280 research outputs found


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    Cerebrovascular diseases are associated with a high incidence of psychiatric disorders. Depressive illness after stroke has been extensively investigated during the last three decades. Post-stroke depression is estimated to occur in 30-35% of the patients during the first year after stroke. Numerous studies have given information on its prevalence, pathogenesis, clinical course, treatment and prevention. Despite the high level of comorbidity, depressive symptoms appear to remain frequently unrecognized and untreated. This has a negative effect on the rehabilitation, quality of live, cognitive function and mortality of stroke patients. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(34), 1335-1343

    Terhesség és akut ischaemiás stroke

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    Pregnancy-related ischemic strokes play an important role in both maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Changes in hemostaseology and hemodynamics as well as risk factors related to or independent from pregnancy contribute to the increased stroke-risk during gestation and the puerperium. Potential teratogenic effects make diagnostics, acute therapy and prevention challenging. Because randomized, controlled trials are not available, a multicenter registry of patients with gestational stroke would be desirable. Until definite guidelines emerge, management of acute ischemic stroke during pregnancy remains individual, involving experts and weighing the risks and benefits

    Multimodal MRI of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease

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    Miscellanea. Könyvismertetések

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    Könyvismertetések. Braun Tibor: Vándorbottal a tudományos kutatásban Typotex Kiadó, Budapest, 2018 | Ézsiás Erzsébet: A megismerés határai Lexica Kiadó, Budapest, 201

    The relationship between malignant tumors and ischemic stroke: II. Chronology of diagnoses and treatment of strokes

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    Összefoglaló. A malignus daganatok és a stroke együttesen gyakran fordulnak elő a stroke tradicionális rizikófaktoraival (magas vérnyomás, hyperlipidaemia, cukorbetegség, elhízás, dohányzás) rendelkező betegekben. Az elmúlt évtized kutatási eredményei alátámasztották, hogy a rosszindulatú daganatban szenvedő betegekben szignifikánsan nagyobb a stroke kockázata. A malignus daganatokhoz társuló stroke a leggyakrabban a malignus daganat diagnózisát követő fél-egy év során jelentkezik. A kapcsolat a másik irányban is létezik: stroke-betegek követése során malignus daganat szignifikánsan gyakrabban jelent meg, mint a stroke-mentes kontrollcsoportban. A daganatot a leginkább a stroke utáni első hat hónapban diagnosztizálják. A korábban nem ismert rosszindulatú daganat időnként az akut stroke kezelése során derül ki. Ismeretlen eredetű stroke (cryptogen stroke) hátterében rosszindulatú tumorhoz társuló hiperkoagulabilitás is feltételezhető. A háttérben a leggyakrabban tüdőrák áll, ezt az emlőcarcinoma és a melanoma követi. Jelenleg nincs ajánlás a felismert malignus daganatok esetében a stroke primer prevenciójára. A malignus tumor mellett jelentkező akut ischaemiás stroke kezelésére a rekombináns szöveti plazminogénaktivátorral történő intravénás thrombolysis alkalmazható a várható túlélés és a vérzésveszély mérlegelésével; a mechanikus thrombectomia alkalmazásáról kevés az adat, irányelvszintű ajánlások még nincsenek. A másodlagos stroke-prevencióra a kis molekulasúlyú heparinnal történő antikoagulálást javasolják. Jelenleg még nem ismerjük pontos részleteiben a daganat által okozott hiperkoaguláció mechanizmusát, ezért még nem ismert, hogy mi a legjobb módszer tumoros betegeknél a stroke megelőzésére. Nincsenek jól definiált ajánlások arra sem, hogy milyen esetekben lenne indokolt tumorkeresés cryptogen stroke-os betegekben. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(2): 43-51. Summary. Cancer and stroke occur in similar patient populations, and they have similar traditional risk factors (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, diabetes, and smoking), therefore, it is beneficial to study the relationship between cancer and stroke. Patients diagnosed with cancer have an increased incidence of acute ischemic cerebral events within the first 6 months up to a year post diagnosis. The reverse relationship is also true for patients diagnosed with stroke and then cancer. Interestingly, patients may have a stroke as their first indication to an underlying developing cancer and will most often be diagnosed with cancer sometime within six months to a year after the cerebral incident. When cancer is diagnosed immediately after a cryptogenic stroke (unknown etiology), the stroke may be a result of cancer-associated hypercoagulability. The most common malignancies observed in the cancer-stroke patients are lung, breast and melanoma. Currently, there are no pharmacologic recommendations for primary stroke prevention in cancer patients. For acute ischemic stroke, life expectancy and the potential for hemorrhagic complications should be considered when deciding on thrombolytic treatment. Only a few case series have been reported on mechanical thrombectomy in malignancies, and there are no guideline recommendations yet. Secondary prevention is advised through low molecular weight heparin. Understanding cancer-associated hypercoagulability and the ways we can prevent the combined effects of cancer and stroke is a crucial gap that requires further studies. Additionally, guides to aid in the recognition of underlying malignancy in patients suffering from cryptogenic stroke need to be established

    Levodopa/carbidopa intesztinális gél alkalmazása előrehaladott Parkinson-kórban.

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    Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder around the world. Levodopa has remained the "gold standard" of the therapy even several decades after its introduction. Chronic levodopa treatment is associated with the development of motor complications in most patients. Advanced Parkinson's disease is characterized by these complications: motor and non-motor fluctuation and disturbing dyskinesia. Continuous dopaminergic stimulation might reduce these complications. In advanced Parkinson's disease levodopa is still effective. In the treatment of this stage there are several advanced or device-aided therapies: apomorphine pump, deep brain stimulation and levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel. Levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel is an aqueous gel that can be delivered to the jejunum via a percutaneous gastrojejunostomy tube which is connected to an infusion pump dosing the levodopa gel continuously to the place of absorption. Levodopa/carbidopa gel infusion can be used as monotherapy, can be tested, can be used individually and this therapy is reversible. Several clinical trials demonstrated that levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel therapy is of long-term benefit, improves the quality of life of the patients and can reduce motor fluctuation and dyskinesia

    High resolution ultrasonography of peripheral nerves: measurements on 14 nerve segments in 56 healthy subjects and reliability assessments.

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess different aspects of reliability in high-resolution ultrasonography (HRUS) of the peripheral nerves and to establish reference values for the most frequently examined nerve segments. Materials and Methods: A nerve size parameter, the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the C5, C6 and C7 cervical roots, the median, ulnar, radial, superficial radial, peroneal, tibial, and the sural nerves was measured using HRUS at a total of 14 predefined anatomical sites in two different cohorts of Results: The mean CSA of the 14 nerve segments ranged from 2 to 10mm2. The intra-rater, interrater and inter-equipment reliability was high with intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.93, 0.98, and 0.86, respectively. The CSA values showed no consistent correlation with age, height, and body weight, but males had significantly larger values than females for nerve segments on the armafter correcting for age,weight and height in multivariate analysis. CSA values did not differ when two independent cohorts were compared. Conclusion: Peripheral nerve ultrasonography is a reliable and reproducible diagnostic method in the hands of experienced examiners. Normal values for several upper and lower extremity nerves are provided by our study. healthy subjects (n = 56), and the inter-rater, intra- rater and inter-equipment reliability of measurements was assessed

    Cryptogenic postpartum stroke

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    An estimated 25–40% of ischemic strokes are classified as cryptogenic, which means the cause of the cerebral infarction remains unidentified. One of the potential pathomechanisms – especially among young patients with no cardiovascular risk factors – is paradoxical embolism through a patent foramen ovale. Pregnancy, cesarean delivery and the postpartum period are associated with an increased risk of cerebrovascular events. Factors that may contribute to ischemic strokes during gestation and puerperium include classic cardiovascular risk factors, changes in hemostaseology/hemodynamics, and pregnancy-specific disorders such as pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, postpartum cerebral angiopathy or peripartum cardiomyopathy. In this case report, we present a 36-year-old thrombolysis candidate undergoing mechanical thrombectomy 3 weeks after a cesarean section due to HELLP-syndrome. After evaluation of anamnestic and diagnostic parameters, closure of the patent foramen ovale has been performed. In the absence of specific guidelines, diagnostic work-up for cryptogenic stroke should be oriented after the suspected pathomechanism based on patient history and clinical picture. As long as definite evidences emerge, management of cryptogenic stroke patients with pathogenic right-to-left shunt remains individual based on the mutual decision of the patient and the multidisciplinary medical team