454 research outputs found

    Analisis Prinsip Kerja 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Setsuke) pada CV. Kokoh Bersatu Plastik, Surabaya

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    Penerapan prinsip kerja di Perusahaan CV Kokoh Bersatu Plastik perlu dikelola secara berkesinambungan agar Perusahaan dapat mencapai sebuah kesuksesan dalam proses dan hasil. Prinsip 5S (seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, setsuke) merupakan salah satu prinsip kerja yang berasal dari Jepang dan telah banyak digunakan pada Perusahaan besar di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi penerapan prinsip 5S pada setiap tahapan proses produksi, pihak-pihak yang terlibat serta menganalisis penerapan prinsip 5S tersebut melalui pendekatan sistem dan struktur di CV Kokoh Bersatu Plastik. Jenis penelitian yang dipilih adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode etnography dan melakukan teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi dan wawancara secara mendalam kepada beberapa karyawan operasional produksi. Dari hasil wawancara dan observasi disimpulkan bahwa penerapan budaya kerja 5S di CV Kokoh Bersatu plastik masih dilakukan secara parsial dan bersifat perorangan, selain itu pererapan 5S juga belum tersistem dan terstruktur dengan baik. Pada pelaksanaannya pihak yang terlibat masih personal di setiap tahapan proses produksi

    Analisis Biaya Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas pada Ruas Jalan Nasional di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Kecelakaan menjadi salah satu pembunuh terbesar di Indonesia yang telah banyak merenggut korban jiwa maupun harta benda. Oleh karena besarnya kerugian tersebut maka sangat diperlukan adanya suatu studi khusus tentang karakteristik kecelakaan dan biaya kerugian akibat kecelakaan dalam upaya peningkatan keselamatan lalu lintas di jalan raya. Penelitian ini mengambil kasus pada Ruas Jalan Nasional di Kota  Pekanbaru. Data sekunder berupa laporan kecelakaan yang didapatkan dari Ditlantas Polda Riau. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis karakteristik kecelakaan lalu lintas, dan menghitung biaya kecelakaan yang terjadi pada Ruas Jalan Nasional di Pekanbaru dengan metode The Gross Output (Human Capital). Dari hasil perhitungan menggunakan metode The Gross Output (Human Capital), Maka di dapat angka biaya kecelakaan di jalan nasional Kota Pekanbaru selama tiga tahun (2014-2016) sebesar Rp. 6.323.769.000 (enam milyar tiga ratus dua puluh tiga juta tujuh ratus enam puluh sembilan ribu rupiah). Kata kunci : Kecelakaan lalu lintas,  jalan raya, Gross Output, pekanbaru

    Penentuan Percepatan Gravitasi Lokal di Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado Berdasarkan Teori Getaran Harmonik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan besarnya nilai percepatan gravitasi lokal di Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode campuran yakni dengan perhitungan secara teoritis dengan menggunakan Hukum Gravitasi Newton dan Hukum II Newton dan metode eksperimen menggunakan bandul/ayunan matematis yang di dalamnya terdapat analisis numerik dan perhitungan galat/error. Dari analisis data eksperimen yang dilakukan didapatkan nilai gravitasi lokal dengan nilai glokal = (9,799±0,001) m/s2. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya referensi mengenai penentuan nilai gravitasi bumi di daerah yang dekat dengan ekuator. Kata

    Kajian Efisiensi Termal Dari Boiler Di Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Amurang Unit 1

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    Indonesia has a considerably high potential resources that can be harnessed to generate electricity through power plants. At Amurang Steam Power Plant (PLTU Amurang), coal is used for the fuel and boiler is the equipment to burn the coal producing heat. Boiler is one of the equipments in the thermodynamics cycle which aims to turn the water into steam. This study was conducted to determine the thermal efficiency of the boiler in PLTU Amurang Unit 1 based on operational data. The data collected from the PLTU Amurang . The data is then used to calculate the thermal efficiency of the boiler. Calculations using the direct method and the indirect method. The calculations shows boiler thermal efficiency is 91.73% and 92.33% respectively. When compared with the thermal efficiency of the boiler according to specifications then the difference is 0,41% and 0,19%

    Wireless Multichannel Multipoint Broadcast Service for Mobile Stations

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    In wireless Multicast Broadcast Service (MBS), the common channel is used to multicast the MBS content to the Mobile Stations (MSs) on the MBS calls within the coverage area of a Base Station (BS), which causes interference to the dedicated channels serving the traditional calls, and degrades the system capacity. The MBS zone technology is proposed in Mobile Communications Network (MCN) standards to improve system capacity and reduce the handoff delay for the wireless MBS calls. In the MBS zone technology, a group of BSs form an MBS zone, where the macro diversity is applied in the MS, the BSs synchronize to transmit the MBS content on the same common channel, interference caused by the common channel is reduced, and the MBS MSs need not perform handoff while moving between the BSs in the same MBS zone. However, when there is no MBS MS in a BS with the MBS zone technology, the transmission on the common channel wastes the bandwidth of the BS. It is an important issue to determine the condition for the MBS Controller (MBSC) to enable the MBS zone technology by considering the Quality of Services (QoS) for traditional calls and MBS calls are used to reduce the dependency over the common channel and also it is going to reduce the delay over the network. By enabling Dynamic Channel Allocation (DCA) and Enhance Dynamic Channel Allocation (EDCA) we are going to overcome these problems

    Penerjemah, Penerjemahan, Terjemahan, Dan Dinamika Budaya: Menatap Peran Penerjemahan Pada Masa Lalu Di Nusantara

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    This paper describes the role and impact of translation on cultural change.Translation is defned as an effort to divert messages from one language(source language) into another language (target language). Language, throughtranslation and transfer of messages, can affect the formation of the targetculture as stated in the “Sapir-Whorf hypothesis”. Many studies on translationare generally talking about the quality of translation. This paper however doesnot discuss about quality of the translation instead it focuses on the role oftranslation and its impact on target communities. Specifcally, it talks aboutthe subject of the translation and the translation in the beginning of Hinduismand Islamic period and the New Order period in Indonesia.The paper observes the translation from the perspective of “its purpose”,which is known as “skopos method.” It reviews four articles contained in thebook ofSadur. The paper also shows how the translation may have an impacton cultural change, i.e. how the translators introduce, distribute, or takeadvantage of cultural elements contained in the source text while adjustingto the needs of target communities. The main purpose of those translationsstudied is to spread the religion, literature, and social rules. There are threethings observed through translation: (i) the role of the source language as thelanguage of religion, administration, and literature is taken over by the targetlanguage. (ii) the genre of the source language is replaced with the genre ofthe target language. (iii) teaching of Hinduism and Islam were inserted intolocal religious teachings; literary sources adapted to local literature. The paperconcludes that “the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis” applies where the translationshapes culture. And translation, based on the principle of “sadur” (adaptation)and “pemribumian” (domestication), has formed “a new fgure” of localculture in the history of Indonesia
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