26,019 research outputs found

    Overlap Distribution of the Three-Dimensional Ising Model

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    We study the Parisi overlap probability density P_L(q) for the three-dimensional Ising ferromagnet by means of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. At the critical point P_L(q) is peaked around q=0 in contrast with the double peaked magnetic probability density. We give particular attention to the tails of the overlap distribution at the critical point, which we control over up to 500 orders of magnitude by using the multi-overlap MC algorithm. Below the critical temperature interface tension estimates from the overlap probability density are given and their approach to the infinite volume limit appears to be smoother than for estimates from the magnetization.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex, 9 Postscript figure

    Large-scale Monte Carlo simulations of the isotropic three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass

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    We study the Heisenberg spin glass by large-scale Monte Carlo simulations for sizes up to 32^3, down to temperatures below the transition temperature claimed in earlier work. The data for the larger sizes show more marginal behavior than that for the smaller sizes, indicating the lower critical dimension is close to, and possibly equal to three. We find that the spins and chiralities behave in a quite similar manner.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. Replaced with published versio

    Selection Effects, Biases, and Constraints in the Calan/Tololo Supernova Survey

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    We use Monte Carlo simulations of the Calan/Tololo photographic supernova survey to show that a simple model of the survey's selection effects accounts for the observed distributions of recession velocity, apparent magnitude, angular offset, and projected radial distance between the supernova and the host galaxy nucleus for this sample of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). The model includes biases due to the flux-limited nature of the survey, the different light curve morphologies displayed by different SNe Ia, and the difficulty of finding events projected near the central regions of the host galaxies. From these simulations we estimate the bias in the zero-point and slope of the absolute magnitude-decline rate relation used in SNe Ia distance measurements. For an assumed intrinsic scatter of 0.15 mag about this relation, these selection effects decrease the zero-point by 0.04 mag. The slope of the relation is not significantly biased. We conclude that despite selection effects in the survey, the shape and zero-point of the relation determined from the Calan/Tololo sample are quite reliable. We estimate the degree of incompleteness of the survey as a function of decline rate and estimate a corrected luminosity function for SNe Ia in which the frequency of SNe appears to increase with decline rate (the fainter SNe are more common). Finally, we compute the integrated detection efficiency of the survey in order to infer the rate of SNe Ia from the 31 events found. For a value of Ho=65 km/sec/Mpc we obtain a SN Ia rate of 0.21(+0.30)(-0.13) SNu. This is in good agreement with the value 0.16+/-0.05 SNu recently determined by Capellaro et al. (1997).Comment: 36 pages, 19 figures as extra files, to appear in the A

    Mass Predictions for Pseudoscalar JPC=0−+J^{PC}=0^{-+} Charmonium and Bottomonium Hybrids in QCD Sum-Rules

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    Masses of the pseudoscalar (JPC=0−+)(J^{PC}=0^{-+}) charmonium and bottomonium hybrids are determined using QCD Laplace sum-rules. The effects of the dimension-six gluon condensate are included in our analysis and result in a stable sum-rule analysis, whereas previous studies of these states were unable to optimize mass predictions. The pseudoscalar charmonium hybrid is predicted to have a mass of approximately 3.8 GeV and the corresponding bottomonium prediction is 10.6 GeV. Calculating the full correlation function, rather than only the imaginary part, is shown to be necessary for accurate formulation of the sum-rules. The charmonium hybrid mass prediction is discussed within the context of the X Y Z resonances.Comment: 10 pages, 7 embedded figures. Analysis extended and refined in v

    Non-equilibrium dynamics of gene expression and the Jarzynski equality

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    In order to express specific genes at the right time, the transcription of genes is regulated by the presence and absence of transcription factor molecules. With transcription factor concentrations undergoing constant changes, gene transcription takes place out of equilibrium. In this paper we discuss a simple mapping between dynamic models of gene expression and stochastic systems driven out of equilibrium. Using this mapping, results of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics such as the Jarzynski equality and the fluctuation theorem are demonstrated for gene expression dynamics. Applications of this approach include the determination of regulatory interactions between genes from experimental gene expression data

    Social work in movement: marketisation, differentiation and managerial performativity in Sweden and England

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    This article considers the changing nature of social work in England and Sweden in the context of neoliberal reforms, and the consequences of the ongoing shifts to marketisation and differentiation, managerialism and performativity. Drawing on secondary sources and some interview data from English and Swedish social workers, the article argues that social workers in England and Sweden face similar shifts as marketisation, differentiation, managerialism and its related performativity reshape the occupation, all related to the influence of the macro-context of neoliberalism. ‘Evidence based practice’ has become elevated as an important approach in line with increasing managerialism and performativity, affecting micro processes of everyday working life. Differences between the two countries lie largely in the timing of reforms and how social workers respond to them in organised ways – through mobilisation within the profession in England and through trades unions and local authorities in Sweden. The changes create uncertainty for social workers; while they are not merely passive victims of change they face difficult conditions in which to forge alternative models of professional practice. Contrary to what might have been expected, given the different social, political and historical legacies in Sweden and England of social democracy and liberalism respectively, comparing the social work occupation in these two countries finds many more similarities than differences in how marketisation, differentiation, managerialism and performativity impact on the occupation

    Charge 4e4e superconductivity from pair density wave order in certain high temperature superconductors

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    A number of spectacular experimental anomalies\cite{li-2007,fujita-2005} have recently been discovered in certain cuprates, notably {\LBCO} and {\LNSCO}, which exhibit unidirectional spin and charge order (known as ``stripe order''). We have recently proposed to interpret these observations as evidence for a novel ``striped superconducting'' state, in which the superconducting order parameter is modulated in space, such that its average is precisely zero. Here, we show that thermal melting of the striped superconducting state can lead to a number of unusual phases, of which the most novel is a charge 4e4e superconducting state, with a corresponding fractional flux quantum hc/4ehc/4e. These are never-before observed states of matter, and ones, moreover, that cannot arise from the conventional Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) mechanism. Thus, direct confirmation of their existence, even in a small subset of the cuprates, could have much broader implications for our understanding of high temperature superconductivity. We propose experiments to observe fractional flux quantization, which thereby could confirm the existence of these states.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; new version in Nature Physics format with a discussion of the effective Josephson coupling J2 and minor changes. Mildly edited abstract. v3: corrected versio

    Grundstate Properties of the 3D Ising Spin Glass

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    We study zero--temperature properties of the 3d Edwards--Anderson Ising spin glass on finite lattices up to size 12312^3. Using multicanonical sampling we generate large numbers of groundstate configurations in thermal equilibrium. Finite size scaling with a zero--temperature scaling exponent y=0.74±0.12y = 0.74 \pm 0.12 describes the data well. Alternatively, a descriptions in terms of Parisi mean field behaviour is still possible. The two scenarios give significantly different predictions on lattices of size ≥123\ge 12^3.Comment: LATEX 9pages,figures upon request ,SCRI-9

    Beleefd praten over water : hoe overheden met bewoners en belanghebbenden communiceren over veranderingen in het waterbeheer

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    Steeds vaker worden burgers actief betrokken bij het waterbeheer. Toch is participatie niet per definitie een garantie voor succes. Het slagen van burgerparticipatie hangt onder andere samen met het gestelde doel, het vinden van de juiste vorm en de mogelijkheid om het doel aan te laten sluiten bij bredere vormen van gebiedsontwikkeling. Alterra maakte drie praktijkhandelingen voor participatie, belevingsonderzoek en communicatie in het waterbeheer. Dit deel gaat over ‘beleefd praten over water’, oftewel het met respect communiceren over de belangen van alle betrokkenen. Het beschrijft inzichten in de communicatie van waterbeheerders met bewoners en belanghebbenden. Een goede communicatie kan bijdragen aan draagvlak voor veranderingen in het waterbeheer. Deze inzichten zijn gegroeid in een leergemeenschap waarin waterbeheerders en sociale wetenschappers ervaringen uitwisselden aan de hand van praktijkcases binnen het Leven met Water-project WaterTeken

    Entropy-based analysis of the number partitioning problem

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    In this paper we apply the multicanonical method of statistical physics on the number-partitioning problem (NPP). This problem is a basic NP-hard problem from computer science, and can be formulated as a spin-glass problem. We compute the spectral degeneracy, which gives us information about the number of solutions for a given cost EE and cardinality mm. We also study an extension of this problem for QQ partitions. We show that a fundamental difference on the spectral degeneracy of the generalized (Q>2Q>2) NPP exists, which could explain why it is so difficult to find good solutions for this case. The information obtained with the multicanonical method can be very useful on the construction of new algorithms.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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