143 research outputs found

    A contribution to the knowledge of Bactrocera oleae (GMEL) in Tras-os-Montes region (northeastern Portugal): phenology, losses and control

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    Severe damage is caused by the olive fly (Bactrocera oleae (Gmel)) in the Trás-osMontes region. In order to develop a control strategy, two olive groves for oil production ("Cobrançosa" and "Verdeal") and one for table olive ("Negrinha de Freixo") were assessed ( 1993-1996). The insect phenology, yield losses and fruit infestation were evaluated. The insect's peak flight period occurred during the first half of October. Severe yield losses due to the pest occurred in 1995, reaching 19 % of the total harvest. It is concluded that earlier harvesting (second half of September) can avoid substantial losses because the main period of infestation in all years occurred in October

    Biological control of Prays Oleae (BERN.) By chrysopids in tras-os-Montes region (Northeastern Portugal)

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    A study was carried out in an olive grove in the Tras-os-Montes region, in the period 1993 to 1996 to establish the rate of predation of chrysopids on Prays oleae (Bern.) eggs. Data on a trial conducted in 1996 to evaluate the effectiveness of field releases of Chrysoperla carnea (Steph.) in controlling eggs of the carpophagous generation of the pest are also reported. Six species of Chrysopidae have been collected. The most abundant were C. carnea and Mallada flavifrons (Brauer) which together represented about 74% of total captures. The main period of adult catches occurred between July and October. The rate of predation by chrysopids on P. oleae eggs varied among different generations of the pest and in different years, reaching 34% for the carpophagous generation in 1996. The potential damage that might be expected from the studied population of P. oleae was almost halved by releasing 360 larvae of C. carnea per tree.PAMAF lED no 611

    Auxiliares entomófagos capturados num olival da Terra Quente Transmontana

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    A valorização da acção dos factores de limitação natural dos inimigos das culturas e um dos princípios essenciais da Protecção Integrada e da Agricultura Biológica. Entre estes factores assume especial interesse a fauna auxiliar indígena, designadamente os parasitóides e predadores das espécies nocivas. Com o objectivo de contribuir para conhecer os principais elementos desta fauna associados a oliveira na Terra Quente Transmontana, realizaram-se amostragens quinzenais entre Julho de 1998 e Fevereiro de 1999, num olival situado em Valbom dos Figos, no concelho de Mirandela. As amostragens foram efectuadas pelo batimento de 50 ramos, através da técnica das pancadas usada em arboricultura. O material obtido foi separado em laboratório, a lupa binocular, tendo-se procedido, em cada data, ao registo do numero de indivíduos das ordens Araneae e Hymenoptera e das famílias Chrysopidae, Anthocoridae. Miridae, Coccinellidae e Formicidae por serem consideradas as de maior interesse na limitação das populações de espécies fitófagas da oliveira. As famílias mais representativas em termos de abundância, foram a Formicidae, com 520 exemplares, seguida da Coccinellidae, com 108 indivíduos. 0 maior numero de capturas, registou-se em Julho e Setembro

    Crosstalk between cilia and autophagy: implication for human diseases

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    Macroautophagy/autophagy is a self-degradative process necessary for cells to maintain their energy balance during development and in response to nutrient deprivation. Autophagic processes are tightly regulated and have been found to be dysfunctional in several pathologies. Increasing experimental evidence points to the existence of an interplay between autophagy and cilia. Cilia are microtubule-based organelles protruding from the cell surface of mammalian cells that perform a variety of motile and sensory functions and, when dysfunctional, result in disorders known as ciliopathies. Indeed, selective autophagic degradation of ciliary proteins has been shown to control ciliogenesis and, conversely, cilia have been reported to control autophagy. Moreover, a growing number of players such as lysosomal and mitochondrial proteins are emerging as actors of the cilia-autophagy interplay. However, some of the published data on the cilia-autophagy axis are contradictory and indicate that we are just starting to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms. In this review, the current knowledge about this axis and challenges are discussed, as well as the implication for ciliopathies and autophagy-associated disorders

    Protecção Integrada da Oliveira em Trás-os-Montes.

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    Exposure of sterile Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) males to ginger root oil reduces female remating.

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    Females of Ceratitis capitata are facultative polyandrous, with remating more common in laboratory strains rather than wild ones. In the application of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) against this pest, large overflooding ratios of sterile : wild males can increase the remating frequency. Females that mate for the first time with a sterile male tend to remate more frequently. The exposure of sterile males to ginger root oil (GRO) is used in C. capitata SIT programmes to increase the sterile male mating success. Exposing males to an ?aromatherapy? with GRO may also increase the remating frequency among wild females. The frequency of wild females remating, number of matings per female, the refractory period between the first and second mating, and the duration of the first and second matings of wild females were determined under laboratory conditions for three mating scenarios that included wild males only or wild males competing with sterile males (either GRO-treated or nontreated). Wild females first mated with sterile males exposed to GRO had their remating rate over the following 6 days and the mean number of matings per female reduced in comparison to those first mated with non-exposed sterile males, from 62.5% to 32.2% and from 3.1 to 1.6 respectively. The remating parameters of females mated with sterile GRO-exposed males resembled those of females mated with wild males.Supplement 1

    Relationship between leaf N concentrations and olive yields

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    Within an olive orchard there is a huge productivity difference among individual trees. Also the alternate bearing pattern of this species is well documented. These aspects, as well as other like pruning, make difficult the interpretation of plant analysis results. In Ibis work, we made a simple exercise based upon the results from 48 individual-trees for two consecutive years. Groups of 12 similar young trees were submitted to four different soil management systems, influencing e nutritional status and productivity

    Manutenção do solo sem mobilização em olivais de sequeiro

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    Neste trabalho são apresentados resultados de uma experiência de campo em que se ensaiam formas de manter a superfície do solo alternativas às mobilizações em olivais de sequeiro. O ensaio decorre em Lamas de Cavalo, concelho de Mirandela, desde Outubro de 2001. 0 solo é um Leptossolo Dístrico, derivado de xisto, com declive de 5 a 6 %. O olival tem 15 anos de idade e as árvores, da cultivar Cobrançosa, estão plantadas em compasso 6 x 6 m. Antes da instalação do ensaio o olival era mantido em mobilização tradicional. As modalidades em estudo foram: mobilização tradicional (MD; glifosato (Gil), como herbicida não selectivo em aplicação única em Abril; herbicida residual e de contacto (HR% em aplicação única em Fevereiro; e consociação aveia x ervilhaca (CAE), semeada no Outono e destruída com herbicida não selectivo em Abril. Em cada modalidade foram marcadas 12 árvores aparentemente idênticas, para assegurar homogeneidade de potencial produtivo. A colheita de Dezembro de 2001 (ano de referência) originou produções médias de 7 kg de azeitona por árvore, com valores semelhantes entre modalidades. Em 2002, a produção foi muito baixa em todas as modalidades. Contudo, o talhão mobilizado apresentou já o resultado médio mais baixo, se bem que as diferenças não tivessem tido significado estatístico (P>0.05). Em Dezembro de 2003, a modalidade CAE originou as produções mais elevadas (10,6 kg/árvore), seguida da modalidade Gli (8,8 kg/árvore). As modalidades HR e MT conduziram a produções significativamente inferiores (P<O,05) com 7,0 e 6,2 kg/árvore, respectivamente. Nestas últimas modalidades, foram ainda registados menores aumentos no perímetro dos troncos comparativamente com CAE e Gli. A determinação de algumas propriedades físicas do solo, como a densidade aparente e o teor de humidade a pF 2.7. dois anos após o inicio das experiências, originou resultados pouco consistentes e difíceis de relacionar ainda com o desempenho das árvore