637 research outputs found

    An unusual case of disease in pet fish stocks caused by Coleps sp. (Protozoa: Kinetoflagminophorea)

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    In some stocks of fry of 3 aquarium fish species, Schulz's corydoras Corydoras schultzei, tiger barb Barbus tetrazona and black telescope eye goldfish Carassius auratus, 20 to 90 % mortality occurred. The mortality was caused by a ciliate protozoan which did not resemble any of the known fish ectoparasites. The deaths occurred in fry kept in densely populated aquaria. The protozoans were attached to the epithelium with their cytostoma and often covered the body surface in large masses. The protozoan was identified as a Coleps sp., previously known only as a coprophagous species or a predator of protozoans. This is the first report of losses caused by a Coleps sp. in fish fry

    Study of γ-Valerolactone as a Diesel Blend: Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics

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    γ-valerolactone (GVL) is a C5-cyclic ester that can be produced from biomass providing a potentially renewable fuel for transportation and feedstock for the chemical industry. Experiments were performed with fossil diesel (D), D + biodiesel (BD) and D + BD + GVL blends. A four cylinder, turbocharged direct injection diesel engine was used for the tests. The engine was coupled to a dynamometer to vary the load. CO, NOx, THC and smoke emissions were measured by using a multi-channel gas analyser. Compared with D, and D + BD blends, addition of GVL had relatively little effect on engine performance and NOx emissions, but reduced the concentration of CO and smoke significantly

    Design, Implementation and Preliminary Analysis of General Multidimensional Trees

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    In this thesis, a new multidimensional data structure, the q-kd tree, for storing points lying in a multidimensional space is defined, implemented and experimentally analyzed. This new data structure has k-d trees and quad-trees as particular cases. The main difference between q-kd trees and either kd-trees or quad-trees is the way in which discriminants are assigned to each node of the tree. While this is fixed for kd-trees and quad-trees, it is variable for q-kd trees. We propose two different ways for assigning discriminants to nodes, the heuristics: Split Tendency and Prob-of-1. These heuristics allow us to build what we call quasi-optimal q-kd trees and randomly-split q-kd trees respectively. Experimentally we show that our variants of q-kd trees are in between quad-trees and k-d trees concerning the memory space and internal path length, and that by proper parameter settings it is possible to construct q-kd trees taylored to the space and time restrictions we can have.Incomin

    Design, Implementation and Preliminary Analysis of General Multidimensional Trees

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    In this thesis, a new multidimensional data structure, the q-kd tree, for storing points lying in a multidimensional space is defined, implemented and experimentally analyzed. This new data structure has k-d trees and quad-trees as particular cases. The main difference between q-kd trees and either kd-trees or quad-trees is the way in which discriminants are assigned to each node of the tree. While this is fixed for kd-trees and quad-trees, it is variable for q-kd trees. We propose two different ways for assigning discriminants to nodes, the heuristics: Split Tendency and Prob-of-1. These heuristics allow us to build what we call quasi-optimal q-kd trees and randomly-split q-kd trees respectively. Experimentally we show that our variants of q-kd trees are in between quad-trees and k-d trees concerning the memory space and internal path length, and that by proper parameter settings it is possible to construct q-kd trees taylored to the space and time restrictions we can have.Incomin

    Economic Evaluation of Renewable Fuels through Pollutants Derived from Internal Combustion Engine

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    Renewable fuels cannot be evaluated clearly as a part of sustainability from their air pollution point of view. A comparison test series have been conducted and from their results external cost has been calculated. Three different fuels and their controlled blends have been investigated, which are the fossil diesel, conventional, standardized biodiesel, and a new type, so called TBK-biodiesel. Fuels have been investigated in a bus Diesel-engine, which operated in steady state points. Air pollution components like CO2, CO, HC, NOx and particulate have been taken into consideration for the calculation. The calculation method is a self-made one. On the basis of the results it can be stated that the overall external costs are higher in all cases of engine operating if renewable fuel is blended in the tested fuel

    Comparison Tests of Diesel, Biodiesel and TBK-Biodiesel

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    The present article focuses on the properties of renewable bio fuels with relevance to ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) use. The diesel (EN (European Norm) 590) was used as referent fuel, that was compared with the standardized biodiesel (EN 14214) and a new type biofuel, the so-called TBK-biodiesel (Thész-Boros-Király) in a series of measurements. Data on the basic physical and chemical properties, as well as properties of combustion in ICE are presented in detail. Based on the results can be said, that biofuels don’t have clear advantages compared to other fuel types. However, the disadvantageous physical and chemical properties of biofuels are partially compensated by a more favorable composition of exhaust gases due to their adherent oxygen content

    Közlekedés célú biodízel gyártás várható tendenciái

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    A kőolaj alapú tüzelőanyagok használatának további növekedése fenntarthatatlan, mert forrásuk szűkös és előállításuk, szállításuk, felhasználásuk során kimutathatóan, mind lokálisan, mind globális mértékben szennyezik környezetünket. A belátható jövőben várhatóan a fosszilis tüzelőanyagok maradnak a domináns energiaforrások. A gázolajnak – mint a dízel-motorok tüzelőanyagának - alapvető szerepe van az iparban, közlekedésben, mezőgazdaságban. Cikkünk célja a közlekedési célú biodízel gyártás lehetőségeinek áttekintése