42 research outputs found

    Non-invasive brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease: Clinical evidence, latest concepts and future goals: A systematic review.

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is becoming a major public-health issue in an aging population. Available approaches to treat advanced PD still have limitations; new therapies are needed. The non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) may offer a complementary approach to treat advanced PD by personalized stimulation. Although NIBS is not as effective as the gold-standard levodopa, recent randomized controlled trials show promising outcomes in the treatment of PD symptoms. Nevertheless, only a few NIBS-stimulation paradigms have shown to improve PD's symptoms. Current clinical recommendations based on the level of evidence are reported in Table 1 through Table 3. Furthermore, novel technological advances hold promise and may soon enable the non-invasive stimulation of deeper brain structures for longer periods

    Peripheral stimulation affects subthreshold Triple Stimulation Technique.

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    Compared to conventional transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), the triple stimulation technique (TST) strongly decrease the effects of desynchronization of descending discharges and accompanying phase cancellation that follow TMS and offers a more sensitive method to quantify motor evoked potentials (MEPs). Using the TST, we explored as to whether sub-threshold TMS evokes peripheral motor neuron discharges (MNs). We compared the number of MEPs elicited by TMS and by TST in fifteen healthy participants. We used the subthreshold intensity of 80 % resting motor threshold. To control the TST assessment of the corticospinal tract, we included a peripheral stimulation control condition, which consisted of peripheral stimulation alone, in a subgroup of five volunteers. Compared to TMS, TST at sub-threshold intensities did not detect significantly more responses unequivocally attributable to the cortical stimulation. In contrast, the peripheral supra-maximal stimuli produced confounding effects in the TST condition that were, in part, indistinguishable from cortical responses. At subthreshold TMS intensities, the TST does not detect more discharges of spinal MNs than conventional TMS and, in addition, it is confounded by effects from peripheral stimulation. The TST can be useful in assessing the integrity of the MN pool and of the corticospinal tract. However, if used at near threshold intensity, the confounding effects of peripheral stimulation need to be considered; for instance, in paired-pulse stimulation paradigms assessing the cortical physiology

    Spatiotemporal parameters during turning gait maneuvers of different amplitudes in young and elderly healthy adults: A descriptive and comparative study.

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    Turning during walking adds complexity to gait and has been little investigated until now. Research question What are the differences in spatiotemporal parameters between young and elderly healthy adults performing quarter-turns (90°), half-turns (180°) and full-turns (360°)? The spatiotemporal parameters of 10 young and 10 elderly adults were recorded in a laboratory while turning at 90°, 180° and 360°. Two-way mixed ANOVA were performed to determine the effect of age and turning amplitude. Elderly were slower and needed more steps and time to perform turns of larger amplitude than young adults. Cadence did not differ across age or across turning amplitude. Generally, in the elderly, the spatial parameters were smaller and the temporal parameters enhancing stability (i.e., double-support phase and stance/cycle ratio) were larger, especially for turns of larger amplitudes. In elderly adults, the variability of some spatial parameters was decreased, whereas the variability of some temporal parameters was increased. Stride width of the external leg showed the most substantial difference between groups. Most parameters differed between turning at 90° and turning at larger amplitudes (180°, 360°). Significance This study extends the characterization of turning biomechanics with respect to ageing. It also suggested paying particular attention to the turning amplitude. Finally, the age-related differences may pave the way for new selective rehabilitation protocols in the elderly

    Parkinson's disease.

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    In advanced Parkinson's disease (PD), the emergence of symptoms refractory to conventional therapy poses therapeutic challenges. The success of deep brain stimulation (DBS) and advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of PD have raised interest in noninvasive brain stimulation as an alternative therapeutic tool. The rationale for its use draws from the concept that reversing abnormalities in brain activity and physiology thought to cause the clinical deficits may restore normal functioning. Currently the best evidence in support of this concept comes from DBS, which improves motor deficits, and modulates brain activity and motor cortex physiology, although whether a causal interaction exists remains largely undetermined. Most trials of noninvasive brain stimulation in PD have applied repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), targeting the motor cortex. Current studies suggest a possible therapeutic potential for rTMS and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), but clinical effects so far have been small and negligible with regard to functional independence and quality of life. Approaches to potentiate the efficacy of rTMS include increasing stimulation intensity and novel stimulation parameters that derive their rationale from studies on brain physiology. These novel parameters are intended to simulate normal firing patterns or to act on the hypothesized role of oscillatory activity in the motor cortex and basal ganglia with regard to motor control and its contribution to the pathogenesis of motor disorders. Noninvasive brain stimulation studies will enhance our understanding of PD pathophysiology and might provide further evidence for potential therapeutic applications

    Non-invasive brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease: Current concepts and outlook 2015.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In advanced Parkinson's disease (PD), the emergence of symptoms refractory to conventional therapy poses a therapeutic challenge. The success of deep brain stimulation (DBS) and advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of PD have raised interest in non-invasive brain stimulation as an alternative therapeutic tool. The rationale for its use draws from the concept that reversing abnormalities in brain activity and physiology thought to cause the clinical deficits may restore normal functioning. Currently the best evidence in support of this concept comes from DBS, which improves motor deficits, and modulates brain activity and motor cortex physiology, though whether a causal interaction exists remains largely undetermined. CONCLUSION: Most trials of non-invasive brain stimulation in PD have applied repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) targeting the primary motor cortex and cortical areas of the motor circuit. Published studies suggest a possible therapeutic potential of rTMS and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), but clinical effects so far have been small and negligible regarding functional independence and quality of life. Approaches to potentiate the efficacy of rTMS, including increasing stimulation intensity and novel stimulation parameters, derive their rationale from studies of brain physiology. These novel parameters simulate normal firing patterns or act on the hypothesized role of oscillatory activity in the motor cortex and basal ganglia in motor control. There may also be diagnostic potential of TMS in characterizing individual traits for personalized medicine

    Physical Therapy for Freezing of Gait and Gait Impairments in Parkinson Disease: A Systematic Review.

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    Freezing of gait (FOG) is a major cause of falls and disability in Parkinson disease (PD). As FOG only partially improves in response to dopaminergic medication, physical therapy is an important element of its management. To assess the evidence for the physical interventions for FOG and gait impairments and to establish recommendations for clinical practice. This review follows the guidelines for systematic reviews: the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Systematic search in PubMed, Embase, Physiotherapy Evidence Databases, and CINAHL for randomized controlled trials of PT interventions for FOG in PD patients until April 2018. Twenty randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were reviewed. In 12 RCTs, PT for FOG was assessed, which was the primary outcome measure in nine of these RCTs. In eight RCTs, PT for gait impairment (not targeting specifically FOG) in PD was assessed. The following PT interventions reduce FOG with a good category A recommendation: cueing strategies (P < .05) (visual and auditory); treadmill walking (P < .05); aquatic obstacle training (P < .01); supervised slackline training (P < .05). These interventions can be combined and maintain their efficacy when being applied concurrently: though there is a lack of long-term follow-up studies. The following PT interventions show possible benefit and need further investigations: balance and coordination training; aquatic gait training; sensory (tactile) cues. The treadmill training and auditory and visual cues are effective also for other gait disturbances in PD and improve gait kinematics. Visual and auditory cueing and the treadmill training are effective interventions for FOG and gait impairments in PD patients (evidence level A- according to the European Federation of Neurological Societies). Tactile cues and other specific therapies targeting FOG are probably effective but need further studies

    Desynchronization does not contribute to intracortical inhibition and facilitation: a paired-pulse paradigm study combined with TST.

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    The paired-pulse (PP) transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) paradigms allow the exploration of the motor cortex physiology. The triple stimulation technique (TST) improves conventional TMS by reducing effects of desynchronization of motor neuron discharges allowing a precise evaluation of the corticospinal conduction. The objective of our study was to explore PP TMS paradigms combined with the TST to study whether the desynchronization contributes to these phenomena and whether the combined TMS-TST protocol could improve the consistency of responses. We investigated the PP paradigms of short intracortical inhibition (SICI) with 2 ms interstimulus interval (ISI) and of intracortical facilitation (ICF) with 10 ms ISI in 22 healthy subjects applying either conventional TMS alone or combined with the TST protocol. The results of the PP paradigms combined with the TST of SICI and ICF do not differ from those with conventional TMS. However, combining the PP paradigm with the TST reduces their variability. These results speak against a contribution of the desynchronization of motor neuron discharges to the PP paradigms of SICI and ICF. Combining the PP TMS paradigm with the TST may improve their consistency, but the interindividual variability remains such that it precludes their utility for clinical practice.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Combining the triple stimulation technique with the paired-pulse stimulation paradigm improves the consistency of short intracortical inhibition and facilitation and could be useful in research, but the interindividual variability precludes their utility for clinical practice. Our findings do not suggest that desynchronization of descending discharges following transcranial magnetic stimulation contributes to short intracortical inhibition or intracortical facilitation