1,074 research outputs found

    Energy Distribution of Micro-events in the Quiet Solar Corona

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    Recent imaging observations of EUV line emissions have shown evidence for frequent flare-like events in a majority of the pixels in quiet regions of the solar corona. The changes in coronal emission measure indicate impulsive heating of new material to coronal temperatures. These heating or evaporation events are candidate signatures of "nanoflares" or "microflares" proposed to interpret the high temperature and the very existence of the corona. The energy distribution of these micro-events reported in the literature differ widely, and so do the estimates of their total energy input into the corona. Here we analyze the assumptions of the different methods, compare them by using the same data set and discuss their results. We also estimate the different forms of energy input and output, keeping in mind that the observed brightenings are most likely secondary phenomena. A rough estimate of the energy input observed by EIT on the SoHO satellite is of the order of 10% of the total radiative output in the same region. It is considerably smaller for the two reported TRACE observations. The discrepancy can be explained partially by different thresholds for flare detection. There is agreement on the slope and the absolute value of the distribution if the same method were used and a numerical error corrected. The extrapolation of the power law to unobserved energies that are many orders of magnitude smaller remains questionable. Nevertheless, these micro-events and unresolved smaller events are currently the best source of information on the heating process of the corona

    Are Coronae of Magnetically Active Stars Heated by Flares? III. Analytical Distribution of Superimposed Flares

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    (abridged) We study the hypothesis that observed X-ray/extreme ultraviolet emission from coronae of magnetically active stars is entirely (or to a large part) due to the superposition of flares, using an analytic approach to determine the amplitude distribution of flares in light curves. The flare-heating hypothesis is motivated by time series that show continuous variability suggesting the presence of a large number of superimposed flares with similar rise and decay time scales. We rigorously relate the amplitude distribution of stellar flares to the observed histograms of binned counts and photon waiting times, under the assumption that the flares occur at random and have similar shapes. Applying these results to EUVE/DS observations of the flaring star AD Leo, we find that the flare amplitude distribution can be represented by a truncated power law with a power law index of 2.3 +/- 0.1. Our analytical results agree with existing Monte Carlo results of Kashyap et al. (2002) and Guedel et al. (2003). The method is applicable to a wide range of further stochastically bursting astrophysical sources such as cataclysmic variables, Gamma Ray Burst substructures, X-ray binaries, and spatially resolved observations of solar flares.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Giant Shapiro Resonances in a Flux Driven Josephson Junction Necklace

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    We present a detailed study of the dynamic response of a ring of NN equally spaced Josephson junctions to a time-periodic external flux, including screening current effects. The dynamics are described by the resistively shunted Josephson junction model, appropriate for proximity effect junctions, and we include Faraday's law for the flux. We find that the time-averaged I−VI-V characteristics show novel {\em subharmonic giant Shapiro voltage resonances}, which strongly depend on having phase slips or not, on NN, on the inductance and on the external drive frequency. We include an estimate of the possible experimental parameters needed to observe these quantized voltage spikes.Comment: 8 pages RevTeX, 3 figures available upon reques

    Observation and Modeling of the Solar Transition Region: II. Solutions of the Quasi-Static Loop Model

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    In the present work we undertake a study of the quasi-static loop model and the observational consequences of the various solutions found. We obtain the most general solutions consistent with certain initial conditions. Great care is exercised in choosing these conditions to be physically plausible (motivated by observations). We show that the assumptions of previous quasi-static loop models, such as the models of Rosner, Tucker and Vaiana (1978) and Veseckey, Antiochos and Underwood (1979), are not necessarily valid for small loops at transition region temperatures. We find three general classes of solutions for the quasi-static loop model, which we denote, radiation dominated loops, conduction dominated loops and classical loops. These solutions are then compared with observations. Departures from the classical scaling law of RTV are found for the solutions obtained. It is shown that loops of the type that we model here can make a significant contribution to lower transition region emission via thermal conduction from the upper transition region.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to ApJ, Microsoft Word File 6.0/9

    Full capacitance-matrix effects in driven Josephson-junction arrays

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    We study the dynamic response to external currents of periodic arrays of Josephson junctions, in a resistively capacitively shunted junction (RCSJ) model, including full capacitance-matrix effects}. We define and study three different models of the capacitance matrix Cr⃗,r⃗â€ČC_{\vec{r},\vec{r}'}: Model A includes only mutual capacitances; Model B includes mutual and self capacitances, leading to exponential screening of the electrostatic fields; Model C includes a dense matrix Cr⃗,r⃗â€ČC_{\vec{r},\vec{r}'} that is constructed approximately from superposition of an exact analytic solution for the capacitance between two disks of finite radius and thickness. In the latter case the electrostatic fields decay algebraically. For comparison, we have also evaluated the full capacitance matrix using the MIT fastcap algorithm, good for small lattices, as well as a corresponding continuum effective-medium analytic evaluation of a finite voltage disk inside a zero-potential plane. In all cases the effective Cr⃗,r⃗â€ČC_{\vec{r},\vec{r}'} decays algebraically with distance, with different powers. We have then calculated current voltage characteristics for DC+AC currents for all models. We find that there are novel giant capacitive fractional steps in the I-V's for Models B and C, strongly dependent on the amount of screening involved. We find that these fractional steps are quantized in units inversely proportional to the lattice sizes and depend on the properties of Cr⃗,r⃗â€ČC_{\vec{r},\vec{r}'}. We also show that the capacitive steps are not related to vortex oscillations but to localized screened phase-locking of a few rows in the lattice. The possible experimental relevance of these results is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages 18 Postscript figures, REVTEX style. Paper to appear in July 1, Vol. 58, Phys. Rev. B 1998 All PS figures include

    The Structure and Dynamics of the Upper Chromosphere and Lower Transition Region as Revealed by the Subarcsecond VAULT Observations

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    The Very high Angular resolution ULtraviolet Telescope (VAULT) is a sounding rocket payload built to study the crucial interface between the solar chromosphere and the corona by observing the strongest line in the solar spectrum, the Ly-a line at 1216 {\AA}. In two flights, VAULT succeeded in obtaining the first ever sub-arcsecond (0.5") images of this region with high sensitivity and cadence. Detailed analyses of those observations have contributed significantly to new ideas about the nature of the transition region. Here, we present a broad overview of the Ly-a atmosphere as revealed by the VAULT observations, and bring together past results and new analyses from the second VAULT flight to create a synthesis of our current knowledge of the high-resolution Ly-a Sun. We hope that this work will serve as a good reference for the design of upcoming Ly-a telescopes and observing plans.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Spatiotemporal Stochastic Resonance in Fully Frustrated Josephson Ladders

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    We consider a Josephson-junction ladder in an external magnetic field with half flux quantum per plaquette. When driven by external currents, periodic in time and staggered in space, such a fully frustrated system is found to display spatiotemporal stochastic resonance under the influence of thermal noise. Such resonance behavior is investigated both numerically and analytically, which reveals significant effects of anisotropy and yields rich physics.Comment: 8 pages in two columns, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Submillimeter Line Emission from LMC 30Dor: The Impact of a Starburst on a Low Metallicity Environment

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    (Abridged) The 30 Dor region in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is the most vigorous star-forming region in the Local Group. Star formation in this region is taking place in low-metallicity molecular gas that is exposed to an extreme far--ultraviolet (FUV) radiation field powered by the massive compact star cluster R136. We used the NANTEN2 telescope to obtain high-angular resolution observations of the 12CO 4-3, 7-6, and 13CO 4-3 rotational lines and [CI] 3P1-3P0 and 3P2-3P1 fine-structure submillimeter transitions in 30Dor-10, the brightest CO and FIR-emitting cloud at the center of the 30Dor region. We derived the properties of the low-metallicity molecular gas using an excitation/radiative transfer code and found a self-consistent solution of the chemistry and thermal balance of the gas in the framework of a clumpy cloud PDR model. We compared the derived properties with those in the N159W region, which is exposed to a more moderate far-ultraviolet radiation field compared with 30Dor-10, but has similar metallicity. We also combined our CO detections with previously observed low-J CO transitions to derive the CO spectral-line energy distribution in 30Dor-10 and N159W. The separate excitation analysis of the submm CO lines and the neutral carbon fine structure lines shows that the mid-J CO and [CI]-emitting gas in the 30Dor-10 region has a temperature of about 160 K and a H2 density of about 10^4 cm^-3. We find that the molecular gas in 30Dor-10 is warmer and has a lower beam filling factor compared to that of N159W, which might be a result of the effect of a strong FUV radiation field heating and disrupting the low--metallicity molecular gas. We use a clumpy PDR model (including the [CII] line intensity reported in the literature) to constrain the FUV intensity to about chi_0 ~ 3100 and an average total H density of the clump ensemble of about 10^5 cm^-3 in 30Dor-10.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Flare Heating in Stellar Coronae

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    We investigate the contribution of very weak flares to the coronal luminosity of low-mass active stars. We analyze EUVE/DS events data from FK Aqr, V1054 Oph, and AD Leo and conclude that in all these cases the coronal emission is dominated by flares to such an extent that in some cases the entire emission may be ascribed to flare heating. We have developed a new method to directly model for the first time stochastically produced flare emission, including undetectable flares, and their effects on the observed photon arrival times. We find that the index of the power-law distribution of flare energies (dN/dE ~ E^{-alpha}) is 2.6+-0.34, 2.74+-0.35, and 2.03-2.32 for FK Aqr, V1054 Oph, and AD Leo respectively. We also find that the flare component accounts for a large fraction (generally >50 percent) of the total flux.Comment: 20 pages in 2-columns AASTeX, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
