25 research outputs found

    Preeclampsia and COVID-19: results from the INTERCOVID prospective longitudinal study

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    Background: It is unclear whether the suggested link between COVID-19 during pregnancy and preeclampsia is an independent association or if these are caused by common risk factors. Objective: This study aimed to quantify any independent association between COVID-19 during pregnancy and preeclampsia and to determine the effect of these variables on maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Study Design: This was a large, longitudinal, prospective, unmatched diagnosed and not-diagnosed observational study assessing the effect of COVID-19 during pregnancy on mothers and neonates. Two consecutive not-diagnosed women were concomitantly enrolled immediately after each diagnosed woman was identified, at any stage during pregnancy or delivery, and at the same level of care to minimize bias. Women and neonates were followed until hospital discharge using the standardized INTERGROWTH-21st protocols and electronic data management system. A total of 43 institutions in 18 countries contributed to the study sample. The independent association between the 2 entities was quantified with the risk factors known to be associated with preeclampsia analyzed in each group. The outcomes were compared among women with COVID-19 alone, preeclampsia alone, both conditions, and those without either of the 2 conditions. Results: We enrolled 2184 pregnant women; of these, 725 (33.2%) were enrolled in the COVID-19 diagnosed and 1459 (66.8%) in the COVID-19 not-diagnosed groups. Of these women, 123 had preeclampsia of which 59 of 725 (8.1%) were in the COVID-19 diagnosed group and 64 of 1459 (4.4%) were in the not-diagnosed group (risk ratio, 1.86; 95% confidence interval, 1.32–2.61). After adjustment for sociodemographic factors and conditions associated with both COVID-19 and preeclampsia, the risk ratio for preeclampsia remained significant among all women (risk ratio, 1.77; 95% confidence interval, 1.25–2.52) and nulliparous women specifically (risk ratio, 1.89; 95% confidence interval, 1.17–3.05). There was a trend but no statistical significance among parous women (risk ratio, 1.64; 95% confidence interval, 0.99–2.73). The risk ratio for preterm birth for all women diagnosed with COVID-19 and preeclampsia was 4.05 (95% confidence interval, 2.99–5.49) and 6.26 (95% confidence interval, 4.35–9.00) for nulliparous women. Compared with women with neither condition diagnosed, the composite adverse perinatal outcome showed a stepwise increase in the risk ratio for COVID-19 without preeclampsia, preeclampsia without COVID-19, and COVID-19 with preeclampsia (risk ratio, 2.16; 95% confidence interval, 1.63–2.86; risk ratio, 2.53; 95% confidence interval, 1.44–4.45; and risk ratio, 2.84; 95% confidence interval, 1.67–4.82, respectively). Similar findings were found for the composite adverse maternal outcome with risk ratios of 1.76 (95% confidence interval, 1.32–2.35), 2.07 (95% confidence interval, 1.20–3.57), and 2.77 (95% confidence interval, 1.66–4.63). The association between COVID-19 and gestational hypertension and the direction of the effects on preterm birth and adverse perinatal and maternal outcomes, were similar to preeclampsia, but confined to nulliparous women with lower risk ratios. Conclusion: COVID-19 during pregnancy is strongly associated with preeclampsia, especially among nulliparous women. This association is independent of any risk factors and preexisting conditions. COVID-19 severity does not seem to be a factor in this association. Both conditions are associated independently of and in an additive fashion with preterm birth, severe perinatal morbidity and mortality, and adverse maternal outcomes. Women with preeclampsia should be considered a particularly vulnerable group with regard to the risks posed by COVID-19

    Evaluation et efficacité d'une stratégie multidisciplinaire intégrée pour la prise en charge de la fistule obstétricale : le modèle Tanguieta au Bénin

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    La fistule obstétricale est une des lésions les plus graves susceptibles de survenir lors d’un accouchement et encore aujourd’hui plus de 2 millions de femmes souffrent de cette condition. C’est une condition physique, psychologique et sociale. Ce travail a pour objectif de décrire et analyser un modèle de prise en charge multidisciplinaire mis en place dans le Nord du Bénin. Nous avons analysé pour 308 femmes opérées, les facteurs pronostics qui ont un impact sur la réussite de la chirurgie à long terme et sur la qualité de vie de ces femmes. Au total 83.9% des fistules ont été réparées à 12 mois de suivi post op, et il a été observé que l’approche multidisciplinaire est indispensable, non seulement pour assurer la fermeture de la fistule mais également pour garantir la réintégration sociale de ces femmes et améliorer globalement leur qualité de vie

    Télémédecine en santé maternelle en temps de Covid-19 : cinq projets internationaux et nationaux

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    Telemedicine in maternal health consists on the use of remote communication to reach, diagnose, treat and follow up patients in the context of pre and post-natal care. Covid-19 has accelerated the use of telemedicine. In the Obstetrics Division of HUG we have developed five projects in Geneva and in low-resource zones of the world with the objective of improving access and quality of care. Based on our experience, the application of telemedicine to maternal health problems has shown three major advantages: improved access to care, standardized procedures and accelerated speed of intervention. However, to be effective, telemedicine requires a health staff with a good level of medical and computer skills as well as fluid communication among all participants and constant follow-up of the information flow.La télémédecine en santé maternelle consiste à l’utilisation des moyens de communication à distance pour rejoindre, diagnostiquer, traiter et suivre les patientes dans le contexte des soins pré-, per- et postnatals. Le Covid-19 a accéléré l’utilisation de la télémédecine. Dans le Service d’obstétrique des HUG, nous avons développé cinq projets à Genève et dans des régions défavorisées du monde, avec l’objectif d’améliorer l’accès et la qualité des soins. Basée sur notre expérience, l’application de la télémédecine aux problèmes de santé maternelle présente trois avantages essentiels: la facilitation de l’accès aux soins, la standardisation des procédures et la vitesse d’intervention. Mais pour être efficace, elle présuppose un bon niveau de compétence médicale et informatique du staff sanitaire, une communication fluide entre les différents intervenants et un contrôle constant du flux d’informations

    Cervical cancer screening in low-resource settings: a smartphone image application as an alternative to colposcopy

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    Visual inspection after application of acetic acid (VIA) and Lugol's iodine (VILI) is a cervical cancer (CC) screening approach that has recently been adopted in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Innovative technologies allow the acquisition of consecutive cervical images of VIA and VILI using a smartphone application. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of smartphone images in order to assess the feasibility and usability of a mobile application for CC screening in LMIC

    Human papillomavirus prevalence and type-specific distribution of high- and low-risk genotypes among Malagasy women living in urban and rural areas

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    Cervical cancer (CC) is the most common cancer among sub-Saharan African women. Efficient, global reduction of CC will only be achieved by incorporation of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination into existing programmes. We aimed to investigate the overall and type-specific prevalences and distributions of oncogenic HPVs

    2.5 Million Annual Deaths—Are Neonates in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Too Small to Be Seen? A Bottom-Up Overview on Neonatal Morbi-Mortality

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    (1) Background: Every year, 2.5 million neonates die, mostly in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), in total disregard of their fundamental human rights. Many of these deaths are preventable. For decades, the leading causes of neonatal mortality (prematurity, perinatal hypoxia, and infection) have been known, so why does neonatal mortality fail to diminish effectively? A bottom-up understanding of neonatal morbi-mortality and neonatal rights is essential to achieve adequate progress, and so is increased visibility. (2) Methods: We performed an overview on the leading causes of neonatal morbi-mortality and analyzed the key interventions to reduce it with a bottom-up approach: from the clinician in the field to the policy maker. (3) Results and Conclusions: Overall, more than half of neonatal deaths in LMIC are avoidable through established and well-known cost-effective interventions, good quality antenatal and intrapartum care, neonatal resuscitation, thermal care, nasal CPAP, infection control and prevention, and antibiotic stewardship. Implementing these requires education and training, particularly at the bottom of the healthcare pyramid, and advocacy at the highest levels of government for health policies supporting better newborn care. Moreover, to plan and follow interventions, better-quality data are paramount. For healthcare developments and improvement, neonates must be acknowledged as humans entitled to rights and freedoms, as stipulated by international law. Most importantly, they deserve more respectful care

    A Mobile Health Data Collection System for Remote Areas to Monitor Women Participating in a Cervical Cancer Screening Campaign

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    Barriers to efficient cervical cancer screening in low- and medium-income countries include the lack of systematic monitoring of the participants' data. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of a mobile health (m-Health) data collection system to facilitate monitoring of women participating to cervical cancer screening campaign

    HPV self-testing for primary cervical cancer screening in Madagascar: VIA/VILI triage compliance in HPV-positive women

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    To assess triage compliance and the effect of the time from screening to triage on follow-up among HPV-positive women