11 research outputs found

    Mobile Clustering Engine

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    Improving the Effectiveness of WEB Search Engines Using Selectable Views of Retrieval Results

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    Perusal of textual displays of document surrogates produced by Web-based ranked-output retrieval services may require much user time, effort, and money. In this paper we present VIEWER, a graphical interface that allows visualization and manipulation of views of retrieval results, where a view is the subset of retrieved surrogates that contain a specified subset of query terms. We argue that VIEWER helps the user focus on relevant parts of the results and, in addition, it may facilitate query reformulation. We present the results of an experiment performed by six subjects on two medium size bibliographical test collections in which VIEWER, used as an interactive ranking systems, outperformed both best match ranking and coordinatio

    Supporting Selective Views Of Web Retrieval Results:

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    Perusal of textual displays of document surrogates produced by Web-based ranked-output retrieval services may require much user time, effort, and money. In this paper we present VIEWER, a graphical interface that allows visualization and manipulation of views of retrieval results, where a view is the subset of retrieved surrogates that contain a specified subset of query terms. We argue that VIEWER helps the user focus on relevant parts of the results and, in addition, it may facilitate query reformulation. We present an experimental evaluation in which VIEWER, used as an interactive ranking systems, outperforms both best match ranking and coordination level-based ranking

    Improving The Effectiveness Of Web

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    Perusal of textual displays of document surrogates produced by Web-based rankedoutput retrieval services may require much user time, effort, and money. In this paper we present VIEWER, a graphical interface that allows visualization and manipulation of views of retrieval results, where a view is the subset of retrieved surrogates that contain a specified subset of query terms. We argue that VIEWER helps the user focus on relevant parts of the results and, in addition, it may facilitate query reformulation. We present the results of an experiment performed by six subjects on two medium size bibliographical test collections in which VIEWER, used as an interactive ranking systems, outperformed both best match ranking and coordination level-based ranking

    Effect of mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy on children diagnosed with autism.

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    Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy is emerging internationally as the primary treatment modality for inflammatory pathways related to neurological disorders. Currently, literature concerning its effectiveness in autistic children is limited. Using neurocognitive tests and clinical-diagnostic evaluations, this study evaluates the clinical, cognitive and behavioral effects of HBO2 on children diagnosed with autism

    Il Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP): pratica della medicina evidence-based.

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    L’articolo presentato ha lo scopo di descrivere il Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP), uno strumento valutativo che consente di stabilire in modo critico l’utilità e la validità degli studi pubblicati rispetto ad un argomento di particolare interesse scientifico, una procedura nata con l‘obiettivo di colmare il gap esistente tra ricercatori e clinici. Il programma nasce nel 1998 presso il Centre of Evidence Based Medicine di Oxford grazie alla collaborazione di professionisti di varia natura ed ha come finalità la valutazione critica della letteratura scientifica. L’analisi di validità, rilevanza clinica ed applicabilità degli studi analizzati sono gli obiettivi che è possibile raggiungere grazie ai sei questionari, costruiti in base alle differenti tipologie di studio esaminate: randomized controlled trials (RCT), review, studi qualitativi, studi case control, studi di coorte e studi sui test diagnostici. Nell’ambito degli studi di natura clinica, l’obiettivo di tale diffusione è quello di promuovere l’utilizzo di uno strumento scientifico che sia di supporto al processo di decisione relativo alla scelta dei trattamenti da somministrare. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di descrivere e discutere le principali caratteristiche di questo strumento, le potenzialità ed i limiti, oltre che le possibilità di diffusione nel contesto italian