38 research outputs found
Morocco is one of the major exporters of small citrus fruits, such as mandarin and Clementine. Seedlessness is a major criterion for this horticultural group. The present study focused on the selection of the best triploid mandarin hybrids (2n=3x=27) characterized by seedless fruits. A series of crosses between âSidi Aissaâ clementine (female parent) and seven mandarin varieties (âLeeâ, âWilkingâ, âOsceolaâ, âCarvalhalâ, âSatsuma Frostâ, âSatsuma Owariâ and âChienkaâ) was performed by the National Institute for Agricultural Research. Forty triploid mandarins were obtained and planted since 2002 in an experimental field at El Menzeh. Varietal evaluation was focusing on fruit quality traits during seven years. Statistical analyzes showed that there is a significant difference for all studied characters and between hybrids. The number of seeds per fruit is the main criterion which differentiates between triploids mandarinâs hybrids and their diploid parent âclementine Sidi Aissaâ. The best hybrids selected were: HT11, HT13, HT27, HT43, HT44, and HT49. The best crosses are C1 (âSidi Aissaâ Ă âWilkingâ) andC2 (âSidi Aissaâ ĂâOsceolaâ). These promising triploid hybrids of mandarin have been multiplied on several rootstock trials and are in the process of quantitative evaluation and multi-site testing
Effet de la nutrition azotĂ©e sur les paramĂštres morphologiques et physiologiques de quelques portegreffes dâagrume
Introduction: In Morocco, the sour orange is the rootstock the mostly used in citrus orchard. This position is acquired because of its good adaptation vis-Ă -vis the Moroccan soil conditions of the regions characterized by the high alkalinity and salinity. However, the spread of CTV in the Mediterranean Basin will soon prohibit the use of traditional rootstock (sour orange). Therefore, the profile of plant material used for the planting of new citrus orchards is changing. To date, studies dealing with the optimization of nitrogen fertilization and selection of the most efficient rootstock in terms of nitrogen use in the production of citrus plants in good quality at the nursery are very important. To finalize the selection of rootstocks revealing performance in terms of adaptation to soil and climatic conditions, their evaluation on the efficiency of input use is of paramount importance.
Objective: The main objective of this study is the evaluation of the alternative rootstocks to sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) in terms of nitrogen usage.
Material and methods: This study was carried out in greenhouses at the Experimental station of El Menzeh INRA Morocco. The six rootstocks tested are: citrange Carrizo, citrange C35, Citrus volkameriana B2 28613, Citrus macrophylla, Citrumelo 4475 AB6 A4 and sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.). These seedlings rootstocks aged three months were grown in plastic pots (3L). Nitrogen was added to the nutrient solution modified Hoagland and Arnon (1950), at four doses: T1 (0 mM of N), T2 (1 mM N), T3 (5 mM N) and T4 (10 mM N) for each rootstock. Different doses of nitrogen were applied once a week over a period of three months at 0.5 liter per plant. The experimental design adopted was a split-plot design with three replications.
Results: The results of this study showed that there is variability in response between the rootstocks studied vis-Ă -vis the nitrogen.Citrus volkameriana B2 28613, Citrus macrophylla and Citrumelo 4475 AB6 A4 recorded the highest values of number of leaves per plant, diameter of the collar, the final height of the stem, total leaf area and fresh and dry weight of different organs (stem, leaves and root). Citrus volkameriana B2 28613 and Citrus macrophylla showed the highest percentages of relative water content. The rootstock Carrizo citrange showed the highest content of total chlorophyll (SPAD) and total soluble sugars (TSS). Also, Citrus macrophylla had the stomatal conductance and concentration of the highest total chlorophyll in leaves. Citrus volkameriana B2 28613 and Citrus macrophylla have accumulated higher levels of nitrogen in leaves.
Conclusion: Citrus volkameriana B2 28613, Citrus macrophylla and citrumelo 4475 AB6 A4 rootstocks are most efficient in terms of nitrogen use in the nursery stage and that the dose T3 (5 mM of N) proved to be optimal for the production of good quality plants to rootstocks at nursery stage
Ăvaluation de la rĂ©sistance de dix porte-greffes dâagrumes rĂ©sistants Ă la tristeza vis-Ă -vis du dĂ©ficit hydrique
Introduction. In Morocco, citriculture faces up an increasing combination of biotic (Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) / Phytophthora spp.) and abiotic stresses (salinity, alkalinity and drought). Most of these constraints should be individually managed by adapted rootstock choice. However, the spread of CTV in the Mediterranean Basin will soon prohibit the use of the traditional sour orange rootstock, which currently provides sufficient tolerance to salinity and alkalinity. Therefore, the selection of new citrus rootstocks becomes urgent. Our study sought to investigate the effect of different water regimes on growth of ten citrus rootstocks: citrange Carrizo (France), citrange Carrizo (Morocco), citrange Troyer, citrange Yuma, Citrus volkameriana; two Poncirus trifoliata of different origins, citrumelo, Mand. Sunki x Poncirus trifoliata, and Poorman.
Materials and methods. For each rootstock, three months old seedlings were grown in plastic pots (0.5 L) in a greenhouse at El Menzeh, INRA, Morocco; they were subjected to three water regimes [(100%, 75% and 50%) moisture field capacity (Hcc) of the substrate]. The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with three treatments. The morphological parameters measured were the plant height and dry and fresh matter accumulation. Physiological parameters studied were the Relative Water Content, transpiration rates and chlorophyll, soluble sugars and proline contents.
Results. The morphological and physiological parameters were affected by the intensity of water stress applied. However, rootstocks behaved differently regarding to this constraint. Water stress induced an increase in the proline and soluble sugars content in the rootstock leaves.
Conclusion. Water stress significantly affects the physiological and morphological characteristics of citrus rootstocks and, in conditions of extreme water deficit (50% Hcc), a differential behavior of the rootstock was found. Based on our results, the rootstocks Carrizo citrange (Morocco) and Poorman present the best overall ability to withstand water stress
CaractĂ©risation morpho-pomologique de 23 accessions de citronnier de la collection El Menzeh de lâINRA Maroc
INRA Morocco has an important citrus collection located in several sites in the Kingdom. Citrus germplasm offers a large resource for selecting within local lemon accessions of genes related to disease resistance, stress, production, fruit quality. Which are essential for genetic improvement. Some potential varieties may be of interest to producers. In the present study, twenty-three accessions of a lemon tree (Citrus limon [L.] Burm. F.) planted at El Menzeh collection, are characterized according to the IPGRI and UPOV citrus descriptors. Morpho-pomological variables showed a significant difference between lemon accessions. Only the morphological parameters of leaves, fruits and fruit peel color showed a high variability. Chemical analysis of the juices revealed significant differences among accessions. The data showed that acidity ranged from 0.1% for Sweet and Butnal lemons to 6.6% for Kennedy. While, the Kerkachi, Butnal, Cascade and Allen lemon accessions had the highest levels of both sugar and juice. Likewise, the accessions Doux Acid, Dellys and Kennedy showed fruits with an important size. The fruits of Lisbon, Eureka, Corregia, Ba Ahmed and Valencia had fruits with a low number of seeds or seedless. Our study showed that there was an acceptable pomological variability among the accessions of lemons cultivated in Morocco. Butnal, Allen, Cascade, Sçweet Acid, Dellys, Kennedy, Lisbon, Eureka, Corregia, Ba Ahmed and Valencia lemons were promising in terms of quality. This makes them an important genetic resource for any future lemon program to expand varietal diversification for improved productivity and competitiveness of citrus. Finally, the use of molecular markers is necessary to complete this work and for better differentiation of closely related individuals.LâINRA Maroc dispose dâimportantes collections dâagrumes localisĂ©es au niveau de plusieurs sites du royaume. Le germoplasme des agrumes offre une large gamme ressource de gĂšnes liĂ©s Ă la rĂ©sistance aux maladies, aux stress, Ă la production, Ă la qualitĂ© des fruits, etc., essentiels pour lâamĂ©lioration gĂ©nĂ©tique. Certaines variĂ©tĂ©s potentielles pourraient intĂ©resser les producteurs. Dans la prĂ©sente Ă©tude, vingt-trois accessions de citronnier (Citrus limon [L.] Burm. F.) plantĂ©es au niveau de la collection dâEl Menzeh, ont Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©s sur la base de la morphologie des feuilles, des fleurs et des fruits, Ă lâaide de descripteur prescrit pour les agrumes par (IPGRI) âInternational Plant Genetic Resources Instituteâ et de lâUnion de Protection des Obtentions vĂ©gĂ©tales (UPOV). Les rĂ©sultats de lâanalyse de la variance des variables morpho-pomologiques ont montrĂ© une diffĂ©rence significative entre les accessions. Seulement les paramĂštres morphologiques des feuilles, des fruits ainsi que la couleur de lâĂ©corce du fruit ont montrĂ© une variabilitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e. De mĂȘme, lâanalyse chimique des jus a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des diffĂ©rences significatives entre les accessions. Les donnĂ©es ont dĂ©montrĂ© que lâaciditĂ© variait de 0,1 % pour les citrons Doux et Butnal Ă 6,6 % pour Kennedy. Tandis que les accessions de citrons Kerkachi, Butnal, Cascade et Allen prĂ©sentaient les teneurs les plus Ă©levĂ©es aussi bien en sucre quâen jus. De mĂȘme, les accessions Doux acide, Dellys et Kennedy montraient des fruits avec un calibre important. Enfin, les accessions Lisbon, Eureka, Corregia, Ba Ahmed et Valence possĂ©daient des fruits avec un faible nombre de graines voir nul. Notre Ă©tude a dĂ©montrĂ© qu'il existait une variabilitĂ© pomologique acceptable parmi les accessions de citrons cultivĂ©s au Maroc. Les citrons Butnal, Allen, Cascade, Doux acide, Dellys, Kennedy, Lisbon, Eureka, Corregia, Ba Ahmed et Valence Ă©taient prometteur en termes de qualitĂ©. Ce qui en fait une ressource gĂ©nĂ©tique importante pour tout programme futur concernant les citrons pour Ă©largir la diversification variĂ©tale pour amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© et la compĂ©titivitĂ© des agrumes. Enfin, lâutilisation des marqueurs molĂ©culaires est nĂ©cessaire pour complĂ©ter ce travail et pour une meilleure diffĂ©renciation des individus Ă©troitement apparentĂ©s