41 research outputs found

    Attività in alcuni generi di psicoterapia

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    The main aim of our paper is to contribute to the outline of a general inventory of activities in psychotherapy, as a step towards a description of overall conversational organizations of diff erent therapeutic approaches. From the perspective of Conversation Analysis, we describe some activities commonly occurrring in a corpus of sessions conducted by cognitive and relational-systemic therapists. Two activities appear to be basic: (a) inquiry: therapists elicit information from patients on their problems and circumstances; (b) reworking: therapists say something designed as an elaboration of what patients have previously said, or as something that can be grounded on it; and patients are induced to confi rm/disprove and contribute to the elaboration. Furthermore, we describe other activities, which turn out to be auxiliary to the basic ones: storytelling, procedural arrangement, recalling, noticing, teaching. We fi nally show some ways in which these activities can be integrated through conversational interaction

    Conversazioni telefoniche

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    Caratteristiche salienti di diversi tipi di telefonate in diversi contesti sociali, con particolare attenzione all'apertura

    La telefonata dell'ascoltatore

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    Ipertesto online sull'apertura delle telefonate a programmi radio-televisivi. Analisi delle interazioni a livello microsociale. www.scriptaweb.i