17 research outputs found

    Incidence and Correlates of HIV-1 RNA Detection in the Breast Milk of Women Receiving HAART for the Prevention of HIV-1 Transmission

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    The incidence and correlates of breast milk HIV-1 RNA detection were determined in intensively sampled women receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for the prevention of mother-to-child HIV-1 transmission.Women initiated HAART at 34 weeks of pregnancy. Breast milk was collected every 2-5 days during 1 month postpartum for measurements of cell-associated HIV DNA and cell-free HIV RNA. Plasma and breast milk were also collected at 2 weeks, 1, 3 and 6 months for concurrent HIV-1 RNA and DNA measurements. Regression was used to identify cofactors for breast milk HIV-1 RNA detection.Of 259 breast milk specimens from 25 women receiving HAART, 34 had detectable HIV-1 RNA (13%, incidence 1.4 episodes/100 person-days 95% CI = 0.97-1.9). Fourteen of 25 (56%) women had detectable breast milk HIV-1 RNA [mean 2.5 log(10) copies/ml (range 2.0-3.9)] at least once. HIV-1 DNA was consistently detected in breast milk cells despite HAART, and increased slowly over time, at a rate of approximately 1 copy/10(6) cells per day (p = 0.02). Baseline CD4, plasma viral load, HAART duration, and frequency of breast problems were similar in women with and without detectable breast milk HIV-1 RNA. Women with detectable breast milk HIV-1 RNA were more likely to be primiparous than women without (36% vs 0%, p = 0.05). Plasma HIV-1 RNA detection (OR = 9.0, 95%CI = 1.8-44) and plasma HIV-1 RNA levels (OR = 12, 95% CI = 2.5-56) were strongly associated with concurrent detection of breast milk HIV-1 RNA. However, no association was found between breast milk HIV-1 DNA level and concurrent breast milk HIV-1 RNA detection (OR = 0.96, 95%CI = 0.54-1.7).The majority of women on HAART had episodic detection of breast milk HIV-1 RNA. Breast milk HIV-1 RNA detection was associated with systemic viral burden rather than breast milk HIV-1 DNA

    Identification of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 L1 Surface Loops Required for Neutralization by Human Sera

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    The variable surface loops on human papillomavirus (HPV) virions required for type-specific neutralization by human sera remain poorly defined. To determine which loops are required for neutralization, a series of hybrid virus-like particles (VLPs) were used to adsorb neutralizing activity from HPV type 16 (HPV16)-reactive human sera before being tested in an HPV16 pseudovirion neutralization assay. The hybrid VLPs used were composed of L1 sequences of either HPV16 or HPV31, on which one or two regions were replaced with homologous sequences from the other type. The regions chosen for substitution were the five known loops that form surface epitopes recognized by monoclonal antibodies and two additional variable regions between residues 400 and 450. Pretreatment of human sera, previously found to react to HPV16 VLPs in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, with wild-type HPV16 VLPs and hybrid VLPs that retained the neutralizing epitopes reduced or eliminated the ability of sera to inhibit pseudovirus infection in vitro. Surprisingly, substitution of a single loop often ablated the ability of VLPs to adsorb neutralizing antibodies from human sera. However, for all sera tested, multiple surface loops were found to be important for neutralizing activity. Three regions, defined by loops DE, FG, and HI, were most frequently identified as being essential for binding by neutralizing antibodies. These observations are consistent with the existence of multiple neutralizing epitopes on the HPV virion surface

    Identification of a Human Papillomavirus Type 16-Specific Epitope on the C-Terminal Arm of the Major Capsid Protein L1

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    To characterize epitopes on human papillomavirus (HPV) virus-like particles (VLPs), a panel of mutated HPV-16 VLPs was created. Each mutated VLP had residues substituted from HPV-31 or HPV-52 L1 sequences to the HPV-16 L1 backbone. Mutations were created on the HPV-31 and −52 L1 proteins to determine if HPV-16 type-specific recognition could be transferred. Correct folding of the mutated proteins was verified by resistance to trypsin digestion and by binding to one or more conformation-dependent monoclonal antibodies. Several of the antibodies tested were found to bind to regions already identified as being important for HPV VLP recognition (loops DE, EF, FG, and HI). Sequences at both ends of the long FG loop (amino acids 260 to 290) were required for both H16.V5 and H16.E70 reactivity. A new antibody-binding site was discovered on the C-terminal arm of L1 between positions 427 and 445. Recognition of these residues by the H16.U4 antibody suggests that this region is surface exposed and supports a recently proposed molecular model of HPV VLPs

    Quantification of Genital Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) DNA in Specimens from Women with Low Plasma HIV-1 RNA Levels Typical of HIV-1 Nontransmitters

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    Studies of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission suggest that genital HIV-1 RNA and DNA may both be determinants of HIV-1 infectivity. Despite its potential role in HIV-1 transmission, there are limited quantitative data on genital HIV-1 DNA. Here we validated an in-house real-time PCR method for quantification of HIV-1 DNA in genital specimens. In reactions with 100 genomes to 1 genome isolated from a cell line containing one HIV-1 provirus/cell, this real-time PCR assay is linear and agrees closely with a commercially available real-time PCR assay specific for a cellular housekeeping gene. In mock genital samples spiked with low numbers of HIV-1-infected cells such that the expected HIV-1 DNA copy number/reaction was 100, 10, or 5, the average copy number/reaction was 80.2 (standard deviation [SD], 28.3), 9.1 (SD, 5.4), or 3.1 (SD, 2.1), respectively. We used this method to examine genital HIV-1 DNA levels in specimens from women whose low plasma HIV-1 RNA levels are typical of HIV-1 nontransmitters. The median HIV-1 DNA copy number in endocervical secretions from these women (1.8 HIV-1 DNA copies/10,000 cells) was lower than that for women with higher plasma HIV-1 RNA levels (16.6 HIV-1 DNA copies/10,000 cells) (P = 0.04), as was the median HIV-1 DNA copy number in vaginal secretions (undetectable versus 1.0 HIV-1 DNA copies/10,000 cells). These data suggest that women with low plasma HIV-1 RNA and thus a predicted low risk of HIV-1 transmission have low levels of genital HIV-1 cell-associated virus. The assay described here can be utilized in future efforts to examine the role of cell-associated HIV-1 in transmission

    Validation of Performance of the Gen-Probe Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Viral Load Assay with Genital Swabs and Breast Milk Samples

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    Human immunodeficiency type 1 (HIV-1) continues to spread at an alarming rate. The virus may be transmitted through blood, genital secretions, and breast milk, and higher levels of systemic virus in the index case, as measured by plasma RNA viral load, have been shown to correlate with increased risk of transmitting HIV-1 both vertically and sexually. Less is known about the correlation between transmission and HIV-1 levels in breast milk or genital secretions, in part because reliable quantitative assays to detect HIV-1 in these fluids are not available. Here we show that the Gen-Probe HIV-1 viral load assay can be used to accurately quantify viral load in expressed breast milk and in cervical and vaginal samples collected on swabs. Virus could be quantified from breast milk and swab samples spiked with known amounts of virus, including HIV-1 subtypes A, C, and D. As few as 10 copies of HIV-1 RNA could be detected above background threshold levels in ≥77% of assays performed with spiked breast milk supernatants and mock swabs. In genital swab samples from HIV-1-infected women, similar levels of HIV-1 RNA were consistently detected in duplicate swabs taken from the same woman on the same clinic visit, suggesting that the RNA values from a single swab sample can be used to measure genital viral load

    Salivary Cathelicidin (LL-37) in Children and Adolescents Living with HIV

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    Introduction: Human cathelicidin LL-37 is a salivary antimicrobial peptide (AMP) with broad-spectrum activity against oral diseases, but few studies have assessed its role in children and adolescents living with HIV (CALHIV). We assessed salivary LL-37 levels and correlates in a long-term cohort of Kenyan CALHIV followed since antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation. Methods: Saliva was collected from 76 CALHIV who were recruited from two ongoing pediatric HIV studies in Nairobi, Kenya. Oral examinations documenting oral manifestations of HIV, dental caries, and gingivitis were completed. Additional variables included age, sex, HIV treatment (initial ART regimen) and disease parameters, caregivers’ demographics, and oral pathologies were conducted. Data were statistically analyzed using the independent T test on the log-transformed LL-37. Results: At the oral exam visit, the mean age of participants was 13.3 years (±SD = 3.4), and the median CD4 count was 954 cells/mm3. Mean salivary cathelicidin values of the cohort were 23.7 ± 21.1 ng/mL. Children with permanent dentition at time of oral examination, and children who initiated ART at ≥2 years old had higher mean LL-37 concentrations compared to those with mixed dentition and those who initiated ART <2 years old (p = 0.0042, 0.0373, respectively). LL-37 levels were not found to differ by initial type of ART regimen, CD4 count, or oral disease. Conclusion: Further research and longitudinal studies are necessary to evaluate and improve the innate immunity of CALHIV in Kenya

    Most Early-Treated Children With Perinatally Acquired HIV Have Preserved Lung Function at School Age

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    Background: Impaired lung function is common among older children with perinatally acquired HIV (PHIV) who initiated antiretroviral therapy (ART) late in childhood. We determined the prevalence of abnormal spirometry and cofactors for impaired lung function among school-age children with PHIV who initiated ART when aged 12 months or younger. Setting: Children who received early ART in the Optimizing Pediatric HIV-1 Therapy study in Kenya and underwent spirometry at school age. Methods: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) were measured. Abnormal spirometry was defined as follows: obstructive (FEV1/FVC <1.64 z score [zFEV1/FVC]) and restricted (zFVC <1.64 with zFEV1/FVC ≥1.64). Characteristics, including anthropometric and HIV-related data, were ascertained in infancy and at school age. Caregiver carbon monoxide exposure served as a proxy for school-age child exposure. Linear regression determined associations of cofactors with lung function. Results: Among 40 children, the median age was 5 months at ART initiation and 8.5 years at spirometry. The mean zFEV1, zFVC, and zFEV1/FVC (SD) were 0.21 (1.35), 0.31 (1.22), and −0.24 (0.82), respectively. Five (13%) children had abnormal spirometry. Spirometry z scores were significantly lower among children with pre-ART pneumonia, WHO HIV stage 3/4, higher HIV RNA at 6 months after ART initiation, low anthropometric z scores, and higher carbon monoxide exposure. Conclusions: Most of the children with PHIV who initiated ART at age 12 months or younger had normal spirometry, suggesting that ART in infancy preserved lung function. However, 13% had abnormal spirometry despite early ART. Modifiable factors were associated with impaired lung function, providing potential targets for interventions to prevent chronic lung disease

    Hearing Loss Detection and Early Intervention Strategies in Kenya

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    Background: Thirty-four million children globally have disabling hearing loss, with the highest prevalence in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Early identification and management is crucial, yet barriers to screening and treatment of hearing loss are extensive in LMICs. Unaddressed hearing loss negatively impacts individuals and communities. The WHO’s 2021 World Report on Hearing urges the development of Ear and Hearing Care (EHC) programs to improve access to all aspects of care, including screening, diagnostics, management, and developmental support. A joint Nairobi- and Seattle-based group convened in 2021 to discuss strategies for program development in Kenya, as presented in this paper. Findings: Developing a national EHC program must include the necessary support services for a child with a diagnosed hearing loss, while simultaneously promoting engagement of family, community, and healthcare workers. Existing government and healthcare system policies and priorities can be leveraged for EHC programming. Strategies for success include strengthening connections between policymakers at national, county, and municipal levels and local champions for the EHC agenda, with a concurrent focus on policy, early detection and intervention, habilitation, and family-centered care. Updates to health policy and funding to support the accessibility of services and equipment should focus on leveraging national healthcare coverage for hearing technologies and services, strengthening referral pathways, training to bolster the workforce, and metrics for monitoring and evaluation. Additional strategies to support forward progress include strategic engagement of partners and leveraging local partners for phased scale-up. Conclusions and Recommendations: Recommendations to strengthen EHC within the Kenyan health system include concurrent leverage of existing health policies and priorities, partner engagement, and strengthening referral pathways, monitoring and evaluation, and training. These strategies may be generalized to other countries too