by the competition between electron pairing and phase coherence. The analysis of the superfluid density reveals that only a very small fraction of the electrons condenses into the superconducting state. We propose that this corresponds to the weak filling of high- energy dxz/dyz bands in the quantum well, more apt to host superconductivity

    Phase preserving amplification near the quantum limit with a Josephson Ring Modulator

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    Recent progress in solid state quantum information processing has stimulated the search for ultra-low-noise amplifiers and frequency converters in the microwave frequency range, which could attain the ultimate limit imposed by quantum mechanics. In this article, we report the first realization of an intrinsically phase-preserving, non-degenerate superconducting parametric amplifier, a so far missing component. It is based on the Josephson ring modulator, which consists of four junctions in a Wheatstone bridge configuration. The device symmetry greatly enhances the purity of the amplification process and simplifies both its operation and analysis. The measured characteristics of the amplifier in terms of gain and bandwidth are in good agreement with analytical predictions. Using a newly developed noise source, we also show that our device operates within a factor of three of the quantum limit. This development opens new applications in the area of quantum analog signal processing

    Proposal for generating and detecting multi-qubit GHZ states in circuit QED

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    We propose methods for the preparation and entanglement detection of multi-qubit GHZ states in circuit quantum electrodynamics. Using quantum trajectory simulations appropriate for the situation of a weak continuous measurement, we show that the joint dispersive readout of several qubits can be utilized for the probabilistic production of high-fidelity GHZ states. When employing a nonlinear filter on the recorded homodyne signal, the selected states are found to exhibit values of the Bell-Mermin operator exceeding 2 under realistic conditions. We discuss the potential of the dispersive readout to demonstrate a violation of the Mermin bound, and present a measurement scheme avoiding the necessity for full detector tomography.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Microwave losses of bulk CaC6

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    We report a study of the temperature dependence of the surface resistance RS in the graphite intercalated compound (GIC) CaC6, where superconductivity at 11.5 K was recently discovered. Experiments are carried out using a copper dielectrically loaded cavity operating at 7 GHz in a "hot finger" configuration. Bulk CaC6 samples have been synthesized from highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. Microwave data allows to extract unique information on the quasiparticle density and on the nature of pairing in superconductors. The analysis of RS(T) confirms our recent experimental findings that CaC6 behaves as a weakly-coupled, fully gapped, superconductor.Comment: 2 pages, submitted to Physica C (M2S-HTSC 2006 Proceedings
