6 research outputs found

    Serbian Virtual Observatory

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    We review the newly established project of Serbian Virtual Observatory. In the last few years Virtual Observatories are becoming a new concept in the world of astronomy. The main aim of Virtual Observatories is to make accessible astronomical data to astronomers regardless of their geographical location as well as provide them with tools for analysis. The project of Serbian Virtual Observatory aims to achieve the following goals: 1) establishing SerVO and join the EuroVO and IVOA 2) establishing SerVO data Center for digitizing and archiving astronomical data obtained at Serbian observatories 3) inclusion of BelData/STARK-B and other theoretical and simulated data in SerVO 4) development of tools for visualization of dat

    Ice Age theory: a correspondence between Milutin Milanković and Vojislav Mišković

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    Ice Ages (IA) and their glacial periods can be regarded as significant natural hazards (NH). Unfortunately, the knowledge of hominid evolution that occurred during IAs, in such extreme climatic fluctuations, is preserved almost exclusively in mythology. The omission of more scientific discourse regarding the history of NH during IAs should be rectified for posterity. As our civilization will likely have to cope with the beginnings of a new glacial phase, a more complete understanding of the mechanisms of IA climate dynamics is crucial

    Serbian Virtual Observatory 2010-2012 and its Connection with Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center (VAMDC)

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    In this lecture we will review the progress in the developments in Serbian Virtual Observatory (SerVO) within 2010-2012 period, as well as its relation with the European FP7 project: Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center - VAMDC

    Serbian Virtual Observatory

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    The work on SerVO - Serbian virtual observatory (http://servo.aob.rs/) started in 2008, with aims: 1) To establish SerVO and join the EuroVO - European Virtual Observatory and IVOA - Inetrnational Virtual Observatory Alliance; 2) To create SerVO data Center for digitalization and archiving in VO format photo-plates from Belgrade Astronomical Observatory and other astronomical results obtained by the staff; 3) To develop the tools for visualization of data; 3) To develop together with Observatoire de Paris, STARK-B - database containing as the first step Stark widths and shifts of spectral lines, determined within the semiclassical perturbation approach by two of us (MSD-SSB) and to create a mirror site in Belgrade; 4) To make a mirror site for DSED (Darthmouth Stellar Evolution Database) in which development took part one of us (DJ). An additional aim is the creation of VAMDC (Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center) AOB (Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade) Node, and a recent objective is the collaboration with the Large Synoptic Telescope (LSST) project. In this contribution SerVO project is reviewed within the context of e-science in Astronomy -- Astroinformatics

    The project of Serbian Virtual Observatory and data for stellar atmosphere modeling

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    International audienceWe review recent developments in Serbian Virtual Observatory (SerVO) as well as developments surrounding Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center. Main components of SerVO are going to be the archive of photographic plates, database of Stark broadening parameters and stellar evolution database. Photographic plates were obtained at Belgrade Observatory from 1936 to 1996. Data for Stark broadening were obtained using semiclassical perturbation and modified semiempirical theories. Stellar evolution database is a mirror of Darthmouth evolution database with improvement and VO compatible outputs

    Serbian Virtual Observatory and Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center (VAMDC)

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    We review recent developments in Serbian Virtual Observatory (SerVO) as well as its relation with the European FP7 project: Virtual Atomic and Molecular DataCenter - VAMDC. Main components of SerVO are going to be the archive of photographic plates, database of Stark broadening parameters and stellar evolution database. Photographic plateswere obtained at Belgrade Observatory from 1936 to 1996. Data for Starkbroadening were obtained using semiclassical perturbation and modified semiempirical theories mainly in collaboration with Paris Observatory, and we are organizing them now in the STARK-B database, which will enter also in VAMDC, and will have a mirror site inSerVO. Serbian Virtual Observatory will containas well a mirror of Darthmouth Stellar evolution database with improvements and VO compatible outputs