769 research outputs found

    Immunomagnetic t-lymphocyte depletion (ITLD) of rat bone marrow using OX-19 monoclonal antibody

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    Graft versus host disease (GVHD) may be abrogated and host survival prolonged by in vitro depletion of T lymphocytes from bone marrow (BM) prior to allotransplantation. Using a mouse anti-rat pan T-lymphocyte monoclonal antibody (0×19) bound to monosized, magnetic, polymer beads, T lymphocytes were removed in vitro from normal bone marrow. The removal of the T lymphocytes was confirmed by flow cytometry. Injection of the T-lymphocyte-depleted bone marrow into fully allogeneic rats prevents the induction of GVHD and prolongs host survival. A highly efficient technique of T-lymphocyte depletion using rat bone marrow is described. It involves the binding of OX-19, a MoAb directed against all rat thy-mocytes and mature peripheral T lymphocytes, to monosized, magnetic polymer spheres. Magnetic separation of T lymphocytes after mixing the allogeneic bone marrow with the bead/OX-19 complex provides for a simple, rapid depletion of T lymphocytes from the bone marrow. In vitro studies using flow cytometry and the prevention of GVHD in a fully allogeneic rat bone marrow model have been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the depletion procedure. © 1989 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    The link between rejection sensitivity and borderline personality disorder:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) may experience heightened rejection sensitivity (RS), a disposition developing from repeated childhood rejecting experiences. It is not known whether the full RS model accounts for the cognitive-affective experiences common in BPD. This systematic review extends upon previous reviews, firstly by assessing the link between childhood rejecting experiences and adult RS, and secondly by considering the link between BPD and RS in both non-clinical and clinical samples.METHOD: Two research questions were devised, and searches based on predetermined criteria were conducted using PsycNET, PubMed, SCOPUS, and Web of Science. Data were extracted by one researcher and 20% was inter-rated, with high levels of agreement. Forty-three papers were systematically reviewed, and 31 included in meta-analysis and meta-regression.RESULTS: Studies assessing the link between childhood rejection and RS are limited; however, emotional abuse and neglect appears linked with RS. Pooled effect sizes suggest RS is linked with BPD (r = .326), with strong effect sizes when comparing clinical and control samples (r = .655). Qualitative synthesis suggests this may be mediated by executive control, although further research is required. The small number of studies considering the full RS model with regard to BPD suggests the interaction between emotional abuse and neglect affects rejection sensitivity; however, outcomes are inconsistent.CONCLUSIONS: Childhood rejection, particularly emotional abuse and neglect, appears to be linked to rejection sensitivity, and rejection sensitivity is linked to BPD. However, this may not be linear. Implications for clinical practice and research are discussed.PRACTITIONER POINTS: Rejection sensitivity is consistently linked with BPD, in clinical and non-clinical samples. Supporting mentalization or improved theory of mind may offer a therapeutic target for this disposition. Considering the causes and effects of rejection sensitivity may offer a non-blaming explanation of interpersonal difficulties in BPD and could be utilized as part of formulation and the therapeutic relationship. However, the possible interaction between emotional abuse and neglect and rejection sensitivity suggests rejection sensitivity is not always apparent for people with BPD. Idiosyncratic formulation should consider this. The literature included in the review is limited to Western populations with a high proportion of females, which may limit generalizability. Measures of rejection sensitivity included in the review were restricted to self-report, which may be subject to bias. Furthermore, measures of childhood rejection were retrospective in nature due to the exclusion of child samples. Further research should consider longitudinal and observational study designs.</p

    Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity and clustered cardiometabolic risk in children and adolescents: the HAPPY study

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    Clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors can occur during childhood and predisposes individuals to cardiometabolic disease. This study calculated clustered cardiometabolic risk in 100 children and adolescents aged 10-14 years (59 girls) and explored differences according to cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) levels and time spent at different physical activity (PA) intensities. CRF was determined using a maximal cycle ergometer test, and PA was assessed using accelerometry. A cardiometabolic risk score was computed as the sum of the standardised scores for waist circumference, blood pressure, total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein ratio, triglycerides and glucose. Differences in clustered cardiometabolic risk between fit and unfit participants, according to previously proposed health-related threshold values, and between tertiles for PA subcomponents were assessed using ANCOVA. Clustered risk was significantly lower (p < 0.001) in the fit group (mean 1.21 ± 3.42) compared to the unfit group (mean -0.74 ± 2.22), while no differences existed between tertiles for any subcomponent of PA. Conclusion These findings suggest that CRF may have an important cardioprotective role in children and adolescents and highlights the importance of promoting CRF in youth

    Bisphosphonates as antimyeloma drugs

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    In patients with symptomatic multiple myeloma (MM), bisphosphonate (BP) treatment has been widely used to prevent bone loss and preserve skeletal health because of its proven effects on inhibiting osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. In addition to their effects on osteoclasts, it is becoming increasingly evident that BPs may have additional effects on the bone microenvironment and cells other than osteoclasts that may potentially inhibit the development and progression of MM. This review focuses on the pathophysiology of MM with an emphasis on the events that drive MM progression within the bone and the mechanisms by which BPs may inhibit specific processes. The underlying molecular mechanisms that drive the modulation of cellular fate and function and consequent physiological outcomes are described. Direct effects on myeloma cell growth and survival and the interactions between myeloma cells and the bone microenvironment are discussed. Clinical evidence of the antimyeloma effects of BPs is emerging and is also reviewed

    Divergent Pro-Inflammatory Profile of Human Dendritic Cells in Response to Commensal and Pathogenic Bacteria Associated with the Airway Microbiota

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    Recent studies using culture-independent methods have characterized the human airway microbiota and report microbial communities distinct from other body sites. Changes in these airway bacterial communities appear to be associated with inflammatory lung disease, yet the pro-inflammatory properties of individual bacterial species are unknown. In this study, we compared the immune stimulatory capacity on human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) of selected airway commensal and pathogenic bacteria predominantly associated with lungs of asthma or COPD patients (pathogenic Haemophillus spp. and Moraxella spp.), healthy lungs (commensal Prevotella spp.) or both (commensal Veillonella spp. and Actinomyces spp.). All bacteria were found to induce activation of DCs as demonstrated by similar induction of CD83, CD40 and CD86 surface expression. However, asthma and COPD-associated pathogenic bacteria provoked a 3–5 fold higher production of IL-23, IL-12p70 and IL-10 cytokines compared to the commensal bacteria. Based on the differential cytokine production profiles, the studied airway bacteria could be segregated into three groups (Haemophilus spp. and Moraxella spp. vs. Prevotella spp. and Veillonella spp. vs. Actinomyces spp.) reflecting their pro-inflammatory effects on DCs. Co-culture experiments found that Prevotella spp. were able to reduce Haemophillus influenzae-induced IL-12p70 in DCs, whereas no effect was observed on IL-23 and IL-10 production. This study demonstrates intrinsic differences in DC stimulating properties of bacteria associated with the airway microbiota

    Three cases of bone metastases in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare, but represent the most common mesenchymal neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract. Tumor resection is the treatment of choice for localized disease. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (imatinib, sunitinib) are the standard therapy for metastatic or unresectable GISTs. GISTs usually metastasize to the liver and peritoneum. Bone metastases are uncommon. We describe three cases of bone metastases in patients with advanced GISTs: two women (82 and 54 years of age), and one man (62 years of age). Bones metastases involved the spine, pelvis and ribs in one patient, multiple vertebral bodies and pelvis in one, and the spine and iliac wings in the third case. The lesions presented a lytic pattern in all cases. Two patients presented with multiple bone metastases at the time of initial diagnosis and one patient after seven years during the follow-up period. This report describes the diagnosis and treatment of the lesions and may help clinicians to manage bones metastases in GIST patients