676 research outputs found

    Target normal spin asymmetry and charge asymmetry for eμe\mu elastic scattering and the crossed processes

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    Two kinds of asymmetry arise from the interference of the Born amplitude and the box-type amplitude corresponding to two virtual photons exchange, namely charge-odd and one spin asymmetries. In case of unpolarized particles the charge-odd correlation is calculated. It can be measured in combination of electron muon and positron muon scattering experiments. The forward-backward asymmetry is the corresponding quantity which can be measured for the crossed processes. In the case of polarized muon the one-spin asymmetry for annihilation and scattering channels has been calculated. The additional structure function arising from the interference is shown to suffer from infrared divergencies. The background due to electroweak interaction is discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Radiative muon pair production in high energy electron-positron annihilation process

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    The lowest order radiative correction to the differential cross-section of process of muon pair production with emission of hard photon at high energy electron-positron annihilation are calculated. Taking into account the emission of additional soft and hard photon the cross-section can be put in the form of Drell-Yan process in leading logarithmical approximation. Applying the crossing transformation we obtain the cross section of radiative electron-muon high-energy scattering process. Virtual and soft photon emission contributions of non-leading form are tabulated for several typical kinematical points. The limit of small invariant mass of muon pair is in agreement with our previous analysis.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Prevalence of Anemia and Related Deficiencies in the First Year following Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity

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    Background. Anemia associated with deficiencies in iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 are very common after Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (LRYGB) surgery for morbid obesity. This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of anemia after LRYGB. Patients and Methods. A total of 377 morbid obese patients were included in our study. All patients underwent a LRYGB. Hematologic parameters were obtained prior to and after surgery on standardized time intervals. Results. Anemia was present in 21 (P = 0.02) patients after surgery. Iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 deficiencies were diagnosed in 66%, 15%, and 50% of patients, respectively. In 86% of patients, anemia was accompanied by one of these deficiencies. Conclusion. These results show that anemia and deficiencies for iron, folic acid deficiency, and vitamin B12 are very common within the first year after LRYGB. We advise a minimal daily intake of 65 mg of iron in male and 100 mg in female patients, 350 μg of vitamin B12, and 400 μg of folic acid. Patients undergoing LRYGB must be closely monitored for deficiencies pre- and postoperative and supplemented when deficiencies occur

    Semiquantitative Assessment of Bowel Habits and Its Relation with Calcium Metabolism after Gastric Bypass Surgery: A Retrospective Study

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    Background. Calcium malabsorption after bariatric surgery may be harmful to skeletal health and demands for optimal skeletal management. Methods. 103 Patients were evaluated retrospectively at 12 months after surgery. The evaluation included a questionnaire about stool frequency and consistency and laboratory assessments. Results. 103 Patients, 27 males and 76 females, were included in the study. 83 Patients had an alimentary limb of 100 cm and 20 patients one of 150 cm. At 12 months after surgery, 77.7% reported changes of bowel habits, albumin adjusted calcium levels were normal in all but 2 patients, and PTH levels were increased in 35%. Correlations between semiquantified bowel scores (fecal scores) and data from the laboratory demonstrated increasing PTH values along with more frequent and softer/watery stools (RR 30.5, CI 6.2–149.2, P < .001). There was a trend for higher PTH levels in patients with an alimentary limb of 150 cm. Normal PTH levels were more frequently found in case of calcium and vitamin D3 use (RR 14.3, CI 3.6–56.5, P < .001). Conclusion. This study demonstrates interrelationships between semi-quantified fecal scores, PTH levels, and the compliance of taking calcium/vitamin D3 suppletion. However, prospective randomized studies are necessary to show causal relationships

    Prospects of Open Charm Production at GSI-FAIR and J-PARC

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    We present a detailed phenomenological study of the prospects of open charm physics at the future pˉp\bar{p}p and pppp facilities GSI-FAIR and J-PARC, respectively. In particular, we concentrate on differential cross sections and the charge and longitudinal double-spin asymmetries at next-to-leading order accuracy. Theoretical uncertainties for the proposed observables are estimated by varying the charm quark mass and the renormalization and factorization scales.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Bremsstrahlung photon polarization for ee±(eγ)e±ee^\pm\to (e\gamma)e^\pm, and ep(eγ)pep\to (e\gamma)p high energy collisions

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    The polarization of bremsstrahlung photon in the processes ee±(eγ)e±ee^\pm\to (e\gamma)e^\pm, and ep(eγ)pep\to (e\gamma)p is calculated for peripheral kinematics, in the high energy limit where the cross section does not decrease with the incident energy. When the initial electron is unpolarized(longitudinally polarized) the final photon can be linearly (circularly) polarized. The Stokes parameters of the photon polarization are calculated as a function of the kinematical variables of process: the energy of recoil particle, the energy fraction of scattered electron, and the polar and azimuthal angles of photon. Numerical results are given in form of tables, for typical values of the relevant kinematic variables.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Possible Method for Measuring the Proton Form Factors in Processes with and without Proton Spin Flip

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    The ratio of the squares of the electric and magnetic proton form factors is shown to be proportional to the ratio of the cross sections for the elastic scattering of an unpolarized electron on a partially polarized proton with and without proton spin flip. The initial proton at rest should be polarized along the direction of the motion of the final proton. Similar results are valid for both radiative epep scattering and the photoproduction of pairs on a proton in the Bethe--Heitler kinematics. When the initial proton is fully polarized in the direction of the motion of the final proton, the cross section for the epepep \to ep process, as well as for the epepγep \to ep \gamma and γpeeˉp\gamma p \to e \bar e p processes, without (with) proton spin flip is expressed only in terms of the square of the electric (magnetic) proton form factor. Such an experiment on the measurement of the cross sections without and with proton spin flip would make it possible to acquire new independent data on the behavior of GE2(Q2)G_E^2(Q^2) and GM2(Q2)G_M^2(Q^2), which are necessary for resolving the contradictions appearing after the experiment of the JLab collaboration on the measurement of the proton form factors with the method of polarization transfer from the initial electron to the final proton.Comment: 7 pages, revtex

    Compton and double Compton scattering processes at colliding electron-photon beams

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    Radiative corrections (RC) to the Compton scattering cross section are calculated in the leading and next-to leading logarithmic approximation to the case of colliding high energy photon-electron beams. RC to the double Compton scattering cross section in the same experimental set-up are calculated in the leading logarithmic approximation. We consider the case when no pairs are created in the final state. We show that the differential cross section can be written in the form of the Drell-Yan process cross-section. Numerical values of the KK-factor and the leading order distribution on the scattered electron energy fraction and scattering angle are presented

    Signatures of HyperCharge Axions in Colliders

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    If in addition to the standard model fields, a new pseudoscalar field that couples to hypercharge topological number density, the hypercharge axion, exists, it can be produced in colliders in association with photons or Z bosons, and detected by looking for its decay into photons or Z's. For a range of masses below a TeV and coupling above a fraction of 1/TeV, existing data from LEP II and the Tevatron can already put interesting constraints, and in future colliders accessible detection range is increased significantly. The hypercharge axion can help in explaining the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, uses axodraw.st

    Multidimensional Phase Space and Sunset Diagrams

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    We derive expressions for the phase-space of a particle of momentum pp decaying into NN particles, that are valid for any number of dimensions. These are the imaginary parts of so-called `sunset' diagrams, which we also obtain. The results are given as a series of hypergeometric functions, which terminate for odd dimensions and are also well-suited for deriving the threshold behaviour.Comment: 12 pages, RevTex. 2 minor algebraic corrections to page 4 after eqns (6) and (8