7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Forensic Cases Under the Age of 18 in Kastamonu

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    Amaç Kastamonu ilindeki 18 yaş altı adli olguların incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metot Kastamonu Adli Tıp Şube Müdürlüğünde, Ocak 2007 ve Mart 2008 tarihleri arasında düzenlenmiş adli raporlardan 18 yaş altı olgulara ait 79 rapor yaş, cinsiyet, olay türü, yapılan muayeneler gibi parametreler kullanılarak geriye dönük olarak incelenmiştir. Bulgular Çalışma grubumuzda erkek sayısı 41 (%51,89), kadın sayısı ise 38 (%48,11)’dir. En çok 15-16 yaş grubu için rapor istenilmiştir. Çalışmamızda olay türü olarak %35,44 ile etkili eylem ilk sırada, %24,05 ile cinsel nitelikli olay ikinci sırada, %22,78 ile trafik kazası üçüncü sıradadır. Sonuç Çalışmamızdaki verilerin diğer şehirlerdeki verilere benzer şekilde olduğu görülmüştür. Ancak diğer çalışmalardan farklı olarak kadın oranı erkek oranına yakın bulunmuştur. Çalışmamızda ayrıca etkili eylem ve cinsel eylemin trafik kazalarından fazla olduğunu saptanmıştır.Aim We aimed to investigate criminal cases under the age of 18 in the province of Kastamonu. Materials and Methods Totally 79 forensic reports under the age of 18 issued between January 2007 and March 2008 in Kastamonu Forensic Medicine Division were evaluated retrospectively in terms of parameters such as age, gender, type of event, examinations. Results Of the cases, 41 male (51.89%), 38 female (48.11%) were detected respectively. For the age group 15-16 were mostly asked to report. In this study, according to type of event, the effective action with 35.44% the cases was the first, event of a sexual nature was the second with 24.05%, and traffic accidents with 22.78% was in third place. Conclusion Our study results were similar with studies performed in other cities. As distinc from, rate of women and men are close to each other. Also in our study, trauma and sexual abuse are more than traffic accident was determined

    Evaluation of Forensic Cases Under the Age of 18 in Kastamonu

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    Aim:We aimed to investigate criminal cases under the age of 18 in the province of Kastamonu.Materials and Methods:Totally 79 forensic reports under the age of 18 issued between January 2007 and March 2008 in Kastamonu Forensic Medicine Division were evaluated retrospectively in terms of parameters such as age, gender, type of event, examinations.Results:Of the cases, 41 male (51.89%), 38 female (48.11%) were detected respectively. For the age group 15-16 were mostly asked to report. In this study, according to type of event, the effective action with 35.44% the cases was the first, event of a sexual nature was the second with 24.05%, and traffic accidents with 22.78% was in third place.Conclusion:Our study results were similar with studies performed in other cities. As distinc from, rate of women and men are close to each other. Also in our study, trauma and sexual abuse are more than traffic accident was determine

    Childhood Deaths Resulted From Burn Injuries In Diyarbak�R

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    Aim: Deaths resulted from burn injuries constitute a serious public health problem in developing countries. Deaths from burn injuries are usually seen secondary to accidents and more frequently occur in chidhood. In this study; we intended to indicate the features of childhood deaths resulted from burn injuries and the causes of burns in Diyarbakir city. Methods: The corpse examination and autopsy records of childhood deaths caused by burn injuries between 2003 and 2006 in the city center of Diyarbakir were scrutinized. It was determined that, during this period 49 deaths were caused by burn injuries. Results: It was also determined that 61.22 % of the cases were male and 91.84 % of them were at pre-school age period (0-6 years). Origins of all incidents were accident and 75.51 % of accidents were resulted from scald burns. Forty of incidents were treated in a certain period and died during treatment. Conclusion: During pre-school period, children spend most of their times at home, which might increase the frequency of burn injuries at this age. Since these kinds of accidents are generally preventable, implemented health and social policies will help to reduce home accidents

    Adlî Tıpta Giysi İncelemesinin Yeri

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    Fiziksel deliller, adli olayın aydınlatılmasında ve orijin tayininde çok önemli bir yere sahiptir. Ateşli silahlar ve çeşitli aletler (kesici, kesici-delici, delici vb.) ile yaralanma ve öldürme olaylarında, ölen ve/veya yaralananın olay anında üzerinde bulunan giysilerin fiziksel ve kimyasal incelemesi, olayın adli ve tıbbi sonuçları açısından önemlidir. Çalışmamızda 1995-1999 yılları arasında Adli Tıp Kurumu-Fizik İncelemeler İhtisas Dairesi’nde giysi incelemesi ile ilgili olarak düzenlenen raporlar yapılandırılmış bir değerlendirme formuna göre taranmıştır. İnceleme için gönderilen 1172 adet dosyanın %6 Tinde atış mesafesi, %18’inde giysi tetkiki, %4’ünde aletin türü ile ilgili soruların fiziksel delil elde etmek yönünde öne çıktığı görülmüştür. Giysilerin elde ediliş ve gönderilişi sırasında aksaklıklar saptanmış, bazı dosyalarda incelemesi istenen giysilerin dosya ve otopsi raporu bulunmadan gönderildiği tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, giysi incelemesi istenen dosyalarda, her aşamada uygun prosedürlerin uygulanması gerekliliği ortaya konmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: Adli tıp, fiziksel delil, giysi incelemesi, atış mesafesi, aletin türü