12 research outputs found


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    The study aims to analyze the exploration potential of the main non-timber forest products in the Forest Management Unit number III by the communities around Jamari National Forest. Were used the açaí fruit and Brazilian nuts production data based on the sustainable management plan, as well the Brazilian nut crop production for 2015, 2016 and 2017 reported by traditional communities, "Américo Ventura" and "Linhas 113-119". The data were analyzed and interpreted using economic indicators. As the main results, the productive potential amount of açaí fruit and Brazilian nuts available for harvest in each annual crop is 426,86 tons and 124,13 tons, respectively, providing an estimate of annual income of R79.794,64andR 79.794,64 and R 195.134,63, respectively. For Brazilian nuts, the annually demand raised by the community was approximately 8 tons, from 2015 to 2017. The amount harvested represents 44.77% of the productive capacity of the three units. In addition, the cost-benefit ratio indicates that for each Brazilian Real invested in production the producer receives, on average, R5,72.TheBraziliannutextractionshowstobeaninterestingactivityintermsofproductionandeconomicvalueinbothcommunities,presentinganetannualgainofR 5,72. The Brazilian nut extraction shows to be an interesting activity in terms of production and economic value in both communities, presenting a net annual gain of R 1.812,108 per collector, for a total group of 50 extractivists residing in the communities “Américo Ventura” and “Linhas 113-119”, between 2015 to 2017. Thus, it is concluded that there is a great potential for exploration of these products in partnership with the concession forest, contributing to the sustainable development of extractivist communities

    Thulium fiber laser in cystine calculi

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Thulium Fiber Laser (TFL) is the most modern technology to treat nephrolithiasis and ureterolithiasis in endourology. Although there are a lot of new studies coming up, we still don't have data on how this laser works in some rare diseases. Cystinuria is the most common genetic nephrolithiasis disorder (1), known for its recurrent lithiasis (2). Our main goal in this video is to show a successful case of cystine calculi treated with Thulium Fiber Laser (Laser Fiber Dust/Quanta System™). Cystinuria is the most common genetic nephrolithiasis disorder (1), known for its recurrent lithiasis (2). Materials and Methods: A 25 years-old male, cystinuric, presented with a CT scan, showing a 10mm stone on the right side and two calculi 6 and 7 mm on the left side, all located in the lower calyx. Bilateral flexible ureteroscopy was done using a reusable digital flexible ureteroscope. Starting on the left side, we repositioned the stone from the lower to the upper calyx, using a tipless front opening basket. Lithotripsy was performed using TFL. Settings were 100 Hz (frequency) and 100 mJ (energy) for dusting. Popcorn technique was also used, setting the laser at 100Hz and 200 mJ, obtaining good dusting. On the right side, lithotripsy was performed in the inferior calyx, also resulting in “snowstorm”. Procedure time was 120 minutes. Results: The postoperative was uneventful. Follow up CT showed a 3 mm residual fragment in the right kidney. Conclusion: This video demonstrates the treatment of bilateral cystine calculi with Thulium Fiber Laser. Reasonable procedure time and excellent dusting results are encouraging, pointing towards great improvements in endourology

    Streptococcus pyogenes Causing Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Are Enriched in the Recently Emerged emm89 Clade 3 and Are Not Associated With Abrogation of CovRS

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    Although skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) are the most common focal infections associated with invasive disease caused by Streptococcus pyogenes (Lancefield Group A streptococci - GAS), there is scarce information on the characteristics of isolates recovered from SSTI in temperate-climate regions. In this study, 320 GAS isolated from SSTI in Portugal were characterized by multiple typing methods and tested for antimicrobial susceptibility and SpeB activity. The covRS and ropB genes of isolates with no detectable SpeB activity were sequenced. The antimicrobial susceptibility profile was similar to that of previously characterized isolates from invasive infections (iGAS), presenting a decreasing trend in macrolide resistance. However, the clonal composition of SSTI between 2005 and 2009 was significantly different from that of contemporary iGAS. Overall, iGAS were associated with emm1 and emm3, while SSTI were associated with emm89, the dominant emm type among SSTI (19%). Within emm89, SSTI were only significantly associated with isolates lacking the hasABC locus, suggesting that the recently emerged emm89 clade 3 may have an increased potential to cause SSTI. Reflecting these associations between emm type and disease presentation, there were also differences in the distribution of emm clusters, sequence types, and superantigen gene profiles between SSTI and iGAS. According to the predicted ability of each emm cluster to interact with host proteins, iGAS were associated with the ability to bind fibrinogen and albumin, whereas SSTI isolates were associated with the ability to bind C4BP, IgA, and IgG. SpeB activity was absent in 79 isolates (25%), in line with the proportion previously observed among iGAS. Null covS and ropB alleles (predicted to eliminate protein function) were detected in 10 (3%) and 12 (4%) isolates, corresponding to an underrepresentation of mutations impairing CovRS function in SSTI relative to iGAS. Overall, these results indicate that the isolates responsible for SSTI are genetically distinct from those recovered from normally sterile sites, supporting a role for mutations impairing CovRS activity specifically in invasive infection and suggesting that this role relies on a differential regulation of other virulence factors besides SpeB

    Streptococcus canis Are a Single Population Infecting Multiple Animal Hosts Despite the Diversity of the Universally Present M-Like Protein SCM

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    Streptococcus canis is an animal pathogen which occasionally causes infections in humans. The S. canis M-like protein (SCM) encoded by the scm gene, is its best characterized virulence factor but previous studies suggested it could be absent in a substantial fraction of isolates. We studied the distribution and variability of the scm gene in 188 S. canis isolates recovered from companion animals (n = 152), wild animal species (n = 20), and humans (n = 14). Multilocus sequence typing, including the first characterization of wildlife isolates, showed that the same lineages are present in all animal hosts, raising the possibility of extensive circulation between species. Whole-genome analysis revealed that emm-like genes found previously in S. canis correspond to divergent scm genes, indicating that what was previously believed to correspond to two genes is in fact the same scm locus. We designed primers allowing for the first time the successful amplification of the scm gene in all isolates. Analysis of the scm sequences identified 12 distinct types, which could be divided into two clusters: group I (76%, n = 142) and group II (24%, n = 46) sharing little sequence similarity. The predicted group I SCM showed extensive similarity with each other outside of the N-terminal hypervariable region and a conserved IgG binding domain. This domain was absent from group II SCM variants found in isolates previously thought to lack the scm gene, which also showed greater amino acid variability. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the possible host interacting partners of the group II SCM variants and their role in virulence

    The Portuguese national seismic network: products and services

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    Portugal, located in the southwest region of the Eurasian plate, has been affected by several destructive earthquakes throughout its history, the most well-known being the 1755 Great Lisbon earthquake. The seismicity of the territory, both in the mainland and in the Azores and Madeira islands, has prompted the continuous development of seismic monitoring, from the first known macroseismic inquiry, following the 1755 Great Lisbon earthquake, to the current state-of-the-art seismic network. Once scattered in separate efforts, at present, most seismic stations in Portugal relay its data to a common data center, at Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, where data are automatically processed for the downstream generation of both manually revised and automatically generated products and services. In this article, we summarize the evolution of the permanent seismic network, its current status, the products and services that are publicly available, a recent effort of rapid deployment of a dense network following a mainshock, and state-of-the-art ocean-bottom seismometer developments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

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    Ambientação presencial - 2018

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    Acesso RestritoTrata-se de slides da ação “Ambientação de Novos Servidores”, que tem por objetivo inserir os servidores recém-admitidos no Tribunal, proporcionando uma visão ampla da Instituição, fortalecendo o entendimento da missão, da visão e dos objetivos estratégicos, bem como da prática dos valores organizacionais. Além disso, informa aos novos servidores as principais políticas e normas do STJ