4,960 research outputs found

    Bridging the Gap: Exploring the Basic Health Insurance Option for New York

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    Explores New York state's options, costs, and benefits of creating a basic health plan under health reform, including available federal funding, take-up rates by various population groups, types of plans, and impact on state exchange and uninsured rates

    Scarce Lit Sea

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    Cash transfer programs with income multipliers

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    Cash transfer programs induce multiplier effects when recipients put the money they receive to work to generate additional income. The ultimate income effects are multiples of the amounts transferred. This paper analyzes the PROCAMPO program in Mexico, which was introduced to compensate farmers for the anticipated negative effect of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on the price of basic crops. The transfer rules and the timing of the panel data collected allow unique control of biases in this impact analysis. We find that the multiplier among ejido sector recipients is in the range of 1.5 to 2.6. Multipliers are higher for medium and large farm households, low numbers of adults in the household, nonindigenous backgrounds, and households located in the Center and Gulf regions. High multipliers reflect marginal income opportunities that were unrealized due to liquidity constraints that the transfers eased. Opportunities came from the asset endowments that these households have, particularly irrigated land, and these opportunities were enhanced by access to technical assistance.Subsidies Mexico ,income ,

    Cash transfer programs with income multipliers

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    Cash transfer programs induce multiplier effects when recipients put the money they receive to work to generate additional income. The ultimate income effects are multiples of the amounts transferred. This paper analyzes the PROCAMPO program in Mexico, which was introduced to compensate farmers for the anticipated negative effect of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on the price of basic crops. The transfer rules and the timing of the panel data collected allow unique control of biases in this impact analysis. We find that the multiplier among ejido sector recipients is in the range of 1.5 to 2.6. Multipliers are higher for medium and large farm households, low numbers of adults in the household, nonindigenous backgrounds, and households located in the Center and Gulf regions. High multipliers reflect marginal income opportunities that were unrealized due to liquidity constraints that the transfers eased. Opportunities came from the asset endowments that these households have, particularly irrigated land, and these opportunities were enhanced by access to technical assistance.Subsidies Mexico ,income ,

    Emboutissage à chaud d'une tôle de Ti6Al4V : Expérimentation et modélisation

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    National audienceCette étude présente un protocole expérimental-numérique utilisant une approche par corrélation d'image numérique et la simulation par éléments finis afin d'obtenir le comportement thermomécanique de l'alliage Ti6Al4V. Les résultats d'une série d'expériences sur des tôles de Ti6Al4V sont présentés. Le comportement de Norton-Hoff et le critère de Hill [1] sont utilisés pour simuler efficacement les réponses observées obtenues à partir des expériences. Un modèle d'analyse inverse utilisant un méta-modèle de krigeage [2] est appliqué pour déterminer chaque paramètre de la loi de comportement mécanique. Le modèle, avec les constantes déterminées à partir des expériences, est ensuite utilisé pour prédire le comportement mécanique des Ti6Al4V. Par la suite le modèle est utilisé sous le code éléments finis implicite Forge® afin de modéliser la mise en forme de produit mince en Ti6Al4V. La simulation se révèle être très proche des observations expérimentales réalisées

    Themenkonkurrenz in der Coronapandemie. Thematisierungsprozesse am Beispiel medialer Verdrängung der Themen «Klima» und «Geflüchtete» in der Coronakrise

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    In der vorgelegten Studie werden klassische Annahmen zur Drama-tisierungstendenz medialer Krisenberichterstattung bei gleichzeitiger Verdrängung übriger gesellschaftlich relevanter Themen auf den Prüfstand gestellt. Anwendungsbeispiel ist die Corona-Thematisierung (September 2019 bis Dezember 2020) und ihr Einfluss auf die Thema-tisierungsprozesse von «Klima» und «Geflüchtete». Anhand einer multivariat dynamischen Zeitreihenanalyse von 437 784 Onlineartikeln wird als übergeordnete Hypothese untersucht, ob Themenverdrän-gung festgestellt werden kann. Die Mechanismen der Verdrängung werden dann differenziert als phasenabhängige Aufmerksamkeits-verschiebung und als direkte also zeitgleiche Themenverdrängung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die Annahme der Themen-konkurrenz und zeigen je nach Thematisierungsphase unterschiedliche Verdrängungsprozesse. Im Trend hat Corona die Thematisierung der beiden anderen Krisenphänomene zwar nicht komplett verdrängt, aber sehr deutlich reduziert. Bezüglich der direkten Verdrängung sind Effekte messbar, aber eher klein. Als Fazit zeigt sich Themenverdrän-gung im Onlinejournalismus hier also eher als Effekt der Fokusver-schiebung öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit als ein Problem direkter Ver-drängung aufgrund beschränkten Berichterstattungsraums. In the following, classical hypotheses on the dramatization tendency of media crisis reporting and the assumed simultaneous suppression of other socially relevant topics are put to the test. For this case study, we rely on news reporting during the first year of the COVID19 pandemic (September 2019 to December 2020) to evaluate its influence on the thematization processes of «climate» and «refu-gees.» Based on a multivariate dynamic time series analysis of 437 784 online articles, we first confirm whether overall issue displace-ment can be detected and then delve deeper by differentiating into two possible mechanisms of displacement: 1) as a phase-dependent but global shift in attention and 2) as a direct i.e., simultaneous effect pointing toward editorial competition. Results from our analysis con-firm the overarching hypothesis of topic competition, clearly showing displacement processes depending on the thematization phase. Globally, while not being rendered invisible, media attention for the other two crisis phenomena was reduced significantly following the onset of the pandemic. Regarding direct displacement, effects are measurable, but rather small. We conclude that the displacement of media attention seems to be attributable more to a shift in public attention and overall trends than to classic assumptions based on limited resources in the editorial process

    An update on statistical boosting in biomedicine

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    Statistical boosting algorithms have triggered a lot of research during the last decade. They combine a powerful machine-learning approach with classical statistical modelling, offering various practical advantages like automated variable selection and implicit regularization of effect estimates. They are extremely flexible, as the underlying base-learners (regression functions defining the type of effect for the explanatory variables) can be combined with any kind of loss function (target function to be optimized, defining the type of regression setting). In this review article, we highlight the most recent methodological developments on statistical boosting regarding variable selection, functional regression and advanced time-to-event modelling. Additionally, we provide a short overview on relevant applications of statistical boosting in biomedicine

    First measurement of gravitational lensing by cosmic voids in SDSS

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    We report the first measurement of the diminutive lensing signal arising from matter underdensities associated with cosmic voids. While undetectable individually, by stacking the weak gravitational shear estimates around 901 voids detected in SDSS DR7 by Sutter et al. (2012a), we find substantial evidence for a depression of the lensing signal compared to the cosmic mean. This depression is most pronounced at the void radius, in agreement with analytical models of void matter profiles. Even with the largest void sample and imaging survey available today, we cannot put useful constraints on the radial dark-matter void profile. We invite independent investigations of our findings by releasing data and analysis code to the public at https://github.com/pmelchior/void-lensingComment: 6 pages, 5 figures, as accepted by MNRA