124 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Aspect Ratio Pada Perancangan Motor Induksi Tiga Fase.

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    ABSTRACT This research investigates the influence of aspect ratio on the main physical dimensions, equivalent circuit parameters, and torque in the design of three phase induction motors. Software for the design of three phase induction motors can be applied to the designing of the motor component. Input data for the program consist of power, voltage, frequency, speed, efficiency, power factor, and various values of the aspect ratio from 1.00 to 4.00. The output of the program are the main physical dimensions of three phase induction motors. The result of the research shows that the increases of aspect ratio, maximum torque, and full load torque raise the length of the core (L), but the diameter of the stator bore (D) decreases. Key word: Aspect ratio, rotor lilit, rotor sangka

    Metode Yang Dipergunakan Untuk Memperbaiki Respons Stabilitas Peralihan Pada Sistem Tenaga Listrik

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    Power system stability, in general terms, may be defined as its ability to response to a disturbance from its normal operation or by returning to a condition where the operation is again normal. Stable operation of power system requires a continuous match between input energy to the prime movers and the electrical load on the system. A synchronous power system has transient stability if, after a large sudden disturbance, it can regain and maintain synchronism. Techniques for improving the transient stability response of power system are excitation control, fast valving, series compensation, reducing excess of energy during the transient, reducing the impact of the disturbance on network switching and power modulation of direct-current line

    Kinerja bahan isolasi non keramik di daerah tropis

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    Non-ceramic insulatos have been increasingly accepted by industry and utilities to replace porcelain and glass insulators because of the well-known advantages the non ceramic insulators have, such as light weight, ease of handling, reduce installation and maintenance cost, vandalism resistance, and inproved contamination performance. How ever, non-ceramic insulation material, likes epoxy resin has some disadvantages. It is very sensitive, if it used in high temperature and in a very humid areas, and also in area where exist high intensity of ultraviolet radiation. These climates condition unfortunately found in most area in Indonesia which will cause leakage current then develops which may lead tq flashover that could be followed by an outage of the power system. In order to reduce the incidence of non-ceramic insulator flashover, this paper presents the results of an investigationon the electrical performance of artificially contaminated epoxy resin insulation material. The specimens of epoxy resin insulating materials are based on diglysidil ether of bisfenol-A (dgeba), metaphenylene-diamine (mpda) as curing agent, and silica filler were used. Part of specimens is coating by silicon compound Experimental method was carried out through the following procedure : (I) the contaminant coating on specimen surface in fog chamber and simulation of ultra violet radiation, (2) the ac voltage was applied between two electrodes inserted into specimen surface, (3) the measurement of leakage current on contamination specimens surface, and (4) the calculation of equivalent salt deposit density (esdd) On the basis of the results, it can be concluded the increase both esdd and uv radiation on the specimens surface cause the increase of leakage current. Silicone compound coating on specimen surface is able to suppress the development of leakage current

    Kegagalan Berbagai Jenis Bahan Lantai terhadap tegangan bolak-balik

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    ,ABSTRACT Nowdays, ceramic floor material are widespread used in building developments. There is a question whether good characteristic attached to porcelain, the material of which is common used in power insulation, is as good as that of ceramic one. This research compared the dielectric strength of ceramic floor material, porcelain floor material and cement material floor when alternating voltage is applied It is found that the dielectric strength of ceramic floor material is 7 times as big as the cement floor material, but it is half of the the porcelain floor material dielectric strengt

    PENGARUH POROSITAS TANAH TERHADAP PENTANAHAN DALAM SISTEM TENAGA LISTRIK = The Influence of Soil Porosity on Grounding in Electric Power System

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    ABSTRACT This study was intended to find out the relationship between soil porosity and grounding in electric power system. Using cylider ground rod with 3/4 " diameters and various length could eliminate potensial difference between metal and soil, and could stabilize the voltage in electric power system by grounding its neutral point on star relation system. The location of this study was Semarang municipality, taking hilly and lowland area for the samples. The aim was to find out the soil porosity and mineral level distinction and also saturation degree in different electrode profoundity in eah objects/locations. The examination took place through distinct test by one line variants analysis (ANOVA) with windows SPSS 10.0 program. The relationship between soil porosity and grounding was analyze with correlation by SPSS program. The result indicated that Tukey and Boferroni tests for the parameters of soil porosity, mineral level, saturation degree, and stability value with the same profoundity for each data source area, showed different conclusions. Analysis of the soil porosity showed a significant correlation. So it can be said that grounding factors is influenced by soil porosity faktor. Key word : soil porosity, soil resistance and ground in electric power syste

    Analysis of the Performance of RTV Silane Epoxy Resins as the High Voltage Polymeric Materials Insulator in Tropical Climate.

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    Silane epoxy resins are the name of new thermosetting polymeric insulation materials that have been developed, with the materials composition was obtained from the experimental research. Analysis of the performance of RTV silane epoxy resins is the multiple regression model, it is derived from statistical science combined with statistics toolbox from matlab programme. The observed performances from experimental methods as follow, flashover voltage, leakage current, equivalent salt deposit density, and contact angle of the hydrophobicity. For engineering proposed, it could be appied for silane epoxy resins to determine optimal performance the sample in tropical climate such as temperature, humidity, pressure, wind velocity, rain fall, and ultraviolet. The results of multiple regression model, it can be concluded that the silane treatment of the filler with the dose of 40 %, or specimen code of RTV24 gives optimal performance in the tropical climate. Therefore, these materials can be proposed as insulator materials for high voltage transmission line in tropical area, and as an alternative substitution for porcelain and glasses. Keywords: silane epoxy resins, performance, and tropical climate

    Pengaruh Silane Sebagai Bahan Pengisi Material Isolasi Polimer Resin Epoksi Di Daerah Tropis

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    The specimens of silane epoxy resins insulating materials are based on diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A, cured with metaphenilene-diamine, with stochiometric value of unity, and 325-mesh silica filler treatment. Silane epoxy resins are the name of new thermosetting polymeric insulation materials that have been developed, the materials composition was obtained from the experimental research. To investigate the influence of the filler material the amount of six types of variation of the silane in the room temperature was vulcaniced, compared with the 6 types of variation of the filler without silane treatment. The study towards improving the performance of the epoxy resins was conducted, by adding silane treatment as filler, and a new performance with regard to hydrophobicity was realized. Experimental method for 12 types of specimens was carried out through the following procedurethe specimens were installed on the Parangtritis natural aging test, a site located ± 30 kms in the South of Yogyakarta for 60 weeks, and the performance observation were taken every two weeks. This site is subjected to heavy coastal pollution as well as to high sunny levels. The observed performances are stated in terms of flashover voltage, leakage current on surface, equivalent salt deposit density, and the contact angle of the hydrophobicity. The result of experiment indicated that the silane treatment of the filler can improve overall electrical performance of the rtv silane epoxy resins, compared to the rtv epoxy resins without silane. Keywords: silane epoxy resin, performance, and natural agin

    Kinerja Pengoperasian Motor Induksi 3-Fase Pada Sistem Tenaga 1-Fase Dengan Menggunakan Kapasitor

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    In many rural areas where only single-phase power is available from the local utility, operation of induction motors that drive large loads can be a problem. For loads up to about 20 hp, single-phase induction motors can be used with easily. For larger loads, the single-phase induction motors required a specific designed starting windings and control circuits. Such induction motors are often considerably higher in cost than the equivalent 3-phase induction motorsand is usually more economical and more efficient to use a 3-phase induction motor even if it must be supplied with a single-phase source. One way to do this is to connect capacitors at the winding circuits across the terminal of the induction motors. The data of induction motor used was 1.5 kW three-phase induction motor, 220/380 V/Y6.2/3.6 A50 Hz1400 rpmB class0.84 power factor with 4 poles of _stator using capacitor on one-phase power supply. The performance of induction motor was analyzed based on the output power Vs input current, power factor, efficiency, network output torque, and the rising of temperature of the stator\u27s winding. The method used in this research was focused on the reactive power of the three-phase induction motor and current densities within each winding. The experimental results showed that the three-phase induction motor used could be operated well on one-phase power supply using 128,21pF of capacitor with the output power of 726.26 W, 0.961 leading power factor, input current 5.2 A, network output torque 5.3 N-m, efficiency 66%, rotor speed 1310 rpm and winding temperature 82.1 CC. So the induction motor could be operated safely according to the IEC and NEMA standards. Keywords : capacitor circuit, reactive power of three-phase induction motor, current densities


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    The discharge propagation on polluted layers of insulator surface in tropical country was studied to get information about the influence of impulse voltage. The leakage current at insulator surface caused by the applied impulse voltage was also investigated. The sample used in this study was cap-pin type of ceramic insulator of 146 mm x 254 mm, creepage length of 310 mm, and leakage distance of 280 mm. The applied impulse voltage used was based on the International Standard, IEC 1.2 x 50 [is . The method of simulation on the mathematical expression of the contamination of an insulator surface was applied. It was found that the increase of impulse voltage, increased the discharge propagation velocity on the polluted layers of an insulator surface. However, with the increase of applied impulse voltage, the leakage current also increased, and this caused the increase of discharge propagation velocity. Thus, increasing the impulse voltage, both the leakage current and the discharge propagation velocity increased. Key words : impulse voltage. leakage current and discharge propagation velocit

    Analisis Pengaruh Keadaan Suhu Terhadap Tegangan Tembus Ac Dan Dc Pada Minyak Transformator

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    Tegangan tembus (breakdown) merupakan suatu peristiwa apabila medan magnet dinaikkan(tegangan terus-menerus dinaikkan), atom-atom akan terionisasi dan sampai batas kemampuan isolatortersebut menahan tegangan maka isolator tersebut akan berubah menjadi konduktor. Saat kritis ini disebutbreakdown. Pengujian terhadap tegangan tembus diperlukan untuk mengetahui titik kritis dari isolasiminyak transformator.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya tegangan tembus pada minyaktransformator setelah diberikan tegangan tinggi AC dan DC dengan suhu minyak 500C, 700C dan 900C.Pengujian juga untuk mengetahui apakah minyak transformator bekas masih layak dipakai atau tidak.Pengujian tegangan tembus pada minyak transformator baru dibandingkan dengan tegangantembus pada minyak transformator bekas dimana terdapat perbedaan yaitu pada besarnya nilai tegangantembus. Besarnya nilai tegangan tembus pada tegangan AC juga dibandingkan terhadap nilai tegangantembus DC
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