61 research outputs found

    Experimental bilocality violation without shared reference frames

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    Non-classical correlations arising in complex quantum networks are attracting growing interest, both from a fundamental perspective and for potential applications in information processing. In particular, in an entanglement swapping scenario a new kind of correlations arise, the so-called nonbilocal correlations that are incompatible with local realism augmented with the assumption that the sources of states used in the experiment are independent. In practice, however, bilocality tests impose strict constraints on the experimental setup and in particular to presence of shared reference frames between the parties. Here, we experimentally address this point showing that false positive nonbilocal quantum correlations can be observed even though the sources of states are independent. To overcome this problem, we propose and demonstrate a new scheme for the violation of bilocality that does not require shared reference frames and thus constitute an important building block for future investigations of quantum correlations in complex networks.Comment: 10 page

    Is my boson sampler working?

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    Is it possible to assess the correct functioning of a quantum device which eludes efficient computation of the expected results? The BosonSampling protocol is one of the best candidates to experimentally demonstrate the superior computational power of quantum mechanics, but the problem of its results certification requires the development of new methodologies, when the size of the problem becomes too large for a complete classical simulation. A recent work (Walschaers et al 2016 New J. Phys. 18 032001) has provided a significant step forward in this direction, by developing a statistical test to identify particle types in a many-body interference pattern. This tool can be applied in a general scenario to assess and investigate multi-particle coherent dynamics

    Optimal photonic indistinguishability tests in multimode networks

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    Particle indistinguishability is at the heart of quantum statistics that regulates fundamental phenomena such as the electronic band structure of solids, Bose-Einstein condensation and superconductivity. Moreover, it is necessary in practical applications such as linear optical quantum computation and simulation, in particular for Boson Sampling devices. It is thus crucial to develop tools to certify genuine multiphoton interference between multiple sources. Here we show that so-called Sylvester interferometers are near-optimal for the task of discriminating the behaviors of distinguishable and indistinguishable photons. We report the first implementations of integrated Sylvester interferometers with 4 and 8 modes with an efficient, scalable and reliable 3D-architecture. We perform two-photon interference experiments capable of identifying indistinguishable photon behaviour with a Bayesian approach using very small data sets. Furthermore, we employ experimentally this new device for the assessment of scattershot Boson Sampling. These results open the way to the application of Sylvester interferometers for the optimal assessment of multiphoton interference experiments.Comment: 9+10 pages, 6+6 figures, added supplementary material, completed and updated bibliograph

    Experimental generalized quantum suppression law in Sylvester interferometers

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    Photonic interference is a key quantum resource for optical quantum computation, and in particular for so-called boson sampling machines. In interferometers with certain symmetries, genuine multiphoton quantum interference effectively suppresses certain sets of events, as in the original Hong-Ou-Mandel effect. Recently, it was shown that some classical and semi-classical models could be ruled out by identifying such suppressions in Fourier interferometers. Here we propose a suppression law suitable for random-input experiments in multimode Sylvester interferometers, and verify it experimentally using 4- and 8-mode integrated interferometers. The observed suppression is stronger than what is observed in Fourier interferometers of the same size, and could be relevant to certification of boson sampling machines and other experiments relying on bosonic interference.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures + 11 pages, 3 figures Supplementary Informatio

    Photonic simulation of entanglement growth and engineering after a spin chain quench

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    The time evolution of quantum many-body systems is one of the most important processes for benchmarking quantum simulators. The most curious feature of such dynamics is the growth of quantum entanglement to an amount proportional to the system size (volume law) even when interactions are local. This phenomenon has great ramifications for fundamental aspects, while its optimisation clearly has an impact on technology (e.g., for on-chip quantum networking). Here we use an integrated photonic chip with a circuit-based approach to simulate the dynamics of a spin chain and maximise the entanglement generation. The resulting entanglement is certified by constructing a second chip, which measures the entanglement between multiple distant pairs of simulated spins, as well as the block entanglement entropy. This is the first photonic simulation and optimisation of the extensive growth of entanglement in a spin chain, and opens up the use of photonic circuits for optimising quantum devices

    Experimental Scattershot Boson Sampling

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    Boson Sampling is a computational task strongly believed to be hard for classical computers, but efficiently solvable by orchestrated bosonic interference in a specialised quantum computer. Current experimental schemes, however, are still insufficient for a convincing demonstration of the advantage of quantum over classical computation. A new variation of this task, Scattershot Boson Sampling, leads to an exponential increase in speed of the quantum device, using a larger number of photon sources based on parametric downconversion. This is achieved by having multiple heralded single photons being sent, shot by shot, into different random input ports of the interferometer. Here we report the first Scattershot Boson Sampling experiments, where six different photon-pair sources are coupled to integrated photonic circuits. We employ recently proposed statistical tools to analyse our experimental data, providing strong evidence that our photonic quantum simulator works as expected. This approach represents an important leap toward a convincing experimental demonstration of the quantum computational supremacy.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures (plus Supplementary Materials, 14 pages, 8 figures

    Experimental study of nonclassical teleportation beyond average fidelity

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    Quantum teleportation establishes a correspondence between an entangled state shared by two separate par- ties that can communicate classically and the presence of a quantum channel connecting the two parties. The standard benchmark for quantum teleportation, based on the average fidelity between the input and output states, indicates that some entangled states do not lead to channels which can be certified to be quantum. It was re- cently shown that if one considers a finer-tuned witness, then all entangled states can be certified to produce a non-classical teleportation channel. Here we experimentally demonstrate a complete characterization of a new family of such witnesses, of the type proposed in Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 110501 (2017) under different con- ditions of noise. Furthermore, we show non-classical teleportation using quantum states that can not achieve average teleportation fidelity above the classical limit. Our results have fundamental implications in quantum information protocols and may also lead to new applications and quality certification of quantum technologies.Comment: 5 pages + Supp. Material
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