64 research outputs found

    Glycosylation-mediated phenylpropanoid partitioning in Populus tremuloides cell cultures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Phenylpropanoid-derived phenolic glycosides (PGs) and condensed tannins (CTs) comprise large, multi-purpose non-structural carbon sinks in <it>Populus</it>. A negative correlation between PG and CT concentrations has been observed in several studies. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the relationship is not known.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>Populus </it>cell cultures produce CTs but not PGs under normal conditions. Feeding salicyl alcohol resulted in accumulation of salicins, the simplest PG, in the cells, but not higher-order PGs. Salicin accrual reflected the stimulation of a glycosylation response which altered a number of metabolic activities. We utilized this suspension cell feeding system as a model for analyzing the possible role of glycosylation in regulating the metabolic competition between PG formation, CT synthesis and growth. Cells accumulated salicins in a dose-dependent manner following salicyl alcohol feeding. Higher feeding levels led to a decrease in cellular CT concentrations (at 5 or 10 mM), and a negative effect on cell growth (at 10 mM). The competition between salicin and CT formation was reciprocal, and depended on the metabolic status of the cells. We analyzed gene expression changes between controls and cells fed with 5 mM salicyl alcohol for 48 hr, a time point when salicin accumulation was near maximum and CT synthesis was reduced, with no effect on growth. Several stress-responsive genes were up-regulated, suggestive of a general stress response in the fed cells. Salicyl alcohol feeding also induced expression of genes associated with sucrose catabolism, glycolysis and the Krebs cycle. Transcript levels of phenylalanine ammonia lyase and most of the flavonoid pathway genes were reduced, consistent with down-regulated CT synthesis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Exogenous salicyl alcohol was readily glycosylated in <it>Populus </it>cell cultures, a process that altered sugar utilization and phenolic partitioning in the cells. Using this system, we identified candidate genes for glycosyltransferases that may mediate the glycosylation, and for transporters that mediate the subcellular compartmentalization of sugars and phenolic glycosides. The suspension cells appear to represent a facile system for dissecting the regulation of phenolic carbon partitioning, and in turn, its effects on growth in <it>Populus</it>.</p

    Twentieth Century Redistribution in Climatic Drivers of Global Tree Growth

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    Energy and water limitations of tree growth remain insufficiently understood at large spatiotemporal scales, hindering model representation of interannual or longer-term ecosystem processes. By assessing and statistically scaling the climatic drivers from 2710 tree-ring sites, we identified the boreal and temperate land areas where tree growth during 19301960 CE responded positively to temperature (20.8 3.7 Mio km2; 25.9 4.6%), precipitation (77.5 3.3 Mio km2; 96.4 4.1%), and other parameters. The spatial manifestation of this climate response is determined by latitudinal and altitudinal temperature gradients, indicating that warming leads to geographic shifts in growth limitations. We observed a significant (P < 0.001) decrease in temperature response at cold-dry sites between 19301960 and 19601990 CE, and the total temperature-limited area shrunk by 8.7 0.6 Mio km2. Simultaneously, trees became more limited by atmospheric water demand almost worldwide. These changes occurred under mild warming, and we expect that continued climate change will trigger a major redistribution in growth responses to climate

    Plant Resource Utilization Is Crucial During Growth and Stress Response: How Is It Controlled? (2015-01-26)

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    Presentation by Dr. Benjamin A. Babst Assistant Scientist Biosciences Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NYPlant growth, morphology, and fitness are dependent on allocation of carbon and nutrients to specific growing sink tissues and partitioning to particular biochemicals at specific times during development. Experimental manipulations suggest that carbon fixation and sink carbon utilization are tightly co-regulated; maintenance of high photosynthetic rate is dependent on the rate of carbon utilization and/or capacity for carbon storage of sink tissues. Although the crosstalk between source and sink tissues occurs in part through phloem transport from source to sink, we still do not fully understand the mechanisms driving phloem transport or the regulation of those mechanisms. I will discuss our recent results using a combination of functional genomics, biochemical, and physiological approaches to develop a mechanistic understanding of carbon transport and allocation to different tissues, and the regulatory system that coordinates photosynthesis and carbon allocation. For example, the prevailing model of phloem transport, the Munch pressure-flow hypothesis, requires loading of osmolytes - primarily sugars - into the phloem to drive sap flow. Using a previously characterized maize sucrose transporteri (suti) knockout mutant, we found that phloem sap transport speeds were only moderately reduced from 1.5 m/hr to 0.75-1.0 m/hr, despite the near elimination of carbohydrate export from suti leaves (95-99%). While our results suggest that loading of sugars into the phloem does indeed have an impact on phloem sap flow, sugar loading only accounted for 25 - 50% of the force driving sap flow. In addition to studies of carbon transport and allocation, I will discuss new and future directions, including a focus on nitrogen transport, and determining the mechanisms that regulate carbon and nitrogen transport under the stressful environmental conditions that plants frequently encounter.UMD Department of Biology, UMD School of Medicin

    Seasonal nitrogen remobilization and the role of auxin transport in poplar trees

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    Seasonal nitrogen (N) cycling in Populus, involves bark storage proteins (BSPs) that accumulate in bark phloem parenchyma in the autumn and decline when shoot growth resumes in the spring. Little is known about the contribution of BSPs to growth or the signals regulating N remobilization from BSPs. Knockdown of BSP accumulation via RNAi and N sink manipulations were used to understand how BSP storage influences shoot growth. Reduced accumulation of BSPs delayed bud break and reduced shoot growth following dormancy. Further, 13N tracer studies also showed that BSP accumulation is an important factor in N partitioning from senescing leaves to bark. Thus, BSP accumulation has a role in N remobilization during N partitioning both from senescing leaves to bark and from bark to expanding shoots once growth commences following dormancy. The bark transcriptome during BSP catabolism and N remobilization was enriched in genes associated with auxin transport and signaling, and manipulation of the source of auxin or auxin transport revealed a role for auxin in regulating BSP catabolism and N remobilization. Therefore, N remobilization appears to be regulated by auxin produced in expanding buds and shoots that is transported to bark where it regulates protease gene expression and BSP catabolism

    Tropical tree growth driven by dry-season climate variability

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    Interannual variability in the global land carbon sink is strongly related to variations in tropical temperature and rainfall. This association suggests an important role for moisture-driven fluctuations in tropical vegetation productivity, but empirical evidence to quantify the responsible ecological processes is missing. Such evidence can be obtained from tree-ring data that quantify variability in a major vegetation productivity component: woody biomass growth. Here we compile a pantropical tree-ring network to show that annual woody biomass growth increases primarily with dry-season precipitation and decreases with dry-season maximum temperature. The strength of these dry-season climate responses varies among sites, as reflected in four robust and distinct climate response groups of tropical tree growth derived from clustering. Using cluster and regression analyses, we find that dry-season climate responses are amplified in regions that are drier, hotter and more climatically variable. These amplification patterns suggest that projected global warming will probably aggravate drought-induced declines in annual tropical vegetation productivity. Our study reveals a previously underappreciated role of dry-season climate variability in driving the dynamics of tropical vegetation productivity and consequently in influencing the land carbon sink.We acknowledge financial support to the co-authors provided by Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, Argentina (PICT 2014-2797) to M.E.F.; Alberta Mennega Stichting to P.G.; BBVA Foundation to H.A.M. and J.J.C.; Belspo BRAIN project: BR/143/A3/HERBAXYLAREDD to H.B.; Confederação da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil - CNA to C.F.; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES, Brazil (PDSE 15011/13-5 to M.A.P.; 88881.135931/2016-01 to C.F.; 88887.199858/2018-00 to G.A.-P.; Finance Code 001 for all Brazilian collaborators); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq, Brazil (ENV 42 to O.D.; 1009/4785031-2 to G.C.; 311874/2017-7 to J.S.); CONACYT-CB-2016-283134 to J.V.-D.; CONICET to F.A.R.; CUOMO FOUNDATION (IPCC scholarship) to M.M.; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG (BR 1895/15-1 to A.B.; BR 1895/23-1 to A.B.; BR 1895/29-1 to A.B.; BR 1895/24-1 to M.M.); DGD-RMCA PilotMAB to B.T.; Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico of the UNAM (Mexico) to R.B.; Elsa-Neumann-Scholarship of the Federal State of Berlin to F.S.; EMBRAPA Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation to C.F.; Equatorian Dirección de Investigación UNL (21-DI-FARNR-2019) to D.P.-C.; São Paulo Research Foundation FAPESP (2009/53951-7 to M.T.-F.; 2012/50457-4 to G.C.; 2018/01847‐0 to P.G.; 2018/24514-7 to J.R.V.A.; 2019/08783-0 to G.M.L.; 2019/27110-7 to C.F.); FAPESP-NERC 18/50080-4 to G.C.; FAPITEC/SE/FUNTEC no. 01/2011 to M.A.P.; Fulbright Fellowship to B.J.E.; German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to M.I. and M.R.; German Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Technology (FRG 0339638) to O.D.; ICRAF through the Forests, Trees, and Agroforestry research programme of the CGIAR to M.M.; Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI-SGP-CRA 2047) to J.V.-D.; International Foundation for Science (D/5466-1) to M.I.; Lamont Climate Center to B.M.B.; Miquelfonds to P.G.; National Geographic Global Exploration Fund (GEFNE80-13) to I.R.; USA’s National Science Foundation NSF (IBN-9801287 to A.J.L.; GER 9553623 and a postdoctoral fellowship to B.J.E.); NSF P2C2 (AGS-1501321) to A.C.B., D.G.-S. and G.A.-P.; NSF-FAPESP PIRE 2017/50085-3 to M.T.-F., G.C. and G.M.L.; NUFFIC-NICHE programme (HEART project) to B.K., E.M., J.H.S., J.N. and R. Vinya; Peru ‘s CONCYTEC and World Bank (043-2019-FONDECYT-BM-INC.INV.) to J.G.I.; Peru’s Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica (FONDECYT-BM-INC.INV 039-2019) to E.J.R.-R. and M.E.F.; Programa Bosques Andinos - HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation to M.E.F.; Programa Nacional de Becas y Crédito Educativo - PRONABEC to J.G.I.; Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future to J.N.; Sigma Xi to A.J.L.; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute to R. Alfaro-Sánchez.; Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs AECID (11-CAP2-1730) to H.A.M. and J.J.C.; UK NERC grant NE/K01353X/1 to E.G.Peer reviewe

    Large-scale public transcriptomic data mining reveals a tight connection between the transport of nitrogen and other transport processes in Arabidopsis

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    Movement of nitrogen to the plant tissues where it is needed for growth is an important contribution to nitrogen use efficiency. However, we have very limited knowledge about the mechanisms of nitrogen transport. Loading of nitrogen into the xylem and/or phloem by transporter proteins is likely important, but there are several families of genes that encode transporters of nitrogenous molecules (collectively referred to as N transporters here), each comprised of many gene members. In this study, we leveraged publicly available microarray data of Arabidopsis to investigate the gene networks of N transporters to elucidate their possible biological roles. First, we showed that tissue-specificity of nitrogen (N) transporters was well reflected among the public microarray data. Then, we built coexpression networks of N transporters, which showed relationships between N transporters and particular aspects of plant metabolism, such as phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. Furthermore, genes associated with several biological pathways were found to be tightly coexpressed with N transporters in different tissues. Our coexpression networks provide information at the systems-level that will serve as a resource for future investigation of nitrogen transport systems in plants, including candidate gene clusters that may work together in related biological roles

    Biosynthesis of phenolic glycosides from phenylpropanoid and benzenoid precursors in populus

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    Salicylate-containing phenolic glycosides (PGs) are abundant and often play a dominant role in plant-herbivore interactions of Populus and Salix species (family Salicaceae), but the biosynthetic pathway to PGs remains unclear. Cinnamic acid (CA) is thought to be a precursor of the salicyl moiety of PGs. However, the origin of the 6-hydroxy-2-cyclohexen-on-oyl (HCH) moiety found in certain PGs, such as salicortin, is not known. HCH is of interest because it confers toxicity and antifeedant properties against herbivores. We incubated Populus nigra leaf tissue with stable isotope-labeled CA, benzoates, and salicylates, and measured isotopic incorporation levels into both salicin, the simplest PG, and salicortin. Labeling of salicortin from [13C6]-CA provided the first evidence that HCH, like the salicyl moiety, is a phenylpropanoid derivative. Benzoic acid and benzaldehyde also labeled both salicyl and HCH, while benzyl alcohol labeled only the salicyl moiety in salicortin. Co-administration of unlabeled benzoates with [13C6]-CA confirmed their contribution to the biosynthesis of the salicyl but not the HCH moiety of salicortin. These data suggest that benzoate interconversions may modulate partitioning of phenylpropanoids to salicyl and HCH moieties, and hence toxicity of PGs. Surprisingly, labeled salicyl alcohol and salicylaldehyde were readily converted to salicin, but did not result in labeled salicortin. Co-administration of unlabeled salicylates with labeled CA suggested that salicyl alcohol and salicylaldehyde may have inhibited salicortin biosynthesis. A revised metabolic grid model of PG biosynthesis in Populus is proposed, providing a guide for functional genomic analysis of the PG biosynthetic pathway. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC