16 research outputs found

    Première nidification réussie du Flamant rose Phoenicopterus roseus dans la vallée de l’Oued Righ (Sahara algérien)

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    Après une première tentative échouée en 2009, le Flamant rose a réussi sa reproduction en 2010-2011 dans le Chott Merouane, situé dans le nord–est du Sahara algérien. Cette colonie est installée sur un vaste lac saumâtre situé à une altitude de 41m en dessous du niveau de la Méditerranée. Elle présente notamment la caractéristique d’être construite directement dans l’eau et non pas sur un îlot. Cette colonie est l’une des six découvertes en Algérie depuis 2003. Par son importance (2954 nids en 2011), elle est la deuxième d’Algérie et d’Afrique du nord. Les colonies algériennes accueillent actuellement 12.5% (le huitième) de l’effectif de la métapopulation méditerranéenne de l’espèce. Elles sont notamment menacées en premier lieu par des risques d’assèchement accrus en raison du changement climatique et du développement anarchique de l’agriculture (vergers de dattiers et d’oliviers en particulier).Mots clés: Flamant rose - Phoenicopterus roseus - Reproduction - Zone humide - Chott Merouane - Algérie The Greater Flamingo carried out a successful breeding in Chott Merouane in 2010-2011 after its first failure in 2009. Situated in Northeast Algerian Sahara at 41 m below sea level, this colony is set in a vast brackish Lake. It presents an important feature of being set directly on the water without an apparent islet. This colony is among the six Algerian ones that have yet been discovered since 2003. Considering its size (2.954 nests in 2011), it can be ranked as the second largest colony in Algeria as well as North Africa. Algerian colonies currently host approximately 12.5% (1/8) of the Mediterranean metapopulation size of the Greater Flamingo. These colonies are threatened not only by severe dryness risks due to global climate change but also by an uncontrolled agricultural development (date palm and olive orchards).Keyswords: Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus roseus - Breeding, Wetland - Chott Merouane - Algeri

    A predictive self-organizing multicellular computational model of infant skin permeability to topically applied substances

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    Computational models of skin permeability are typically based on assumptions of fixed geometry and homogeneity of the whole epidermis or of epidermal strata and are often limited to adult skin. Infant skin differs quantitatively from adult in its structure and its functional properties, including its barrier function to permeation. To address this problem, we developed a self-organizing multicellular epidermis model of barrier formation with realistic cell morphology. By modulating parameters relating to cell turnover reflecting those in adult or infant epidermis, we were able to generate accordingly two distinct models. Emerging properties of these models reflect the corresponding experimentally measured values of epidermal and Stratum Corneum thickness. Diffusion of an externally applied substance (e.g. caffeine) was simulated by molecular exchange between the model “agents”, defined by the individual cells and their surrounding extracellular space. By adjusting the surface concentration and the intercellular exchange rate, the model can recapitulate experimental permeability data, following topical exposure. By applying these parameters to an infant model, we were able to predict the caffeine concentration profile in infant skin, closely matching experimental results. This work paves the way for better understanding of skin physiology and function during the first years of life

    Check list of waterbirds at Wadi Djedi in Ziban Oasis-Algeria

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    Llista de control d’ocells aquàtics de l’oasi de Wadi Djedi (Ziban, Algèria) Aquest treball documenta per primera vegada la comunitat d’avifauna de l’oasi de Wadi Djedi, a Ziban, regió situada al sud-est d’Algèria. Presentem els resultats obtinguts a partir dels recomptes mensuals d’ocells aquàtics fets des del setembre de 2013 fins al setembre de 2016. En aquesta zona humida es van registrar un total de 36 espècies d’ocells aquàtics corresponents a 11 famílies. La família Anatidea, amb 11 espècies, és la més representada. Entre el conjunt d’espècies, 18 són hivernants, nou migrants, vuit espècies criadores residents com ara l’ànec canyella Tadorna furruginea i el corriol camanegre Charadrius alexandrines i una espècie, la cigonya blanca, criadora migratòria. D’altra banda, dues espècies, el xarxet marbrenc Marmaronetta angustirostris i el morell xocolater Aythya nyroca, estan incloses a la categoria VU de la Llista Roja d’espècies amenaçades de la Unió Internacional per a la Conservació de la Natura (UICN). Dades publicades a GBIF (Doi:10.15470/6m0dyq)This pioneering work is the first to document the aquatic avifauna community of the Wadi Djedi in the Ziban region in southeast of Algeria. We present results obtained through the monthly counts of waterbirds conducted from September 2013 to September 2016. On this wetland we recorded36 species of water birds representing 11 families. The Anatidae family was the most numerous, with 11 species. From among all the species, 18 were wintering species, nine were visitors, ocho were sedentary breeding species (including the ruddy shelduck Tadorna furruginea and kentish plover Charadrius alexandrines) and one species was migratory nesting (the white stork Ciconia ciconia). Two species (the teal marbled Marmaronetta angustirostris and ferruginous duck Aythya nyroca) are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of endangered species. Data published through GBIF (Doi:10.15470/6m0dyq)Lista de control de aves acuáticas del oasis de Wadi Djedi (Ziban, Argelia) Este trabajo documenta por primera vez la comunidad de avifauna del oasis de Wadi Djedi, en Ziban, región situada en el sudeste de Argelia. Presentamos los resultados obtenidos a partir de los recuentos mensuales de aves acuáticas realizados desde septiembre de 2013 hasta septiembre de 2016. En este humedal se registraron un total de 36 especies de aves acuáticas correspondientes a 11 familias. La familia Anatidea, con 11 especies, es la más representada. Entre la totalidad de especies, 18 son invernantes, nueve migrantes, ocho especies criadoras residentes como el tarro canelo Tadorna furruginea y el chorlitejo patinegro Charadrius alexandrines y una especie, la cigüeña blanca, criadora migratoria. Por otra parte, dos especies, cerceta pardilla Marmaronetta angustirostris y porrón pardo Aythya nyroca, están incluidas en la categoría VU de la Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN). Datos publicados en GBIF (Doi:10.15470/6m0dyq

    The Use of Mycoendophyte-Based Bioformulations to Control Apple Diseases: Toward an Organic Apple Production System in the Aurès (Algeria)

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    The present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of bioformulations based on endophytic fungi to control apple scab and Valsa canker disease in two orchards in the Aurès region (Algeria). In both orchards, the results showed that the treatment of senescent apple leaves by invert emulsions containing Trichoderma longibrachiatum and Chaetomium globosum harmed the ascogenesis of winter forms of Venturia inaequalis by reducing the number of ascospore-ejecting asci, the number of morphologically mature asci, and a considerable increase in the immature asci number. This antifungal activity was more essential in soil-incorporated leaves, showing the importance of the combination of treatments with cultural practices to efficiently control the apple scab disease. Furthermore, the disease incidence decreased by 52.63% and 50.68% in R’haouat and Bouhmama orchards, respectively. Moreover, the treatment of Valsa ceratosperma cankers with a biogel containing the endophytic yeast Metschnikowia sp. led to wound healing varying from 43.52% and 87.97% after 120 days but remained more considerable than conventional treatment with Folicur (tebuconazol). The current results open real opportunities concerning the implementation of eco-friendly and potent apple protection systems

    Biological Pests Management for Sustainable Agriculture: Understanding the Influence of Cladosporium-Bioformulated Endophytic Fungi Application to Control Myzus persicae (Sulzer, 1776) in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    The potato is a staple food crop worldwide and the need for this product has increased due to the burgeoning population. However, potato production is highly constrained by biotic stress interference, such as Myzus persicae Sulzer, which causes serious yield losses and thus minimizing production income. The current study aims to investigate the effect of different formulations prepared as an invert emulsion with different concentrations of fungal culture filtrates derived from three endophytic fungi (genus Cladosporium) against Myzus persicae. All formulations have demonstrated an aphicidal activity, which increases with the increasing concentration of fungal filtrates. Furthermore, it has been noted that chitinolytic activity recorded for 12 days is important in Cladosporium sp. BEL21 isolated from dwarf mistletoe Arceuthobium oxycedri. The study of demographic and embryonic parameters of aphids settled on potato plants previously treated with formulations revealed a significant reduction in the numbers of colonizing aphids and a relative increase in the numbers of winged adults, especially in plants treated with BEL21-derived emulsion. The pre-treatment of plants may interfere with and negatively influence embryonic development and early maturity of the embryo and thus affect the fertility of parthenogenetic aphids. BEL21-derived emulsion can ensure effective and an inexpensive control of M. persicae for potato spring cropping systems. The current results open real opportunities concerning the implementation of ecofriendly and potent potato protection systems