16,298 research outputs found

    Velocity field near the jet orifice of a round jet in a crossflow

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    Experimentally determined velocities at selected locations near the jet orifice are presented and analyzed for a round jet in crossflow. Jet-to-crossflow velocity ratios of four and eight were studied experimentally for a round subsonic jet of air exhausting perpendicularly through a flat plate into a subsonic crosswind of the same temperature. Velocity measurements were made in cross sections to the jet plume located from one to four jet diameters from the orifice. Jet centerline and vortex properties are presented and utilized to extend the results of a previous study into the region close to the jet orifice

    Supermassive Black Hole Merger Rates: Uncertainties from Halo Merger Theory

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    The merger of two supermassive black holes is expected to produce a gravitational-wave signal detectable by the satellite LISA. The rate of supermassive-black-hole mergers is intimately connected to the halo merger rate, and the extended Press-Schechter formalism is often employed when calculating the rate at which these events will be observed by LISA. This merger theory is flawed and provides two rates for the merging of the same pair of haloes. We show that the two predictions for the LISA supermassive-black-hole-merger event rate from extended Press-Schechter merger theory are nearly equal because mergers between haloes of similar masses dominate the event rate. An alternative merger rate may be obtained by inverting the Smoluchowski coagulation equation to find the merger rate that preserves the Press-Schechter halo abundance, but these rates are only available for power-law power spectra. We compare the LISA event rates derived from the extended Press-Schechter merger formalism to those derived from the merger rates obtained from the coagulation equation and find that the extended Press-Schechter LISA event rates are thirty percent higher for a power spectrum spectral index that approximates the full Lambda-CDM result of the extended Press-Schechter theory.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. More concise treatment, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Seventh year projects and activities of the Environmental Remote Sensing Applications Laboratory (ERSAL)

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    Pattern formation in reaction diffusion models with spatially inhomogeneous diffusion coefficients

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    Reaction-diffusion models for biological pattern formation have been studied extensively in a variety of embryonic and ecological contexts. However, despite experimental evidence pointing to the existence of spatial inhomogeneities in various biological systems, most models have only been considered in a spatially homogeneous environment. The authors consider a two-chemical reaction-diffusion mechanism in one space dimension in which one of the diffusion coefficients depends explicitly on the spatial variable. The model is analysed in the case of a step function diffusion coefficient and the insight gained for this special case is used to discuss pattern generation for smoothly varying diffusion coefficients. The results show that spatial inhomogeneity may be an important biological pattern regulator, and possible applications of the model to chondrogenesis in the vertebrate limb are suggested

    Unravelling the Turing bifurcation using spatially varying diffusion coefficients

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    The Turing bifurcation is the basic bifurcation generating spatial pattern, and lies at the heart of almost all mathematical models for patterning in biology and chemistry. In this paper the authors determine the structure of this bifurcation for two coupled reaction diffusion equations on a two-dimensional square spatial domain when the diffusion coefficients have a small explicit variation in space across the domain. In the case of homogeneous diffusivities, the Turing bifurcation is highly degenerate. Using a two variable perturbation method, the authors show that the small explicit spatial inhomogeneity splits the bifurcation into two separate primary and two separate secondary bifurcations, with all solution branches distinct. This splitting of the bifurcation is more effective than that given by making the domain slightly rectangular, and shows clearly the structure of the Turing bifurcation and the way in which the! var ious solution branches collapse together as the spatial variation is reduced. The authors determine the stability of the solution branches, which indicates that several new phenomena are introduced by the spatial variation, including stable subcritical striped patterns, and the possibility that stable stripes lose stability supercritically to give stable spotted patterns

    The evolution of large-bodied theropod dinosaurs during the Mesozoic in Asia

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    The fossil record of large-bodied, apex carnivorous theropod dinosaurs in Eastern Asia is now among the best understood in the world, thanks to new discoveries and reinterpretations of long-neglected fossils. Asia boasts the most complete record of Middle Jurassic theropods globally, as well as one of the best-studied Late Cretaceous theropod faunas, and new research is helping to fill what was previously a 60-million-year gap in the Early-mid Cretaceous fossil record of large Asian predators. In general, the bio-geographic affinities of large-bodied Asian theropods over time were intimately related to physical geography, and progressively more derived theropod clades evolved large body size and occupied the apex predator niche throughout the Jurassic and Cretaceous. During the Middle Jurassic, largely endemic clades of basal tetanurans were prevalent in Asia, whereas during the Late Jurassic mid Cretaceous more derived “intermediate” tetanuran theropods with cosmopolitan affinities occupied the large predator role, including sinraptorids, spinosauris, and carcharodontosaurians. Finalli, during the final 20 million years of the Cretaceous, more derived, bird-like coelurosaurs attained large body size. Foremost among these were the tyrannosaurids, a radiation of northern (Asian and North American) megapredators whose ascent into the apex predator niche was a delayed event restricted to the Campanian-Masastrichian. As Asia is the focus of intense ongoing dinosaur fieldwork, our undestarnding of large-bodied theropod evolution will continue to be refined with future discoveries.El registro fósil de los dinosaurios carnívoros terópodos de gran talla en el este de Asia es uno de los mejor conocidos del mundo, gracias a nuevos descubrimientos y reinterpretaciones de fósiles que han permanecido pobremente estudiados durante mucho tiempo. Globalmente, Asia comprende el registro fósil mas completo de terópodos del Jurasico Medio, así como una de las faunas finicretácicas mejor estudiadas. Asimismo, las nuevas investigaciones están contribuyendo a completar un hiato de 60 millones de años en el registro fósil de grandes depredadores asiáticos correspondientes al Cretácico inferior-medio. En general las afinidades biogeográficas de los grandes terópodos asiáticos a través del tiempo se hallan íntimamente ligadas a la geografía física. Progresivamente, varios clados derivados de terópodos evolucionaron grandes tallas corporales, ocupando la cima del nicho de depredador durante todo el Jurasico y el Cretácico. Durante el Jurasico Medio prevalecieron clados de tetanuros basales mayormente endémicos, mientras que durante el Jurásico Superior-Cretácico Medio clados más derivados de terópodos tetanuros “intermedios” de afinidades cosmopolitas ocuparon el papel de gran depredador, incluyendo sinraptoridos, espinosauridos y carcharodontosauridos. Finalmente, durante los ultimos 20 millones de anos del Cretacico, coelurosaurios mas derivados con aspecto reminiscente a las aves alcanzaron grandes tallas corporales. Pirmordialmente entre estas formas se hallaban los tiranosauridos, una radiación septentrional (asiáticos y norteamericanos) de megadepredadores cuyo ascenso a la cumbre del nicho de gran depredador se retraso hasta el Campaniense y Maastrichtiense. Mientras Asia continua constituyendo el foco de una intensa actividad paleontológica, nuestros conocientos sobre la evolución de los grandes terópodos continuará refinándose con el estudio de futuros hallazgos

    Comparison of 3-D viscous flow computations of Mach 5 inlet with experimental data

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    A time marching 3-D full Navier-Stokes code, called PARC3D, is validated for an experimental Mach 5 inlet configuration using the data obtained in the 10 x 10 ft supersonic wind tunnel at the NASA Lewis Research Center. For the first time, a solution is obtained for this configuration with the actual geometry, the tunnel conditions, and all the bleed zones modeled in the computation. Pitot pressure profiles and static pressures at various locations in the inlet are compared with the corresponding experimental data. The effect of bleed zones, located in different places on the inlet walls, in eliminating the low energy vortical flow generated from the 3-D shock-boundary layer interaction is simulated very well even though some approximations are used in applying the bleed boundary conditions and in the turbulence model. A further detailed study of the effect of individual bleed ports is needed to understand fully the actual mechanism of efficiently eliminating the vortical flow from the inlet. A better turbulence model would help to improve the accuracy even further in predicting the corner flow boundary layer profiles

    Fundamental study of transpiration cooling

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    Isothermal and non-isothermal pressure drop data and heat transfer data generated on porous 304L stainless steel wire forms, sintered spherical stainless steel powder, and sintered spherical OFHC copper powder are reported and correlated. Pressure drop data was collected over a temperature range from 500 R to 2000 R and heat transfer data collected over a heat flux range from 5 to 15 BTU/in2/sec. It was found that flow data could be correlated independently of transpirant temperature and type (i.e., H2, N2). It was also found that no simple relation between heat transfer coefficient and specimen porosity was obtainable

    Mechanisms of fragmentation of Al-W granular composites under dynamic loading

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    Numerical simulations of Aluminum (Al) and Tungsten (W) granular composite rings under various dynamic loading conditions caused by explosive loading were examined. Three competing mechanisms of fragmentation were observed: a continuum level mechanism generating large macrocracks described by the Grady-Kipp fragmentation mechanism, a mesoscale mechanism generating voids and microcracks near the initially unbonded Al/W interfaces due to tensile strains, and a mesoscale jetting due to the development of large velocity gradients between the W particles and adjacent Al. These mesoscale mechanisms can be used to tailor the size of the fragments by selecting an appropriate initial mesostructure for a given loading condition.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, submitted to AP