163 research outputs found

    The Role of New York State\u27s Division of Fish and Wildlife in Deer Damage Control

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    The Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) spells out the responsibilities and authorities of the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Section 1-0101, subdivision 3 of the ECL declares a State policy which includes the fostering, promoting, creating and maintaining of conditions under which humans and nature can thrive in harmony. Section 11-0303, subdivision 1 of the ECL vests in the department the efficient management of the wildlife resources of the State. The department is further directed by subdivision 2 of this section to include regard to the compatibility of production and harvesting of wildlife crops with other necessary or desirable land uses in its management of the wildlife resources


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    This review present a discussion abouth the tannins. The tannins are compounds that have theability to bind other macromolecules, reducing their availability to animal metabolism. This characteristic can bebenefic or deleterious, depending on the tannin concentration degree in the plant and its structure. Positiveeffects are mainly related with a better use of the dietary protein and an increased efficiency of microbial proteinsynthesis in the rumen. The use of tannins to reduce ruminal methane emission has been subject of currentresearches, firmly indicating a decrease of ruminal methanogenesis. However, many of these studies, carriedout to evaluate the effects of tannins on forage fermentation and animal metabolism, are based on legumeplants, so their results can not be surpassed to studies concerning tanniniferous grasses. By improving thecharacterization of the profile and reactivity of tannins in tanniniferous forages, such as some sorghum hybrids,as well as conducting experiments to demonstrate the effects of tannins on animal metabolism and performance,the real potential of forages with tannin will be enlightened.A revisão teve como objetivo apresentar uma discussão sobre os taninos. Os taninos sãocompostos que possuem a propriedade de ligar-se a outras macromoléculas reduzindo sua disponibilidadepara o metabolismo animal. Esta característica possui aspectos benéficos ou deletérios, dependendo daconcentração na qual o tanino se apresenta na planta e sua estrutura. Os efeitos benéficos são representados,principalmente, pelo melhor aproveitamento da fração protéica da dieta e aumento na eficiência de síntesemicrobiana no rúmen. A possibilidade de utilização de taninos na redução da emissão ruminal do gás metanovem despertando interesseempesquisas recentes indicando, de forma consistente, redução da metanogêneseruminal. No entanto, a maior parte dos estudos conduzidos com o intuito de avaliar o efeito dos taninos noprocesso de fermentação de forragem e o metabolismo animal utiliza leguminosas e, pelas diferentescaracterísticas que estas apresentam, muitos dos resultados não podem ser extrapolados para estudos comgramíneas taniníferas. Por meio da melhor caracterização do perfil e da reatividade dos taninos presentes nasforragens taniníferas, como determinados híbridos de sorgo, e pela realização de experimentos quedemonstrem o efeito dos taninos sobre o metabolismo e desempenho animal, o real potencial da utilização deforrageiras taniníferas será esclarecido

    Methane emission from grazing dairy cattle in tropical Brasil: mitigation by improving production.

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    Experiments were carried out on tropical grass pasture, in summer 2002, to find out possible mitigation options to reduce methane emission using different categories of grazing dairy cattle breeds. Methane emission was measured using the SF6 tracer technique. Experimental design was a block distribution in time, along four consecutive weeks, five days a week, at 12-hour intervals, employing four animal categories - lactating and dry cows on pastures with nitrogen fertilization and heifers on pastures with and without fertilization - of pure Holstein and 3/4 breeds (B. taurus x B. indicus): lactating Hostein cows in 1 of 33 resting days rotated grazing fertilized Panicum maximum with 15% crude protein (CP), 64% neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and 54% ?in vitro? organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) plus 1 kg concentrate with 20% CP for each three liter milk surplus above 10 liters; dry cows and heifers of both breeds grazing N-fertilized grass P. maximum, lactating Zebu crosbred on Nfertilized Brachiaria decumbens, and heifers of both breeds grazing unfertilized B. decumbens extensively managed, with 6.5% CP, 72% NDF and 37% IVOMD, similar to the most representative cattle production systems in Brazil. These experiments were carried out in summer (rainy season) with offer of good quality grass forage. Data indicate that methane emission rates of cattle on tropical grass pastures are higher than those on temperate forages, perhaps due to higher fiber content. Data also suggest that improvement of production potential of dairy cattle may reduce methane emission per product unit in Brazilian summer grazing conditions. Concentrate use equal or lower than 40% of dry matter intake did increase methane emission per animal but reduce per unit of production

    Characterization of condensed tannins from native legumes of the brazilian Northeastern Semi-arid.

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    Apesar da possível influência do tanino sobre o valor nutritivo das forrageiras da Caatinga, poucos são os estudos que avaliam a concentração de taninos nestas plantas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar os taninos condensados presentes nas espécies Mimosa hostilis (Jurema Preta), Mimosa caesalpinifolia (Sabiá) e Bauhinia cheilantha (Mororó), em três fases do ciclo fenológico. As concentrações de tanino solúvel (TS), tanino ligado ao resíduo (TL) e tanino total (TT) foram determinadas pelo método butanol-HCl; a adstringência foi avaliada pelo método de difusão radial e a composição de monômeros dos taninos purificados através do sistema de cromatografia líquida de alta resolução, utilizando delfinidina, cianidina e pelargonidina como padrões. A concentração e adstringência dos taninos condensados purificados, assim como sua composição monomérica, variou entre as espécies e, em alguns casos, entre os ciclos fenológicos. Os valores foram superiores aos considerados benéficos a digestão ruminal (5%). Jurema Preta apresentou os maiores valores (30,98% TT e 22% de adstringência na vegetação plena) e Mororó os menores valores observados (10,38 TT e 14% de adstringência na frutificação). A Jurema Preta apresentou uma relação prodelfinidina (PD):procianidina (PC) média de 97:3 que se mostrou pouco variável, indicando uma alta capacidade adstringente dos taninos desta espécie em todas as fases do ciclo fenológico. O Sábia apresentou uma relação de 90:20 nas fases de vegetação plena e floração, diminuindo para 40:50 na fase de frutificação. A relação PD:PC do Mororó foi mais equilibrada, oscilando em torno de 40:50 nas fases de vegetação plena e floração e reduzindo para 35:60 durante a frutificação. A propelargonidina esteve ausente ou em pequena concentração nas espécies estudadas. Abstract: Despite the possible influence of tannins on the nutritional value of the forages from Caatinga vegetation, there are few studies that evaluated their tannin concentration. This study was conducted to characterize condensed tannins present in the legumes species Mimosa hostilis (Jurema Preta), Mimosa caesalpinifolia (Sabia) and Bauhinia cheilantha (Mororo), at three stages of their phenological cycle. The concentration of soluble tannin (ST), bound tannin (BT) and total tannin (TT) were determined using the butanol-HCL method; astringency was by the radial diffusion method, and the monomeric composition of purified tannins by a high-performance liquid chromatograph with delphinidin, cyanidin and pelargonidin as standards. Concentration and astringency of purified condensed tannins, as well as their monomeric composition varied between species, and in some cases among phenological cycles. The values observed were always above the limits considered beneficial for ruminal digestion (i.e. 5%). Jurema Preta presented the highest values (30.98% TT and 22% astringency at full growth stage), and Mororo the lowest (10.38% TT and 14% astringency during fructification). Jurema Preta presented a mean relationship prodelfinidin (PD): procyanidin (PC) of 97:3, which did not vary during the phenological cycle, showing the high astringent capacity of these tannins. Sabia presented a relationship of 90:20 during full growth and flowering stages, decreasing to 40:50 at fructification. In Mororo the PD:PC relationship was more equilibrated, around 40:50 during full growth and flowering stages, decreasing to 35:60 During fructification. Propelargonidin was not detected or was present at low concentration in the three species

    Low-fiber sugarcane to improve meat production with less methane emission in tropical dry season.

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    One of the main strategies to improve animal production and to reduce methane emissions in tropical animal production systems is to provide feed supplement to beef cattle in the dry season, when pasture forage production and forage quality are low. Without feed supplementation, beef cattle take three to six years to get the minimum accepted 450-kg slaughter weight. High-saccharose chopped sugarcane with 1% urea may be used to reduce weight losses, or plus grain-concentrate it may improve weight gain in the dry season, mainly with low NDF:saccharose ratio varieties. The main goal of this work was to improve knowledge on methane emission rates from varieties with extreme NDF:saccharose ratios. Experiments were performed with Holstein x Zebu crossbred dairy heifers, under controlled feeding, in a randomized block design, with 4 treatments: two sugarcane varieties, low- (cane1) and high-fiber (cane2), treated with either 1% urea (U), or substituting 40% of DM with a 18% crude protein concentrate (C), and three replications repeated twice. The experiment was carried out in late winter, in August 2001, the driest month. Methane emission was measured using the hexafluoride tracer method. Methane emission rates, per day and per kg LW were 113-166-122-140 g/d and 0.33-0.47-0.34-0.37 g/d/kg LW, respectively, for cane1U-cane1C-cane2Ucane2C. For pure sugarcane, values were 101 g/d and 0.27 g/d/kg LW. Results suggest that the use of lower NDF:saccharose ratio sugarcane variety plus concentrate will improve meat production with a lower methane emission per unit of product, in tropical dry season

    Tanino condensando das espécies jurema preta (Mimosa hostilis), sabiá (Mimosa caesalpinifolia) e mororó (Bauhinia cheilantha), em três fases do ciclo fenológico.

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    Resumo: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar os taninos condensados das espécies Jurema Preta (Mimosa hostilis), Sabiá (Mimosa caesalpinifolia) e Mororó (Bauhinia cheilantha) nas fases de vegetação(Mimosa hostilis), Sabiá (Mimosa caesalpinifolia) e Mororó (Bauhinia cheilantha) nas fases de vegetação plena, floração plena e frutificação. A concentração em tanino solúvel, tanino ligado ao resíduo e tanino total (TT) foi determinada pelo método butanol-HCL e a adstringência pelo método de difusão radial. Foram observadas diferenças entre as espécies quanto a concentração (P<0,05) e adstringência (P<0,05) dos taninos. A Jurema Preta apresentou os maiores valores (30,98% TT e 22% de adstringência na vegetação plena) e Mororó as menores (10,38% TT e 14% de adstringência na frutificação). A concentração e adstringência dos taninos condensados, assim como a adstringência variaram entre as espécies e, em alguns casos, entre as fases do ciclo fenológico. Os valores observados foram sempre superiores aos considerados benéficos (5%) para a digestão ruminal e aproveitamento geral da dieta. Abstract: This study was conducted aiming at characterizing the condensed tannins present in the legumes species Jurema Preta (Mimosa hostilis), Sabiá (Mimosa caesalpinifolia) and Mororó (Bauhinia cheilantha) at three stages of their phenological cycle. The concentration of soluble tannin, bound tannin and total tannin (TT) was determined using the butanol-HCL method and astringency was determined using the radial diffusion method. Jurema Preta presented the highest values (30.98% TT and 22 % astringency at full growth stage), and Mororó the lowest (10.38% TT and 14 % astringency during fructification). Concentration and astringency of condensed tannins, as well as their monomeric composition varied between species, and in some cases among phenological cycles. The values observed were always above the limits considered beneficial for ruminal digestion (i.e. 5%)

    \u3ci\u3eIn Situ\u3c/i\u3e Degradability of Hand Harvested or Extrusa Samples of Tanzania Grass (\u3ci\u3ePanicum maximum\u3c/i\u3e, Jacq.)

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    In order to compare the in situ degradability of tanzania grass samples obtained as by extrusa or hand plucked, three ruminal fistulated cows were used in a completely randomized block design with split-plot scheme. Five grams of extrusa or hand harvested grasses were placed in nylon bags rumen incubated during 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 120 hours. The degradability of DM, CP, NDF and ADF were, in this sequence, 62.59, 80.88, 50.73 and 46.65%, for hand harvested grass; and 79.53, 90.97, 71.21 and 65.68%, for extrusa. In situ degradability data of hand harvested samples were not reliable