604 research outputs found

    Electronic communication across organizational borders in healthcare: an empirical study

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    This empirical study of the national message exchange system is aimed to serve as a partial evaluation within a local context, based on user experiences. A qualitative method based on semi-structured, open-ended interviews with clinical system users at the University Hospital of Northern-Norway and in the healthcare service of the Municipality of Tromsø, combined with informal meetings with project members and a literature review, serves as basis for the data collection. Hospital users described message use as additional work tasks, and as a rule had to rely on several methods of communication to ensure a safe and robust transfer of clinical information across health levels. The reasons for this appeared to be the need for more synchronous communication and a divide between administrative and clinical information handling in the municipalities. Message structure was in many cases conceived as confusing, and there seemed to be a lack of a proper training strategy for system use. In communication between municipal healthcare and GPs, the system was experienced as time saving and convenient due to the way it supported the asynchronous work practices. We argue that an on-going, thorough evaluation during the implementation process could have supported the work of mapping unintended consequences and dealing with them. We have identified specific aspects that we believe could have contributed to this, such as closer follow-up and monitoring of smaller municipalities, a more thorough strategy for user education and message notification in the hospital’s EPR. However, the gap between intended use and existing work practices seems too wide to be bridged by these measures. We argue that the EME system matches poorly with existing local practices in the hospital especially, and that local practices should have been taken into consideration before implementing a system on such a large scale. It is obvious that there has been a lack of user perspectives in the evaluation of the EME system up to this point, and our thesis must be seen as a contribution towards a more comprehensive system evaluation

    SZZ Unleashed: An Open Implementation of the SZZ Algorithm -- Featuring Example Usage in a Study of Just-in-Time Bug Prediction for the Jenkins Project

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    Numerous empirical software engineering studies rely on detailed information about bugs. While issue trackers often contain information about when bugs were fixed, details about when they were introduced to the system are often absent. As a remedy, researchers often rely on the SZZ algorithm as a heuristic approach to identify bug-introducing software changes. Unfortunately, as reported in a recent systematic literature review, few researchers have made their SZZ implementations publicly available. Consequently, there is a risk that research effort is wasted as new projects based on SZZ output need to initially reimplement the approach. Furthermore, there is a risk that newly developed (closed source) SZZ implementations have not been properly tested, thus conducting research based on their output might introduce threats to validity. We present SZZ Unleashed, an open implementation of the SZZ algorithm for git repositories. This paper describes our implementation along with a usage example for the Jenkins project, and conclude with an illustrative study on just-in-time bug prediction. We hope to continue evolving SZZ Unleashed on GitHub, and warmly invite the community to contribute

    ESG News and Stock Market Reactions : Insights from Oslo Stock Exchange

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    awareness of firms’ ESG performance, and the amounts invested in accordance with ESG criteria, have increased substantially in recent years. This thesis examines how the Norwegian stock market reacts to announcements of negative ESG news. We collect data on news events for the period 2008-2020 and use a multi-method research design to investigate ( 1) how stock prices are affected by announcements of negative ESG news, (2) whether market reactions are different for more severe ESG news, and (3) whether market reactions have changed over time. We contribute to the existing literature by examining how reactions differ for each ESG pillar and for different levels of severity. This gives insight into which types of ESG news investors are most sensitive towards, and how the graveness of the news affects these reactions. We find causal evidence of a positive market reaction towards firms experiencing negative news concerning governance issues compared to firms that have no news in the overall event window. Further, we find causal evidence of positive market reactions to environmental and governance news, as well as to ESG news in general, at certain days surrounding the reported event date. We argue that these results can be attributed to investors’ beliefs that the cost of ESG performance outweighs the benefits. Moreover, we find that market reactions towards severe ESG news are generally not more significant than reactions to less severe events. Finally, we find that market reactions have not changed significantly over time. These findings show that the Norwegian stock market values ESG news of all severity equally, and that the impact of ESG news has been indistinguishable over the last twelve years.nhhma

    Eleveres arbeid med Scratch. En kvalitativ studie om elevers bruk av løsningsstrategier og typer argumentasjon i programmering

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    I denne masteroppgaven har jeg undersøkt hvilke løsningsstrategier og type argumenter et utvalg elever bruker når de løser programmeringsoppgaver. Programmering kom inn på læreplanen til grunnskolen høsten 2020 (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2020) og er nytt for mange lærere og lærerstudenter. Tanken bak programmering i skolen er å forberede elevene på å kunne delta i et raskt utviklende samfunn. Formålet med forskningsprosjektet er å belyse hvordan elever arbeider med programmeringsoppgaver med å se på løsningsstrategier og nivåer av argumentasjon. Forskningsspørsmålet for studien er dermed: Hvilke løsningsstrategier og type argumentasjon bruker elever i programmeringsoppgaver? Dette er en casestudie der jeg benytter meg av observasjon og semistrukturert intervju for å samle inn data. Undervisningsopplegget som går over to undervisningsøkter, er planlagt og gjennomført av meg. For å kunne svare på forskningsspørsmålet har jeg benyttet teori om problemløsning, algoritmisk tenkning, algoritmisk metode og nivåer av argumentasjon. Dette skal sammen med dataanalysen bidra til å svare på mitt forskningsspørsmål. Studien min viser at elevene benytter seg av to forskjellige løsningsstrategier og argumentasjonene er like. Den strategien som blir mest brukt er testing og feilsøking, der elevene tester hele programmet gjør noen endringer før programmet kjøres på nytt. Inkrementell og iterativ er den andre strategien som blir brukt, her jobber elevene mer trinnvis med å bygge opp programmet og tester underveis. Elevenes argumentasjon baseres på en generalisering basert på tidligere testing og kombineres med noe matematiske betraktninger

    The impact of cars on air polution in Oslo

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    Luftforurensning er en verdensomspennende problemstilling på grunn av de negative helseeffektene denne forårsaker. Det er en stor variasjon i utslippskilder fra de forskjellige forurensningskomponentene. Meteorologiske faktorer som vind og nedbør kan i tillegg påvirke forurensningskonsentrasjonene. I dette studiet av bilers påvirkning på luftforurensningen i Oslo, er den begrenset til komponentene PM10 og NO2. Biltrafikkdata fra bomstasjoner til Fjellinjen, luftforurensningsdata fra Norsk institutt for luftforskning (NILU) og værdata fra Meteorologisk institutt danner grunnlaget for studien.Air pollution is a worldwide problem due to the negative health effects it causes. There is a large variation in emission sources from the various pollutant components. Meteorological factors, such as wind and precipitation, can also affect pollutant concentrations. For this study, the impact of cars on air pollution in Oslo is limited to the components PM10 and NO2. Car traffic data from toll stations to Fjellinjen, air pollution data from the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) and weather data from the Meteorological Institute form the basis for the study.M-M

    Use Your Strategic Entrepreneurs to Build Your Strategic Partnerships

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    Internationalisation through strategic partnerships is a goal for many higher education institutions and their upper-level management teams. Yet for institutional objectives to truly flourish, they should get the most out of the various skills that different actors bring to be table. This piece explores the interesting role that can be played by resourceful academic staff in materialising institutional, and individual, aims

    Die Graphematik der Morpheme im Deutschen und Englischen

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    Wie werden Wörter im Deutschen und im Englischen geschrieben? Wo sind Gemeinsamkeiten, wo sind Unterschiede? Diese Fragen werden aus morphologisch-graphematischer Perspektive bearbeitet. Es geht hier also nicht um Bezüge zwischen Schrift und Lautform (traditionell oft im Fokus der Graphematik), sondern um Korrespondenzen zwischen Schrift und Morphologie. Das betrifft zum einen den Aufbau von Morphemen. Welche Beschränkungen lassen sich hier für die Abfolge der Buchstaben formulieren? Was sind minimale, was sind prototypische Stämme und Affixe? Zum anderen geht es um Fragen der Einheitlichkeit (Wie uniform wird ein Morphem in der Schrift repräsentiert?) und der Eindeutigkeit (Wie distinkt verweist eine Schreibung auf ein Morphem?). Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass im Englischen eher Affixe verlässlich kodiert werden (oft eindeutig und einheitlich), während im Deutschen häufig Stämme einheitlich kodiert werden. Das sind zwei grundsätzlich unterschiedliche Strategien der Leseerleichterung

    The structure of a tetrameric α-carbonic anhydrase fromThermovibrio ammonificansreveals a core formed around intermolecular disulfides that contribute to its thermostability

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    Carbonic anhydrase enzymes catalyse the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate. A thermophilic Thermovibrio ammonificans α-carbonic anhydrase (TaCA) has been expressed in Escherichia coli and structurally and biochemically characterized. The crystal structure of TaCA has been determined in its native form and in two complexes with bound inhibitors. The tetrameric enzyme is stabilized by a unique core in the centre of the molecule formed by two intersubunit disulfides and a single lysine residue from each monomer that is involved in intersubunit ionic interactions. The structure of this core protects the intersubunit disulfides from reduction, whereas the conserved intrasubunit disulfides are not formed in the reducing environment of the E. coli host cytosol. When oxidized to mimic the environment of the periplasmic space, TaCA has increased thermostability, retaining 90% activity after incubation at 70°C for 1 h, making it a good candidate for industrial carbon-dioxide capture. The reduction of all TaCA cysteines resulted in dissociation of the tetrameric molecule into monomers with lower activity and reduced thermostability. Unlike other characterized α-carbonic anhydrases, TaCA does not display esterase activity towards p-nitrophenyl acetate, which appears to result from the increased rigidity of its protein scaffold