903 research outputs found

    Tungsten Behavior at High Temperature and High Stress

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    Re­cent­ly re­port­ed re­sults on the tung­sten life­time/fa­tigue tests under con­di­tions ex­pect­ed in the Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry tar­get have strength­ened the case of solid tar­get op­tion for a Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry. This paper gives de­scrip­tion of the de­tailed mea­sure­ments of the tung­sten prop­er­ties at high tem­per­a­ture and high stress. We have per­formed ex­ten­sive set of mea­sure­ments of the sur­face dis­place­ment and ve­loc­i­ty of the tung­sten wires that were stressed by pass­ing a fast, high cur­rent pulse through a thin sam­ple. Ra­di­al and lon­gi­tu­di­nal os­cil­la­tions of the wire were mea­sured by a Laser Doppler Vi­brom­e­ter. The wire was op­er­at­ed at tem­per­a­tures of 300-2500 K by ad­just­ing the pulse rep­e­ti­tion rate. In doing so we have tried to sim­u­late the con­di­tions (high stress and tem­per­a­ture) ex­pect­ed at the Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry. Most im­por­tant re­sult of this study is an ex­per­i­men­tal con­fir­ma­tion that strength of tung­sten re­mains high at high tem­per­a­ture and high stress. The ex­per­i­men­tal re­sults have been found to agree very well with LS-DY­NA mod­elling re­sults

    Cardiac Specific Gene Expression Changes in Long Term Culture of Murine Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Murine MSCs are a readily available source of adult stem cells enabling extensive in vitro study of this cell population. MSCs have been described as multipotent, and have been proven capable of differentiation into several connective tissue types. Furthermore some studies have suggested an ability to differentiate into non-connective tissue cell types such as the cardiomyocyte. The aim of this study was to differentiate murine MSCs toward cardiac lineage with the commonly used method of culture with 5’ Azacytidine. Critically, baseline analysis of gene expression of passage four MSCs demonstrated expression of key cardiac markers including cardiac troponin T and I, and the ryanodine receptor. Furthermore, expression analysis of these genes changed with time in culture and passage number. However, there was no significant alteration when cells were subjected to a differentiation protocol. This study therefore highlights the importance of analyzing baseline cells extensively, and indicates the limitations in extrapolating data for comparison between species. Furthermore this data brings into question the efficacy of cardiac differentiation using MSCs

    Perfect state distinguishability and computational speedups with postselected closed timelike curves

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    Bennett and Schumacher's postselected quantum teleportation is a model of closed timelike curves (CTCs) that leads to results physically different from Deutsch's model. We show that even a single qubit passing through a postselected CTC (P-CTC) is sufficient to do any postselected quantum measurement, and we discuss an important difference between "Deutschian" CTCs (D-CTCs) and P-CTCs in which the future existence of a P-CTC might affect the present outcome of an experiment. Then, based on a suggestion of Bennett and Smith, we explicitly show how a party assisted by P-CTCs can distinguish a set of linearly independent quantum states, and we prove that it is not possible for such a party to distinguish a set of linearly dependent states. The power of P-CTCs is thus weaker than that of D-CTCs because the Holevo bound still applies to circuits using them regardless of their ability to conspire in violating the uncertainty principle. We then discuss how different notions of a quantum mixture that are indistinguishable in linear quantum mechanics lead to dramatically differing conclusions in a nonlinear quantum mechanics involving P-CTCs. Finally, we give explicit circuit constructions that can efficiently factor integers, efficiently solve any decision problem in the intersection of NP and coNP, and probabilistically solve any decision problem in NP. These circuits accomplish these tasks with just one qubit traveling back in time, and they exploit the ability of postselected closed timelike curves to create grandfather paradoxes for invalid answers.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures; Foundations of Physics (2011

    Footprints and human evolution: Homeostasis in foot function?

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    Human, and hominin tracks, occur infrequently within the geological record as rare acts of sedimentary preservation. They have the potential, however, to reveal important information about the locomotion of our ancestors, especially when the tracks pertain to different hominin species. The number of known track sites is small and in making inter-species comparisons, one has to work with small track populations that are often from different depositional settings, thereby complicating our interpretations of them. Here we review several key track sites of palaeoanthropological significance across one of the most important evolutionary transitions (Australopithecus to Homo) which involved the development of anatomy and physiology better-suited to endurance running and walking. The sites include the oldest known hominin track site at Laetoli (3.66 Ma; Tanzania) and those at Ileret (1.5 Ma; Kenya). Tracks from both sites are compared with modern tracks made by habitually unshod individuals using a whole-foot analysis. We conclude that, contrary to some authors, foot function has remained relatively unchanged, perhaps experiencing evolutionary homeostasis, for the last 3.66 Ma. These data suggest that the evolutionary development of modern biomechanical locomotion pre-dates the earliest human tracks and also the transition from the genus Australopithecus to Homo

    Nitrogen sources, transport and processing in peri-urban floodplains

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    Peri-urban floodplains are an important interface between developed land and the aquatic environment and may act as a source or sink for contaminants moving from urban areas towards surface water courses. With increasing pressure from urban development the functioning of floodplains is coming under greater scrutiny. A number of peri-urban sites have been found to be populated with legacy landfills which could potentially cause pollution of adjacent river bodies. Here, a peri-urban floodplain adjoining the city of Oxford, UK, with the River Thames has been investigated over a period of three years through repeated sampling of groundwaters from existing and specially constructed piezometers. A nearby landfill has been found to have imprinted a strong signal on the groundwater with particularly high concentrations of ammonium and generally low concentrations of nitrate and dissolved oxygen. An intensive study of nitrogen dynamics through the use of N-species chemistry, nitrogen isotopes and dissolved nitrous oxide reveals that there is little or no denitrification in the majority of the main landfill plume, and neither is the ammonium significantly retarded by sorption to the aquifer sediments. A simple model has determined the flux of total nitrogen and ammonium from the landfill, through the floodplain and into the river. Over an 8 km reach of the river, which has a number of other legacy landfills, it is estimated that 27.5 tonnes of ammonium may be delivered to the river annually. Although this is a relatively small contribution to the total river nitrogen, it may represent up to 15% of the ammonium loading at the study site and over the length of the reach could increase in-stream concentrations by nearly 40%. Catchment management plans that encompass floodplains in the peri-urban environment need to take into account the likely risk to groundwater and surface water quality that these environments pose

    Calculations of parity nonconserving s-d transitions in Cs, Fr, Ba II, and Ra II

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    We have performed ab initio mixed-states and sum-over-states calculations of parity nonconserving (PNC) electric dipole (E1) transition amplitudes between s-d electron states of Cs, Fr, Ba II, and Ra II. For the lower states of these atoms we have also calculated energies, E1 transition amplitudes, and lifetimes. We have shown that PNC E1 transition amplitudes between s-d states can be calculated to high accuracy. Contrary to the Cs 6s-7s transition, in these transitions there are no strong cancelations between different terms in the sum-over-states approach. In fact, there is one dominating term which deviates from the sum by less than 20%. This term corresponds to an s-p_{1/2} weak matrix element, which can be calculated to better than 1%, and a p_{1/2}-d_{3/2} E1 transition amplitude, which can be measured. Also, the s-d amplitudes are about four times larger than the corresponding s-s transitions. We have shown that by using a hybrid mixed-states/sum-over-states approach the accuracy of the calculations of PNC s-d amplitudes could compete with that of Cs 6s-7s if p_{1/2}-d_{3/2} E1 amplitudes are measured to high accuracy.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Measurement of the 6s - 7p transition probabilities in atomic cesium and a revised value for the weak charge Q_W

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    We have measured the 6s - 7p_{1/2,3/2} transition probabilities in atomic cesium using a direct absorption technique. We use our result plus other previously measured transition rates to derive an accurate value of the vector transition polarizability \beta and, consequently, re-evaluate the weak charge Q_W. Our derived value Q_W=-72.65(49) agrees with the prediction of the standard model to within one standard deviation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Entanglement of a Double Dot with a Quantum Point Contact

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    Entanglement between particle and detector is known to be inherent in the measurement process. Gurvitz recently analyzed the coupling of an electron in a double dot (DD) to a quantum point contact (QPC) detector. In this paper we examine the dynamics of entanglement that result between the DD and QPC. The rate of entanglement is optimized as a function of coupling when the electron is initially in one of the dots. It decreases asymptotically towards zero with increased coupling. The opposite behavior is observed when the DD is initially in a superposition: the rate of entanglement increases unboundedly as the coupling is increased. The possibility that there are conditions for which measurement occurs versus entanglement is considered

    Off-Diagonal Hyperfine Interaction and Parity Non-conservation in Cesium

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    We have performed relativistic many-body calculations of the hyperfine interaction in the 6s6s and 7s7s states of Cs, including the off-diagonal matrix element. The calculations were used to determine the accuracy of the semi-empirical formula for the electromagnetic transition amplitude induced by the hyperfine interaction. We have found that even though the contribution of the many-body effects into the matrix elements is very large, the square root formula = = \sqrt{ } remains valid to the accuracy of a fraction of 10310^{-3}. The result for the M1-amplitude is used in the interpretation of the parity-violation measurement in the 6s7s6s-7s transition in Cs which claims a possible deviation from the Standard model.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX, Submitted to Phys. Rev.