162 research outputs found

    Pseudo-spin-dependent scattering in carbon nanotubes

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    The breaking of symmetry is the ground on which many physical phenomena are explained. This is important in particular for bipartite lattice structure as graphene and carbon nanotubes, where particle-hole and pseudo-spin are relevant symmetries. Here we investigate the role played by the defect-induced breaking of these symmetries in the electronic scattering properties of armchair single-walled carbon nanotubes. From Fourier transform of the local density of states we show that the active electron scattering channels depend on the conservation of the pseudo-spin. Further, we show that the lack of particle-hole symmetry is responsible for the pseudo-spin selection rules observed in several experiments. This symmetry breaking arises from the lattice reconstruction appearing at defect sites. Our analysis gives an intuitive way to understand the scattering properties of carbon nanotubes, and can be employed for newly interpret several experiments on this subject. Further, it can be used to design devices such as pseudo-spin filter by opportune defect engineering

    Proposal for an on-demand source of polarized electrons into the edges of a topological insulator

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    We propose a device that allows for the emission of pairs of spin-polarized electrons into the edge-states of a two dimensional topological insulator. Charge and spin emission is achieved using a periodically driven quantum dot weakly coupled to the edge states of the host topological insulator. We present calculations of the emitted time-dependent charge and spin currents of such a dynamical scatterer using the Floquet scattering matrix approach. Experimental signatures of spin-polarized two-particle emission can be found in noise measurements. Here a new form of noise suppression, named Z2\mathbb{Z}_2--antibunching, is introduced. Additionally, we propose a set-up in which entanglement of the emitted electrons is generated. This entanglement is based on a post-selection procedure and becomes manifest in a violation of a Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality.Comment: 10 pages + 7 figure

    Signatures of spin-related phases in transport through regular polygons

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    We address the subject of transport in one-dimensional ballistic polygon loops subject to Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We identify the role played by the polygon vertices in the accumulation of spin-related phases by studying interference effects as a function of the spin-orbit coupling strength. We find that the vertices act as strong spin-scattering centers that hinder the developing of Aharovov-Casher and Berry phases. In particular, we show that the oscillation frequency of interference pattern can be doubled by modifying the shape of the loop from a square to a circle.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Rashba spin-orbit interaction in graphene armchair nanoribbons

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    We study graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with armchair edges in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI). We impose the boundary conditions on the tight binding Hamiltonians for bulk graphene with RSOI by means of a sine transform and study in detail the influence of RSOI on the spectra and the spin polarization. We show that the spin polarization perpendicular to the GNR changes sign when reversing the momentum along the GNR if the bands are coupled by strong RSOI. Furthermore, we derive a linearized approximation to the RSOI Hamiltonian and find that only the neighboring modes of an energy band have to be taken into account in order to achieve a good approximation for the same band. Due to their experimental availability and various proposals for engineering appropriate RSOI, GNRs with armchair edges are a promising candidate for possible spintronics applications.Comment: added journal reference, small updates, 9 pages, 8 figure

    Topological Phases for Fermionic Cold Atoms on the Lieb Lattice

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    We investigate the properties of the Lieb lattice, i.e a face-centered square lattice, subjected to external gauge fields. We show that an Abelian gauge field leads to a peculiar quantum Hall effect, which is a consequence of the single Dirac cone and the flat band characterizing the energy spectrum. Then we explore the effects of an intrinsic spin-orbit term - a non-Abelian gauge field - and demonstrate the occurrence of the quantum spin Hall effect in this model. Besides, we obtain the relativistic Hamiltonian describing the Lieb lattice at low energy and derive the Landau levels in the presence of external Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields. Finally, we describe concrete schemes for realizing these gauge fields with cold fermionic atoms trapped in an optical Lieb lattice. In particular, we provide a very efficient method to reproduce the intrinsic (Kane-Mele) spin-orbit term with assisted-tunneling schemes. Consequently, our model could be implemented in order to produce a variety of topological states with cold-atoms.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Adiabatic pumping in the quasi-one-dimensional triangle lattice

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    We analyze the properties of the quasi-one-dimensional triangle lattice emphasizing the occurrence of flat bands and band touching via the tuning of the lattice hopping parameters and on-site energies. The spectral properties of the infinite system will be compared with the transmission through a finite piece of the lattice with attached semi-infinite leads. Furthermore, we investigate the adiabatic pumping properties of such a system: depending on the transmission through the lattice, this results in nonzero integer charge transfers or transfers that increase linearly with the lattice size

    a review

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    In this review article we describe spin-dependent transport in materials with spin–orbit interaction of Rashba type. We mainly focus on semiconductor heterostructures, however we consider topological insulators, graphene and hybrid structures involving superconductors as well. We start from the Rashba Hamiltonian in a two dimensional electron gas and then describe transport properties of two- and quasi-one-dimensional systems. The problem of spin current generation and interference effects in mesoscopic devices is described in detail. We address also the role of Rashba interaction on localisation effects in lattices with nontrivial topology, as well as on the Ahronov–Casher effect in ring structures. A brief section, in the end, describes also some related topics including the spin-Hall effect, the transition from weak localisation to weak anti localisation and the physics of Majorana fermions in hybrid heterostructures involving Rashba materials in the presence of superconductivity

    Transport properties of an electron-hole bilayer/superconductor hybrid junction

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    We investigate the transport properties of a junction consisting of an electron-hole bilayer in contact with normal and superconducting leads. The electron-hole bilayer is considered as a semi-metal with two electronic bands. We assume that in the region between the contacts the system hosts an exciton condensate described by a BCS-like model with a gap Γ\Gamma in the quasiparticle density of states. We first discuss how the subgap electronic transport through the junction is mainly governed by the interplay between two kinds of reflection processes at the interfaces: The standard Andreev reflection at the interface between the superconductor and the exciton condensate, and a coherent crossed reflection at the semi-metal/exciton-condensate interface that converts electrons from one layer into the other. We show that the differential conductance of the junction shows a minimum at voltages of the order of Γ/e\Gamma/e. Such a minimum can be seen as a direct hallmark of the existence of the gapped excitonic state

    Massless Dirac-Weyl Fermions in a T_3 Optical Lattice

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    We propose an experimental setup for the observation of quasi-relativistic massless Fermions. It is based on a T_3 optical lattice, realized by three pairs of counter-propagating lasers, filled with fermionic cold atoms. We show that in the long wavelength approximation the T_3 Hamiltonian generalizes the Dirac-Weyl Hamiltonian for the honeycomb lattice, however, with a larger value of the pseudo-spin S=1. In addition to the Dirac cones, the spectrum includes a dispersionless branch of localized states producing a finite jump in the atomic density. Furthermore, implications for the Landau levels are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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