40 research outputs found

    Development and Daily Management of an Explicit Strategy of Nonuse of Antimicrobial Drugs in Twelve Danish Organic Dairy Herds

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    Promotion of animal health and well-being at the individual animal and herd level is an important goal in organic farming. At the same time, chemical products affecting the natural balance among living organisms are prohibited in all areas of the organic farm. From an animal welfare point of view, however, no animal must suffer. Therefore, veterinary drugs are allowed under the European Union’s regulations for organic farming, despite the fact that they are powerful cell toxins affecting both pathogenic and necessary bacteria, and as such in organic terminology, are regarded as “chemical” or “artificial” products. In this article, we present and discuss interviews with 12 Danish organic dairy producers who claim that minimized use or nonuse of antimicrobial drugs is an explicit goal. The dairy producers were at different levels with regard to reduced antimicrobial treatment. An explicit strategy of no antimicrobial treatments is based primarily on a long-term effort to improve herd health, and secondarily, on finding alternative treatments for diseased animals. Improved hygiene, outdoor access, use of nursing cows, and blinding of chronic mastitis quarters were the main techniques in developing a strategy of not using antimicrobial treatments in the herd by dairy producers. Producers’ perception of disease changed from something unavoidable to a disturbing break in the daily rhythm that often could have been avoided. Change toward a nonantimicrobial strategy was gradual and stepwise. All dairy producers in this study desired to preserve the possibility of using antimicrobial drugs in emergencies

    Danish Stable Schools for Experiential Common Learning in Groups of Organic Dairy Farmers

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    The farmer field school (FFS) is a concept for farmers’ learning, knowledge exchange, and empowerment that has been developed and used in developing countries. In Denmark, a research project focusing on explicit nonantibiotic strategies involves farmers who have actively expressed an interest in phasing out antibiotics from their herds through promotion of animal health. One way of reaching this goal was to form participatory focused farmer groups in an FFS approach, which was adapted to Danish conditions and named “stable schools.” Four stable schools were established and went through a 1-yr cycle with 2 visits at each of the 5 or 6 farms connected to each group. A facilitator was connected to each group whose role was to write the meeting agenda together with the host farmer, direct the meeting, and write the minutes to send to the group members ater the meeting. Through group focus interviews and individual semistructured qualitative interviews of all participants, the approach of the farmers’ goal-directed work toward a common goal was judged to be very valuable and fruitful and based on a common learning process. Complex farming situations were the focus of all groups and in this context, problems were identified and solutions proposed based on each farmer’s individual goals. In this article, we describe the experiences of 4 stable school groups (each comprising farmers and a facilitator), and the common process of building a concept that is suitable for Danish organic dairy farming

    Sundhed og velfĂŚrd i kalveholdet

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    Gennem de seneste år har vi arbejdet med en forståelse af dyrevelfærd i økologiske besætninger, hvor begrebet “naturlighed” har fået stor betydning. I en malkekvægbesætning er det ikke muligt at tilbyde køerne 100% naturlige forhold, men man kan tilstræbe at dyrene får mulighed for at udføre deres naturlige adfærd, har en stor grad af valgfrihed, har frisk luft, dagslys og adgang til udearealer. Det stiller imidlertid større krav til de mennesker, som arbejder med dyrene, bl.a. i forhold til øget opsyn samt til bedre at kunne vurdere, hvordan dyrene har det. I projektet er der bl.a. blevet udviklet en model til vurdering af velfærd hos kalve. Den første version er blevet implementeret i rådgivning af økologiske besætninger. Den forventes endvidere afprøvet i Norge, Storbritannien og Holland

    Evaluation of milk yield losses associated with Salmonella antibodies in bulk-tank milk in bovine dairy herds

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    The effect of Salmonella on milk production is not well established in cattle. The objective of this study was to investigate whether introduction of Salmonella into dairy cattle herds was associated with reduced milk yield and the duration of any effect. Longitudinal data from 2005 through 2009 were used, with data from 12 months before until 18 months after the estimated date of infection. Twenty-eight case herds were selected based on an increase in the level of Salmonella specific antibodies in bulk-tank milk from < 10 corrected optic density percentage (ODC%) to ≥ 70 ODC% between two consecutive 3-monthly measurements in the Danish Salmonella surveillance program. All selected case herds were conventional Danish Holstein herds. Control herds (n = 40) were selected randomly from Danish Holstein herds with Salmonella antibody levels consistently < 10 ODC%. A date of herd infection was randomly allocated to the control herds. Hierarchical mixed effect models with the outcome test day energy corrected milk yield (ECM)/cow were used to investigate the daily milk yield before and after the estimated herd infection date for cows in parity 1, 2 and 3+. Control herds were used to evaluate whether the effects in the case herds could be reproduced in herds without Salmonella infection. Herd size, days in milk, somatic cell count, season, and year were included in the models. The key results were that first parity cow yield was reduced by a mean of 1.4 kg (95% CI: 0.5 to 2.3) ECM/cow per day from seven to 15 months after the estimated herd infection date, compared with first parity cows in the same herds in the 12 months before the estimated herd infection date. Yield for parity 3+ was reduced by a mean of 3.0 kg (95% CI: 1.3 to 4.8) ECM/cow per day from seven to 15 months after herd infection compared with parity 3+ cows in the 12 months before the estimated herd infection. There were minor differences in yield in second parity cows before and after herd infection, and no difference between cows in control herds before and after the simulated infection date. There was a significant drop in milk yield in affected herds and the reduction was detectable several months after the increase in bulk-tank milk Salmonella antibodies. It took more than a year for milk yield to return to pre- infection levels

    Reproductive Performance, Udder Health, and Antibiotic Resistance in Mastitis Bacteria isolated from Norwegian Red cows in Conventional and Organic Farming

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objectives of this study were to investigate whether there were differences between Norwegian Red cows in conventional and organic farming with respect to reproductive performance, udder health, and antibiotic resistance in udder pathogens.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-five conventional and 24 organic herds from south-east and middle Norway participated in the study. Herds were matched such that geographical location, herd size, and barn types were similar across the cohorts. All organic herds were certified as organic between 1997 and 2003. All herds were members of the Norwegian Dairy Herd Recording System. The herds were visited once during the study. The relationship between the outcomes and explanatory variables were assessed using mixed linear models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were less > 2nd parity cows in conventional farming. The conventional cows had higher milk yields and received more concentrates than organic cows. Although after adjustment for milk yield and parity, somatic cell count was lower in organic cows than conventional cows. There was a higher proportion of quarters that were dried off at the herd visit in organic herds. No differences in the interval to first AI, interval to last AI or calving interval was revealed between organic and conventional cows. There was no difference between conventional and organic cows in quarter samples positive for mastitis bacteria from the herd visit. Milk yield and parity were associated with the likelihood of at least one quarter positive for mastitis bacteria. There was few <it>S. aureus </it>isolates resistance to penicillin in both management systems. Penicillin resistance against Coagulase negative staphylococci isolated from subclinically infected quarters was 48.5% in conventional herds and 46.5% in organic herds.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There were no large differences between reproductive performance and udder health between conventional and organic farming for Norwegian Red cows.</p

    The Freedoms and Capabilities of Farm Animals: How Can Organic Husbandry Fulfill Them?

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    Organic farming promotes animal husbandry practices that consider the welfare of the animals on the farm. The concept of animal welfare and the standards that should encompass this concept have in many cases been largely generalised in practice, which leaves relevant aspects of animal freedom or capabilities insufficiently addressed. This chapter puts forth the prospect that the capabilities approach offers an appropriate practical platform by which to improve welfare in farm animals by meeting a wider range of their natural needs and abilities. The capabilities approach coupled with effective health planning could foster organic husbandry towards a more acceptable production system for farmers and consumers alike

    Intratumoural and peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma undergoing interleukin-2 based immunotherapy: association to objective response and survival

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    The aim of the present study was to analyse lymphocyte subsets in consecutive peripheral blood samples and consecutive tumour tissue core needle biopsies performed before and during interleukin-2 based immunotherapy, and to correlate the findings with objective response and survival. Twenty-six patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma were treated with low dose s.c. interleukin-2, interferon-Îą and histamine. A total of 250 blood samples and 62 core needle biopsies from 23 and 19 of these patients, respectively, were analysed. After 2 weeks of treatment, a significant positive correlation between absolute number of peripheral blood lymphocytes (P=0.028), CD3 (P=0.017), CD57 (P=0.041) and objective response was demonstrated. There was no correlation between any peripheral blood leukocyte subsets and survival. Cytotoxicity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells was not correlated to objective response or survival. Within the tumour tissue at baseline, a significant positive correlation between CD4 (P=0.027), CD8 (P=0.028), CD57 (P=0.007) and objective response was demonstrated. After one month of immunotherapy, a significant positive correlation between intratumoral CD3 (P=0.026), CD8 (P=0.015), CD57 (P=0.009) and objective response was demonstrated. A significant positive correlation between intratumoral baseline CD4 (P=0.047), baseline CD57 (P=0.035), CD3 at one month (P=0.049) and survival was demonstrated. These data provide novel in vivo evidence of the possible contribution of lymphocyte subsets in the tumour reduction in responding patients during interleukin-2 based immunotherapy. Confirmation of the results requires further studies including a larger number of patients

    Concepts of Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Livestock Systems

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    In 2005, The International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM) developed four new ethical principles of organic agriculture to guide its future development: the principles of health, ecology, care, and fairness. The key distinctive concept of animal welfare in organic agriculture combines naturalness and human care, and can be linked meaningfully with these principles. In practice, a number of challenges are connected with making organic livestock systems work. These challenges are particularly dominant in immature agro-ecological systems, for example those that are characterized by industrialization and monoculture. Some of the current challenges are partly created by shortages of land and manure, which encourage zero-grazing and other confined systems. Other challenges are created in part by the conditions for farming and the way in which global food distribution systems are organized, e.g., how live animals are transported, how feed is traded and transported all over the globe, and the development of infrastructure and large herds. We find that the overall organic principles should be included when formulating guidelines for practical organic animal farming. This article explores how the special organic conceptions of animal welfare are related to the overall principles of organic agriculture. The aim is to identify potential routes for future development of organic livestock systems in different contexts and with reference to the specific understanding of animal welfare in organic agriculture. We include two contrasting cases represented by organic livestock systems in northwestern Europe and farming systems in tropical low-income countries; we use these cases to explore the widely different challenges of organic livestock systems in different parts of the world