1,615 research outputs found

    Simulation modeling of tool delivery system in a machining line

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    This paper describes an industrial project aiming to enhance the existing simulation modeling suites used at a car engine factory in the UK. The company continues to enhance its simulation modeling capabilities towards so called the `total plant modeling' which not only covers the production facilities but also key ancillary facilities. Tool delivery is one such ancillary process. The existing modeling practices at the company are limited to modeling tool changes and assume that tools meet their expected life and the replacement is always available. In reality, the tools are not always reaching the expected life, the facilities in the tool crib are a limiting resource and the tool inventory has to be minimized. The tool delivery system developed in this project has specific features that model how the tool crib operates, how tools are supplied to the machining lines and various operating strategie

    On the stabilization of ion sputtered surfaces

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    The classical theory of ion beam sputtering predicts the instability of a flat surface to uniform ion irradiation at any incidence angle. We relax the assumption of the classical theory that the average surface erosion rate is determined by a Gaussian response function representing the effect of the collision cascade and consider the surface dynamics for other physically-motivated response functions. We show that although instability of flat surfaces at any beam angle results from all Gaussian and a wide class of non-Gaussian erosive response functions, there exist classes of modifications to the response that can have a dramatic effect. In contrast to the classical theory, these types of response render the flat surface linearly stable, while imperceptibly modifying the predicted sputter yield vs. incidence angle. We discuss the possibility that such corrections underlie recent reports of a ``window of stability'' of ion-bombarded surfaces at a range of beam angles for certain ion and surface types, and describe some characteristic aspects of pattern evolution near the transition from unstable to stable dynamics. We point out that careful analysis of the transition regime may provide valuable tests for the consistency of any theory of pattern formation on ion sputtered surfaces

    Feminist ideologies in Jeevanandham's Poems

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    Women share the major responsibility in taking aspects of human race to the generation ahead. Though social and communal development of recent times have improved the stage of women in society, the culture indifferences and violence against women have not yet been eradicated from the society we reside in. The society have prolonged with a notion that men are strong and ought to be commanding and women are weak and to obey. Women are presumed and directed to be dependent to men while men boss them. We are still in the timeline where effects of women still have to be recognised through men. Despite of centuries of moral and cultural evolutions, the world of women is still being bounded and constructed by men. The male dominant society have always been against providing women education and wisdom, as they think those are not to be given for the women who is supposed to serve and obey the command men with no second thought. With the same principle, women’s right to learn, speak and even rights on property all have been denied. Midst of such a deceived and biased society there rose the voices of number of great personalities, philosophers and social reformers who dreamt for and raised their voice for us to evolve into a society that respect women rights, gender equality and women freedom. Amongst, the great poet and philosopher well known for simplicity in his writings, who scripted several of his strong ideologies over women empowerment, is our MahakaviBharathiyar. Taking him as a role model, the NanjilNaatu poet and social reformer, Jeevanantham took the ideology of women rights further and planted it in the society with his narrow and well determined efforts. During his time, Jeevanantham witnessed women being dumbed and ruler over within the family and society, which he brought up to voices through several of his writings. With this research we are glad to pick, analyse and comprehend such writings of Jeevanantham and his ideologies on women and women empowerment

    Ekspor Dan Impor Pengaruhnya Terhadap Posisi Cadangan Devisa Di Indonesia

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    Era global saat ini mendorong negara-negara ke dunia perdagangan internasional. Salah satu alat dan sumber pembiayaan yang sangat penting dalam perdagangan internasional adalah cadangan devisa. Cadangan devisa merupakan posisi bersih aktiva luar negeri pemerintah dan bank-bank devisa yang diperlukan untuk membiayai impor dan dikelola oleh Bank Indonesia. Karena pentingnya cadangan devisa untuk suatu negara, dimana cadangan devisa selalu berfluktuasi maka dilakukan pengujian terhadap beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi posisi cadangan devisa yaitu besarnya ekspor dan impor. Periode penelitian 27 tahun, mulai dari tahun 1985-2011. analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan metode OLS (Ordinary Least Square) dan diolah dengan menggunakan Program Eviews 7. Hasil penelitian diperoleh ekspor berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap cadangan devisa, sementara impor berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap cadangan devisa. Artinya, jika ekspor naik maka posisi cadangan devisa akan naik dan jika impor naik maka posisi cadangan devisa akan turun. Kata kunci: cadangan devisa, ekspor, impo

    Robert George Fechhelm (1948–2014)

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    Roadway-Embedded Transmitters and Multi-Pad Receivers for High Power Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) offer considerable economic and environmental benefits to society. Despite the decreasing vehicle costs and increasing range of newer EVs, the problem of range anxiety still exists. Range anxiety, at its core, is an issue of charging speeds rather than a concern about the driving range. Dynamic wireless charging of EVs is seen as a potential solution to this issue of range anxiety. Further, wireless charging technology also helps the push towards level 5 autonomy and opens new opportunities for how an EV can be utilized. Dynamic wireless power transfer (DWPT) systems typically require a high initial investment due to the scale of deployment needed and require a certain level of EV adoption before they become economically viable. The challenges facing DWPT technologies are broadly categorized into development, deployment and operation challenges. To address the deployment challenges, this dissertation presents the pavement integration of DWPT systems, and the design and validation of concrete-embedded wireless charging pads. To improve infrastructure utilization and address the operation challenge, different vehicle classes need to recharge from the same charging infrastructure. This is made possible by the use of multi-pad receivers, which allow different vehicle classes to receive different power levels using the same charging infrastructure. This work presents a scaled-down version of a multi-pad receiver system to demonstrate the operation and scalability of these modular receivers. To help further reduce the cost of development and implementation of DWPT systems, finite element method (FEM) and circuit simulation models are presented. The time-domain simulations can be used to develop and validate various control and communication schemes without the need for expensive hardware implementation. Finally, leakage magnetic field reduction to ensure safety and compliance for DWPT systems is discussed, and an example system is analyzed using FEM simulations
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