98 research outputs found

    Why Should I Use ADAS? Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and the Elderly: Knowledge, Experience and Usage Barriers

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    A vast number of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are commercially available, all of which have the potential to increase the safety and comfort of driving a car. Due to age-specific performance limitations, older drivers could benefit a great deal from such in-vehicle technologies, provided that they are purchased and used. Based on the results of several market research studies, awareness of ADAS is significantly higher than their usage rate, which is still very low. To analyze the discrepancy between awareness and willingness to use ADAS, 32 older car drivers were surveyed in a semi-structured interview study. This paper examines the knowledge, experience, and barriers toward the use of ADAS in the elderly

    Cyclists' experiences in urban longitudinal traffic scenarios and their requirements for designing interactions with highly automated vehicles

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    As cycling becomes more popular and automated driving is on the rise, it can be assumed that in the city of the future highly automated vehicles (HA Vs) and cyclists will share the same roads. Yet only little is known about how cyclists announce their maneuvers to motorized vehicles or how they communicate and interact with them. Knowledge on these aspects is currently missing to guide the design of cyclist-HA V interactions. Situations where a cyclist rides upfront a vehicle, will be especially challenging for HA Vs, such as when a cyclist (A) avoids an obstacle on the road section ahead, (B) merges onto the road from an ending cycling path, or (C) leaves the road turning into a driveway {see Figure 1) [1 ]. Based on the cyclist's intention, the HA V will have to pass or keep following with only limited options to communicate to the cyclist ahead. Design solutions derived from the well-studied field of pedestrian-HA V interactions cannot simply be transferred to the here considered cyclist-HA V interactions, since in past research successful design concepts for pedestrians were not beneficial for cyclists [2]. Hence, it is vital to investigate the behavior and experiences of cyclists in more detail and to explore possible design solutions for HA V interaction behavior in these situations. With this study we aim to get more insights into the subjective experience of cyclists travelling in longitudinal traffic, especially during cyclist-vehicle interactions, as well as to derive cyclists' requirements to design safe and desirable cyclist-HA V interactions

    Driver Distraction through Conversation Measured with Pupillometry

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    Assessing a driver´s mental workload during tasks that are not visualmanual is a challenging endeavor. Especially with the rapid development of speech systems, this is becoming increasingly important. Pupillometry promises to be a suitable physiological measurement method, sensitive to variations of cognitive workload. This driving simulator study shows that the pupillometry data indicate a significant increase in cognitive activity during conversation tasks regardless of the acoustic channel used

    Pilots’ Decision-Making under High Workload: Recognition-Primed or Not – An Engineering Point of View

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    The objective of this study is to analyse pilots' decision-making behaviour in terms of naturalistic decision-making. In line with the highly experienced group of pilots (n = 120), recognition-primed decisions are expected to dominate. In a full-flight simulator experiment, with two groups of pilots (short-haul and long-haul pilots) with different levels of practice and training, we were able to show that only about one-third of the pilots make recognition-primed decisions. Results may indicate that the current training practice helps pilots to handle foreseeable problems very well, yet does not support pilots in ambivalent and new decision-making situations. Based on these findings, we recommend the incorporation of more unforeseen events in recurrent training simulator missions to train pilots in handling unknown situations. Practitioner Summary: The results from a flight-simulator study showed that pilots' decision-making is more analytical than recognition-primed. A possible reason for this could be the pressure for justification, or simply that pilots cannot use their experience in unforeseen situations. Hence, training should include more unforeseen events

    Driving and Speaking: Revelations by the Head-Mounted Detection Response Task

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    The cognitive workload of speech-related activity needs to be examined in an economic and simple way. This is especially important as invehicle technology is becoming more cognitive with, for example, the use of speech-interaction and industry will need a way to keep pace with new technologies. One proposed way to measure cognitive workload is the detection response task (DRT) method. In this study, the DRT was used to assess different speech-related cognitive tasks. Three conversation tasks and the n-back task were performed together with a simulated driving task and a head-mounted DRT (HDRT). The aim was to evaluate the conversation and n-back tasks with the HDRT and to quantify the respective cognitive workload. Results show an increase in HDRT reaction times when additional cognitive tasks are performed relative to baseline measurements. In line with other research methods, the HDRT provided a reliable measurement of additional workload

    A Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Physical Assistive Devices (QUEAD) : testing usability and acceptance in physical human-robot interaction

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    Many novel physical assistance devices are beginning to incorporate intelligent robotic systems and mechatronic components. In terms of a human-centered design it is crucial to assess the perceived subjective usability and acceptance of these systems. A questionnaire was thus designed to evaluate novel physically assisting devices in order to support developers in their design decisions as well as users during individualizing of their assistive devices. Two studies (m = 9, n2 = 21), using two different devices, were conducted to analyze objectivity, reliability, and validity. The results show an overall high internal consistency (Cronbach's α > 0.8), which indicates reliability and applicability of the QUEAD. Criterion validity was tested applying correlations with established objective measures for efficiency (time to task completion), effectivity (errors and collisions), and commitment (mean force). Construct validity was applied using a proposed model and correlations to verify convergence. The results show that the QUEAD is able to assess perceived usability and acceptance
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