2,828 research outputs found

    Determining freshwater lake communities’ vulnerability to snowstorms in the northwest territories

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    As the exposure to extreme snowstorms continues to change in response to a warming climate, this can lead to higher infrastructure damages, financial instability, accessibility restrictions, as well as safety and health effects. However, it is challenging to quantify the impacts associated with the combination of the many biophysical and socio-economic factors for resiliency and adaptation assessments across many disciplines on multiple spatial and temporal scales. This study ap-plies a framework to quantitatively determine the multiple impacts of snowstorms by calculating the livelihood vulnerability index (LVI) for four exposed freshwater lake communities in Canada s Northwest Territories using three contributing factors (exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capac-ity). Results indicate that DĂ©line is the most vulnerable community (0.67), because it has the highest exposure and one of the highest sensitivity ranks, while its ability to adapt to exposure stressors is the lowest among the communities. In contrast, Fort Resolution exhibits the lowest LVI (0.26) and has one of the highest adaptive capacities. This study emphasizes that while these freshwater communities may be exposed to snowstorms, they have different levels of sensitivity and adaptive capacities in place that influences their vulnerability to changes in hazardous snowfall conditions. The information gained from this study can help guide future adaptation, mitigation, and resiliency practices for Arctic sustainability efforts. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.This research was funded by the McGill Sustainability Systems Initiative (MSSI), grant number 246889” from Montreal, Canada

    Using of small-scale quantum computers in cryptography with many-qubit entangled states

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    We propose a new cryptographic protocol. It is suggested to encode information in ordinary binary form into many-qubit entangled states with the help of a quantum computer. A state of qubits (realized, e.g., with photons) is transmitted through a quantum channel to the addressee, who applies a quantum computer tuned to realize the inverse unitary transformation decoding of the message. Different ways of eavesdropping are considered, and an estimate of the time needed for determining the secret unitary transformation is given. It is shown that using even small quantum computers can serve as a basis for very efficient cryptographic protocols. For a suggested cryptographic protocol, the time scale on which communication can be considered secure is exponential in the number of qubits in the entangled states and in the number of gates used to construct the quantum network

    Entanglement of electrons in interacting molecules

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    Quantum entanglement is a concept commonly used with reference to the existence of certain correlations in quantum systems that have no classical interpretation. It is a useful resource to enhance the mutual information of memory channels or to accelerate some quantum processes as, for example, the factorization in Shor's Algorithm. Moreover, entanglement is a physical observable directly measured by the von Neumann entropy of the system. We have used this concept in order to give a physical meaning to the electron correlation energy in systems of interacting electrons. The electronic correlation is not directly observable, since it is defined as the difference between the exact ground state energy of the many--electrons Schroedinger equation and the Hartree--Fock energy. We have calculated the correlation energy and compared with the entanglement, as functions of the nucleus--nucleus separation using, for the hydrogen molecule, the Configuration Interaction method. Then, in the same spirit, we have analyzed a dimer of ethylene, which represents the simplest organic conjugate system, changing the relative orientation and distance of the molecules, in order to obtain the configuration corresponding to maximum entanglement.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, standard late

    Gravitational Lensing Signature of Long Cosmic Strings

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    The gravitational lensing by long, wiggly cosmic strings is shown to produce a large number of lensed images of a background source. In addition to pairs of images on either side of the string, a number of small images outline the string due to small-scale structure on the string. This image pattern could provide a highly distinctive signature of cosmic strings. Since the optical depth for multiple imaging of distant quasar sources by long strings may be comparable to that by galaxies, these image patterns should be clearly observable in the next generation of redshift surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.Comment: 4 pages, revtex with 3 postscript figures include

    Geometry of the 3-Qubit State, Entanglement and Division Algebras

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    We present a generalization to 3-qubits of the standard Bloch sphere representation for a single qubit and of the 7-dimensional sphere representation for 2 qubits presented in Mosseri {\it et al.}\cite{Mosseri2001}. The Hilbert space of the 3-qubit system is the 15-dimensional sphere S15S^{15}, which allows for a natural (last) Hopf fibration with S8S^8 as base and S7S^7 as fiber. A striking feature is, as in the case of 1 and 2 qubits, that the map is entanglement sensitive, and the two distinct ways of un-entangling 3 qubits are naturally related to the Hopf map. We define a quantity that measures the degree of entanglement of the 3-qubit state. Conjectures on the possibility to generalize the construction for higher qubit states are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, final versio

    Gravitational-Wave Stochastic Background Detection with Resonant-Mass Detectors

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    In this paper we discuss how the standard optimal Wiener filter theory can be applied, within a linear approximation, to the detection of an isotropic stochastic gravitational-wave background with two or more detectors. We apply then the method to the AURIGA-NAUTILUS pair of ultra low temperature bar detectors, near to operate in coincidence in Italy, obtaining an estimate for the sensitivity to the background spectral density of $\simeq 10^{-49}\ Hz^{-1},thatconvertstoanenergydensityperunitlogarithmicfrequencyof, that converts to an energy density per unit logarithmic frequency of \simeq 8\times10^{-5}\times\rho_cwith with \rho_c\simeq1.9 \times 10^{-26}\ kg/m^3theclosuredensityoftheUniverse.WealsoshowthatbyaddingtheVIRGOinterferometricdetectorunderconstructioninItalytothearray,andbyproperlyre−orientingthedetectors,onecanreachasensitivityof the closure density of the Universe. We also show that by adding the VIRGO interferometric detector under construction in Italy to the array, and by properly re- orienting the detectors, one can reach a sensitivity of \simeq 6 \times10^{-5}\times\rho_c.WethencalculatethatthepairformedbyVIRGOandonelargemasssphericaldetectorproperlylocatedinoneofthenearbyavailablesitesinItalycanreahasensitivityof. We then calculate that the pair formed by VIRGO and one large mass spherical detector properly located in one of the nearby available sites in Italy can reah a sensitivity of \simeq 2\times10^{-5}\times \rho_cwhileapairofsuchsphericaldetectorsatthesamesitesofAURIGAandNAUTILUScanachievesensitivitiesof while a pair of such spherical detectors at the same sites of AURIGA and NAUTILUS can achieve sensitivities of \simeq 2 \times10^{-6}\rho_c$.Comment: 32 pages, postscript file, also available at http://axln01.lnl.infn.it/reports/stoch.htm

    Observing Long Cosmic Strings Through Gravitational Lensing

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    We consider the gravitational lensing produced by long cosmic strings formed in a GUT scale phase transition. We derive a formula for the deflection of photons which pass near the strings that reduces to an integral over the light cone projection of the string configuration plus constant terms which are not important for lensing. Our strings are produced by performing numerical simulations of cosmic string networks in flat, Minkowski space ignoring the effects of cosmological expansion. These strings have more small scale structure than those from an expanding universe simulation - fractal dimension 1.3 for Minkowski versus 1.1 for expanding - but share the same qualitative features. Lensing simulations show that for both point-like and extended objects, strings produce patterns unlike more traditional lenses, and, in particluar, the kinks in strings tend to generate demagnified images which reside close to the string. Thus lensing acts as a probe of the small scale structure of a string. Estimates of lensing probablity suggest that for string energy densities consistant with string seeded structure formation, on the order of tens of string lenses should be observed in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog. We propose a search strategy in which string lenses would be identified in the SDSS quasar survey, and the string nature of the lens can be confirmed by the observation of nearby high redshift galaxies which are also be lensed by the string.Comment: 24 pages revtex with 12 postscript firgure

    Scaling Property of the global string in the radiation dominated universe

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    We investigate the evolution of the global string network in the radiation dominated universe by use of numerical simulations in 3+1 dimensions. We find that the global string network settles down to the scaling regime where the energy density of global strings, ρs\rho_{s}, is given by ρs=ΟΌ/t2\rho_{s} = \xi \mu / t^2 with ÎŒ\mu the string tension per unit length and the scaling parameter, Ο∌(0.9−1.3)\xi \sim (0.9-1.3), irrespective of the cosmic time. We also find that the loop distribution function can be fitted with that predicted by the so-called one scale model. Concretely, the number density, nl(t)n_{l}(t), of the loop with the length, ll, is given by nl(t)=Îœ/[t3/2(l+Îșt)5/2]n_{l}(t) = \nu/[t^{3/2} (l + \kappa t)^{5/2}] where Μ∌0.0865\nu \sim 0.0865 and Îș\kappa is related with the Nambu-Goldstone(NG) boson radiation power from global strings, PP, as P=ÎșÎŒP = \kappa \mu with Îș∌0.535\kappa \sim 0.535. Therefore, the loop production function also scales and the typical scale of produced loops is nearly the horizon distance. Thus, the evolution of the global string network in the radiation dominated universe can be well described by the one scale model in contrast with that of the local string network.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Autonomous three-dimensional formation flight for a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles

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    This paper investigates the development of a new guidance algorithm for a formation of unmanned aerial vehicles. Using the new approach of bifurcating potential fields, it is shown that a formation of unmanned aerial vehicles can be successfully controlled such that verifiable autonomous patterns are achieved, with a simple parameter switch allowing for transitions between patterns. The key contribution that this paper presents is in the development of a new bounded bifurcating potential field that avoids saturating the vehicle actuators, which is essential for real or safety-critical applications. To demonstrate this, a guidance and control method is developed, based on a six-degreeof-freedom linearized aircraft model, showing that, in simulation, three-dimensional formation flight for a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles can be achieved

    Third quantization of f(R)f(R)-type gravity

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    We examine the third quantization of f(R)f(R)-type gravity, based on its effective Lagrangian in the case of a flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker metric. Starting from the effective Lagrangian, we execute a suitable change of variable and the second quantization, and we obtain the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. The third quantization of this theory is considered. And the uncertainty relation of the universe is investigated in the example of f(R)f(R)-type gravity, where f(R)=R2f(R)=R^2. It is shown, when the time is late namely the scale factor of the universe is large, the spacetime does not contradict to become classical, and, when the time is early namely the scale factor of the universe is small, the quantum effects are dominating.Comment: 9 pages, Arbitrary constants in (4.19) are changed to arbitrary functions of φ\varphi. Conclusions are not changed. References are added. Typos are correcte
