555 research outputs found

    Critical Viscosity Exponent for Fluids: What Happend to the Higher Loops

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    We arrange the loopwise perturbation theory for the critical viscosity exponent xηx_{\eta}, which happens to be very small, as a power series in xηx_{\eta} itself and argue that the effect of loops beyond two is negligible. We claim that the critical viscosity exponent should be very closely approximated by xη=815π2(1+83π2)≃0.0685x_{\eta}=\frac{8}{15 \pi^2}(1+\frac{8}{3 \pi^2})\simeq 0.0685.Comment: 9 pages and 3 figure

    Cappuccino and specific heat versus heat of vaporization

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    A cappuccino is prepared by adding about 50 mL frothing, foaming milk to a cup of espresso. Whole milk is best for foaming and the ideal milk temperature when adding it to the espresso is 65 °C. The espresso itself may be warmer than that. During the heating the milk should not burn, as that would spoil the taste. The best way is to heat the milk slowly while stirring to froth the milk and create foam. But modern cappuccino machines in restaurants do not have time for slow heating. Could we heat the milk by just adding hot water? That’s the question we pose to our high school students first. How many mL of 90 °C hot water would be needed to heat 50 mL of milk from a refrigerator temperature (say 4 °C) to 65 °C? Assume that the specific heat of milk is the same as that of water. Students answer the question on a worksheet and practice their computation skills. The answer: 122 g. This would mean an unacceptable dilution of the milk, 2.5 mL of water for every mL of milk. What would the answer be if we use boiling hot water of 100 °C? Students calculate again, then the answer is 87 g, still an unacceptable dilution. What then? What if we use steam

    Cappuccino and specific heat versus heat of vaporization

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    A cappuccino is prepared by adding about 50 mL frothing, foaming milk to a cup of espresso. Whole milk is best for foaming and the ideal milk temperature when adding it to the espresso is 65 °C. The espresso itself may be warmer than that. During the heating the milk should not burn, as that would spoil the taste. The best way is to heat the milk slowly while stirring to froth the milk and create foam. But modern cappuccino machines in restaurants do not have time for slow heating. Could we heat the milk by just adding hot water?

    Critical light scattering in liquids

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    We compare theoretical results for the characteristic frequency of the Rayleigh peak calculated in one-loop order within the field theoretical method of the renormalization group theory with experiments and other theoretical results. Our expressions describe the non-asymptotic crossover in temperature, density and wave vector. In addition we discuss the frequency dependent shear viscosity evaluated within the same model and compare our theoretical results with recent experiments in microgravity.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Gravitation Physics at BGPL

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    We report progress on a program of gravitational physics experiments using cryogenic torsion pendula undergoing large-amplitude torsion oscillation. This program includes tests of the gravitational inverse square law and of the weak equivalence principle. Here we describe our ongoing search for inverse-square-law violation at a strength down to 10−510^{-5} of standard gravity. The low-vibration environment provided by the Battelle Gravitation Physics Laboratory (BGPL) is uniquely suited to this study.Comment: To be published in The Proceedings of the Francesco Melchiorri Memorial Conference as a special issue of New Astronomy Review

    The Liverpool Statement 2005: Priorities for the European Union/United States Spiral Computed Tomography Collaborative Group

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    The Liverpool Statement 2005 was developed at the Fourth International Lung Cancer Molecular Biomarkers Workshop in Liverpool (October 27-29, 2005) and focused on the priorities for the European Union/United States (EU-US) Spiral Computed Tomography (CT) Collaborative Group. The application of spiral CT technology for early lung cancer screening has gained enormous momentum in the past 5 years. The EU-US Spiral CT Collaboration was initiated in 2001 in Liverpool, and subsequent meetings throughout Europe have resulted in the development of collaborative protocols and minimal data sets that provide a mechanism for the different trial groups to work together, with the ultimate aim to pool results. Considerable progress has been made with major national screening trials in the U.S. and Europe, which include IELCAP, NLST, and NELSON. The major objective of this international collaboration is the planned cross-analysis of the individual studies after they are reported. The EU-US researchers have agreed to a number of long-term objectives and to explore strategic areas for harmonization of complementary investigations

    Reexamination of the long-range Potts model: a multicanonical approach

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    We investigate the critical behavior of the one-dimensional q-state Potts model with long-range (LR) interaction 1/rd+σ1/r^{d+\sigma}, using a multicanonical algorithm. The recursion scheme initially proposed by Berg is improved so as to make it suitable for a large class of LR models with unequally spaced energy levels. The choice of an efficient predictor and a reliable convergence criterion is discussed. We obtain transition temperatures in the first-order regime which are in far better agreement with mean-field predictions than in previous Monte Carlo studies. By relying on the location of spinodal points and resorting to scaling arguments, we determine the threshold value σc(q)\sigma_c(q) separating the first- and second-order regimes to two-digit precision within the range 3≀q≀93 \leq q \leq 9. We offer convincing numerical evidence supporting $\sigma_c(q)Comment: 18 pages, 18 figure

    The Research on Sino-US Green Building Rating System

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    AbstractThis paper describes the more commonly used domestic and international green building rating systems and details of the evaluation of U.S. LEED, its old and new versions, the trend of improvement in LEED; Compared Chinese “Evaluation Standard for Green Building” (GB/T 50378-2006)with the LEED2009, the paper points out their shortcomings, and identify the existing differences between them. Then comes out the conclusion that LEED2009 is still target to the U.S. buildings, Chinese engineers should learn from its advantage, make use in our evaluation of green building, which is suitable for China's actual conditions. But we make full use of Chinese buildings of the LEED rating system is not appropriate. Finally, we make a suggestion for “Evaluation Standard for Green Building” that we should add incentives for new energy sources can effectively develop our new energy, give a positive role in environment protection

    Lowest-Landau-level theory of the quantum Hall effect: the Fermi-liquid-like state

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    A theory for a Fermi-liquid-like state in a system of charged bosons at filling factor one is developed, working in the lowest Landau level. The approach is based on a representation of the problem as fermions with a system of constraints, introduced by Pasquier and Haldane (unpublished). This makes the system a gauge theory with gauge algebra W_infty. The low-energy theory is analyzed based on Hartree-Fock and a corresponding conserving approximation. This is shown to be equivalent to introducing a gauge field, which at long wavelengths gives an infinite-coupling U(1) gauge theory, without a Chern-Simons term. The system is compressible, and the Fermi-liquid properties are similar, but not identical, to those in the previous U(1) Chern-Simons fermion theory. The fermions in the theory are effectively neutral but carry a dipole moment. The density-density response, longitudinal conductivity, and the current density are considered explicitly.Comment: 32 pages, revtex multicol

    Lessons from Agriculture for the Sustainable Management of Malaria Vectors

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    The effectiveness of insecticide-treated bed nets and indoor insecticide sprays to control adult mosquito vectors is being threatened by the spread of insecticide resistance. We argue for expanding beyond “insecticide monotherapy” to more sustainable integrated vector management strategies that use optimal suites of control tactics. Experience in agriculture suggests that such integrated approaches can provide more effective and durable pest management. This shift will require increased investment in research and translational science. Failure to act risks a resurgence of malaria and erosion of community support and donor commitment
