158 research outputs found

    Immune Fingerprinting through Repertoire Similarity

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    Immune repertoires provide a unique fingerprint reflecting the immune history of individuals, with potential applications in precision medicine. However, the question of how personal that information is and how it can be used to identify individuals has not been explored. Here, we show that individuals can be uniquely identified from repertoires of just a few thousands lymphocytes. We present "Immprint," a classifier using an information-theoretic measure of repertoire similarity to distinguish pairs of repertoire samples coming from the same versus different individuals. Using published T-cell receptor repertoires and statistical modeling, we tested its ability to identify individuals with great accuracy, including identical twins, by computing false positive and false negative rates <10−6< 10^{-6} from samples composed of 10,000 T-cells. We verified through longitudinal datasets and simulations that the method is robust to acute infections and the passage of time. These results emphasize the private and personal nature of repertoire data

    Tuberculose uro-génitale : A propos de 95 cas

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    Objectif: PrĂ©ciser les aspects cliniques, iconographiques et thĂ©rapeutiques de la tuberculose urogĂ©nitale. Patients et mĂ©thodes: D’avril 1992 Ă  avril 2007, 95 patients atteints de tuberculose uro-gĂ©nitale ont Ă©tĂ© vus. Il s’agissait de 53 hommes et 42 femmes ĂągĂ©s de 18 Ă  72 ans. Tous nos malades ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’un interrogatoire, avec recherche des antĂ©cĂ©dents de tuberculose extra urinaire, d’un examen clinique, d’une crĂ©atinĂ©mie, d’une urographie intra veineuse (UIV), d’une Ă©chographie et/ou tomodensitomĂ©trie, de la recherche du bacille de Koch (BK) dans les urines, d’un ECBU, d’une cystoscopie, et d’une analyse histologique des fragments biopsiques et/ou de la piĂšce d’exĂ©rĂšse. RĂ©sultats: Le diagnostic Ă©tait basĂ© sur un faisceau d’arguments cliniques, bactĂ©riologiques et radiologiques. L’irritation vĂ©sicale reprĂ©sentait la manifestation clinique la plus frĂ©quente (51,5%). L’atteinte gĂ©nitale isolĂ©e Ă©tait prĂ©sente chez 17,8% des patients. 16,8% de nos malades avaient une insuffisance rĂ©nale inaugurale (crĂ©atinine moyenne de 24 mg/l). La recherche de BK a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e chez tous les patients et n’a Ă©tĂ© positive que dans 9,4% des cas. Les anomalies Ă  l’UIV concernaient 86% des malades avec un rein muet dans 42% des cas. On a traitĂ© tous nos patients par une chimiothĂ©rapie antibacillaire associĂ©e Ă  la chirurgie (85,2%) et/ou Ă  des manoeuvres endo-urologiques (20%). Avec un recul moyen de 3 ans (extrĂȘmes allant de 1 Ă  9 ans), la plupart de nos patients ont bien Ă©voluĂ© sous traitement. L’amĂ©lioration clinique a Ă©tĂ© spectaculaire avec disparition des signes cliniques chez 88% des patients. La fonction rĂ©nale a Ă©tĂ© normalisĂ©e chez 70% des cas. Conclusion: La tuberculose reste une maladie grave par son Ă©volution latente et le diagnostic tardif. L’amĂ©lioration de son pronostic passe par la prĂ©vention et par une bonne prise en charge diagnostique et thĂ©rapeutique.Mots clĂ©s : Tuberculose uro-gĂ©nitale, diagnostic, traitemen

    Abord trans-symphysaire des ruptures posttramatiques de l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur chez l’adulte

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    Objectif: Etudier la place de la voie trans-symphysaire dans le traitement des ruptures posttraumatiques de l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur vues tardivement et en Ă©valuer ses rĂ©sultats. Patients et mĂ©thodes: Cinq malades ayant une rupture complĂšte post-traumatique de l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur (> 2,5 cm et/ou Ă©chec d’un traitement antĂ©rieur) ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©s dans notre service au stade de stĂ©nose urĂ©trale. Tous les patients ont eu une urĂ©trorraphie termino-terminale par voie trans-symphysaire seule. Une description technique et une Ă©valuation clinique et paraclinique des rĂ©sultats sur le plan mictionnel et sexuel ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es dans ce travail. RĂ©sultats: Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s avec un suivi mĂ©dian de 19 mois. Aucune complication post-opĂ©ratoire immĂ©diate (saignement, fistule, douleur) n’a Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ©e. Sur le plan mictionnel, on a constatĂ© dans tous les cas une miction satisfaisante, sans troubles de la continence et un cas de dysfonction Ă©rectile amĂ©liorĂ©e par le traitement mĂ©dical. Aucun patient ne s’est plaint de troubles de la statique pelvienne. Conclusion: La voie trans-symphysaire constitue un excellent abord pour le traitement des lĂ©sions complexes de l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur vues tardivement. Cette technique permet d’avoir un abord direct sur l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur et de rĂ©aliser une suture termino-terminale sans tension. Les rĂ©sultats sont satisfaisants et les inconvĂ©nients sont plus thĂ©oriques que rĂ©els.Mots clĂ©s : Rupture de l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur, stĂ©nose de l’urĂštre postĂ©rieur, urĂ©trorraphie, voie transsymphysair

    PIH64 Burden of 100 Diseases within General Practice: Results of the EPI3 Program

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    The syndrome of the trapped pop1ity artery appears in the young adult like a limping of the calf and or foot. Anatomical anomalies relating to insertions of the internai Twin muscle primarily. The diagnosis is suspect on Doppler echography, showing positional compression, change of direction of the poplitĂ©e artery, or only the existence of an abnormal fascicule of muscle fibres between artery and poplity vein. Angio IRM can replace the conventional assessment arteriographic. The treatment of extrinsic compression must avoid the constitution of parietal lesions and thromboses if they are installed, the suppression of the anatomical anomaly must be associated a segmentary revascularisation in autogenous venous material. Our patient is a young patient who consulted for an intermittent limping of effort of the right calf. The peripheral pulses were present, just as arterial the Doppler echo and the angio scanner of the hollow poplity showed the insertion of a beam of the internal  twin between the artery and the vein poplity. The arterial Ă©chodoppler and the IRM are according to certain authors the only essential examinations with the positive and differential diagnosis of the syndrome of the trapped pop1ity artery and will make it possible to eliminate from other differential diagnoses: pop1ity athĂ©romating and the early athĂ©rome, disease of Burger or thromboangĂ©ite obliterating, the aneurisms poplities and the cysts adventitiels of the poplity artery. The treatment is always surgical and must be early. It includes/understands the lifting of the trap associated with the need with an arterial gesture of revascularisation. For the authors, the permeability to short and long-term was better for the patients among whom one practised a section of the musculo-tendineux beam being wrong compared to the patient which profited from a gesture of  vascular restoration.Le syndrome de l’artĂšre poplitĂ©e piĂ©gĂ©e se manifeste chez l’adulte jeune comme une claudication du mollet et ou du pied. Les anomalies anatomiques concernant essentiellement les insertions du muscle Jumeau interne. Le diagnostic est suspectĂ© sur l’échographie doppler, montrant la compression positionnelle, le changement de direction de l’artĂšre poplitĂ©e, ou seulement l’existence d’un faisceau musculaire anormal entre artĂšre et veine poplitĂ©e. L’angio IRM peut remplacer le bilan artĂ©riographique conventionnel. Le traitement de la compression extrinsĂšque doit Ă©viter la constitution de lĂ©sions pariĂ©tales et de thromboses si elles sont installĂ©es, la suppression de l’anomalie anatomique doit ĂȘtre associĂ©e Ă  une revascularisation segmentaire en matĂ©riel veineux autogĂšne. Notre patient est un malade jeune qui a consultĂ© pour une claudication intermittente d’effort du mollet droit. Les pouls pĂ©riphĂ©rique Ă©taient prĂ©sents, de mĂȘme que l’écho doppler artĂ©riel et l’angio scanner du creux poplitĂ© montraient l’insertion d’un faisceau du jumeau interne entre l’artĂšre et la veine poplitĂ©. L’échodoppler artĂ©riel et l’IRM sont selon certains auteurs les seuls examens indispensables au diagnostic positif et diffĂ©rentiel du syndrome de l’artĂšre poplitĂ©e piĂ©gĂ©e et vont permettre d’éliminer d’autres diagnostics diffĂ©rentiels : poplitĂ©e athĂ©romateuse et l’athĂ©rome prĂ©coce, maladie de Buerger ou thromboangĂ©ite oblitĂ©rante, les anĂ©vrysmes poplitĂ©s et les kystes adventitiels de l’artĂšre poplitĂ©e. . Le traitement est toujours chirurgical et doit ĂȘtre prĂ©coce. Il comprend la levĂ©e du piĂšge associĂ© au besoin Ă  un geste de revascularisation artĂ©riel. Pour les auteurs, la permĂ©abilitĂ© a court et Ă  long terme Ă©tait meilleure pour les malades chez qui on a pratiquĂ© une section du faisceau musculo-tendineux aberrant par rapport au patient qui ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’un geste de restauration vasculaire

    Cervicovaginal mucus barrier properties during pregnancy are impacted by the vaginal microbiome

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    IntroductionMucus in the female reproductive tract acts as a barrier that traps and eliminates pathogens and foreign particles via steric and adhesive interactions. During pregnancy, mucus protects the uterine environment from ascension of pathogens and bacteria from the vagina into the uterus, a potential contributor to intrauterine inflammation and preterm birth. As recent work has demonstrated the benefit of vaginal drug delivery in treating women’s health indications, we sought to define the barrier properties of human cervicovaginal mucus (CVM) during pregnancy to inform the design of vaginally delivered therapeutics during pregnancy.MethodsCVM samples were self-collected by pregnant participants over the course of pregnancy, and barrier properties were quantified using multiple particle tracking. 16S rRNA gene sequencing was performed to analyze the composition of the vaginal microbiome.ResultsParticipant demographics differed between term delivery and preterm delivery cohorts, with Black or African American participants being significantly more likely to delivery prematurely. We observed that vaginal microbiota is most predictive of CVM barrier properties and of timing of parturition. Lactobacillus crispatus dominated CVM samples showed increased barrier properties compared to polymicrobial CVM samples.DiscussionThis work informs our understanding of how infections occur during pregnancy, and directs the engineering of targeted drug treatments for indications during pregnancy

    Cervicovaginal mucus barrier properties during pregnancy are impacted by the vaginal microbiome

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    Introduction Mucus in the female reproductive tract acts as a barrier that traps and eliminates pathogens and foreign particles via steric and adhesive interactions. During pregnancy, mucus protects the uterine environment from ascension of pathogens and bacteria from the vagina into the uterus, a potential contributor to intrauterine inflammation and preterm birth. As recent work has demonstrated the benefit of vaginal drug delivery in treating women’s health indications, we sought to define the barrier properties of human cervicovaginal mucus (CVM) during pregnancy to inform the design of vaginally delivered therapeutics during pregnancy. Methods CVM samples were self-collected by pregnant participants over the course of pregnancy, and barrier properties were quantified using multiple particle tracking. 16S rRNA gene sequencing was performed to analyze the composition of the vaginal microbiome. Results Participant demographics differed between term delivery and preterm delivery cohorts, with Black or African American participants being significantly more likely to delivery prematurely. We observed that vaginal microbiota is most predictive of CVM barrier properties and of timing of parturition. Lactobacillus crispatus dominated CVM samples showed increased barrier properties compared to polymicrobial CVM samples. Discussion This work informs our understanding of how infections occur during pregnancy, and directs the engineering of targeted drug treatments for indications during pregnancy
