510 research outputs found

    M2000 : an astrometric catalog in the Bordeaux Carte du Ciel zone +11 degrees < {delta} < +18 degrees

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    During four years, systematic observations have been conducted in drift scan mode with the Bordeaux automated meridian circle in the declination band [+11 ; +18]. The resulting astrometric catalog includes about 2 300 000 stars down to the magnitude limit V_M=16.3. Nearly all stars (96%) have been observed at least 6 times, the catalog being complete down to V_M=15.4. The median internal standard error in position is about 35 mas in the V_M magnitude range [11 ; 15], which degrades to about 50 mas when the faintest stars are considered. M2000 provides also one band photometry with a median internal standard error of 0.04 mag. Comparisons with the Hipparcos and bright part of Tycho-2 catalogs have enabled to estimate external errors in position to be lower than 40 mas. In this zone and at epoch 1998, the faint part of Tycho-2 is found to have an accuracy of 116 mas in alpha instead of 82 mas deduced from the model-based standard errors given in the catalog.Comment: The catalogue can be fetched directly from: ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/cats/I/272 or queried from: http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/VizieR?-source=I/272 More information at : http://www.observ.u-bordeaux.fr/~soubiran/m2000.ht

    Fluxo de biomassa em capim-tanzânia pastejado por ovinos sob três períodos de descanso.

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    Resumo: Avaliou-se o fluxo de biomassa em Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia pastejado por ovinos com três períodos de descanso (PD), definidos pela expansão de 1,5; 2,5 e 3,5 novas folhas por perfilho, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com duas repetições (piquetes). Estimaram-se as taxas de alongamento de lâmina foliar total (TAlF), de senescência de lâminas foliares remanescentes do pastejo anterior (TSFA), de senescência das novas folhas formadas no PD (TSFP) e de senescência total (TSFT=TSFA+TSFP), a taxa de alongamento das hastes (TAlH), a razão entre as TAlF das folhas 1 e 2 (razão TAlF1/TAlF2), a densidade populacional de perfilhos (DPP), o filocrono e as taxas de crescimento (TCC) e de acúmulo (TAC) da cultura. A razão TAlF1/2 não foi afetada pelos PD, mas reduziu ao longo dos ciclos na pastagem sob PD 3,5. A TAlF não foi afetada pelos PD. A TAlH, a TSFA e a TSFT na pastagem sob PD 1,5 foram menores que nas demais. Houve TSFP somente na pastagem sob PD 3,5. O filocrono da pastagem sob PD 1,5 foi superior ao observado nas demais. A densidade populacional de perfilhos (DPP) da pastagem sob o PD 2,5 foi similar à verificada na pastagem sob PD 1,5 e superior à verificada sob PD 3,5. Houve redução na DPP ao longo dos ciclos na pastagem sob PD 3,5. As taxas de crescimento (TCC) e de acúmulo (TAC) foram superiores na pastagem sob PD 2,5. O prolongamento do PD elevou as TAlH e TSFT e reduziu a DPP e a TAC. Portanto, o PD do capim-tanzânia pastejado por ovinos não deve exceder o tempo necessário à expansão de 2,5 novas folhas por perfilho. [Biomass flow in tanzaniagrass pasture under three resting periods grazed by sheep]. Abstract: The biomass flow in Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia pasture grazed by sheep under three resting periods (PD), defined by the expansion of 1.5; 2.5 and 3.5 new leaves per tiller (1.5F; 2.5F and 3.5F, respectively) was evaluated in a randomized completely design with two replicates (paddocks). It was determined the leaf elongation rate (TAlF), the residual leaf senescence rate (TSFA), the post-grazing leaf senescence rate (TSFP) and the total leaf senescence rate (TSFT), the stem elongation rate (TAlH), the TAlF of leaves 1 and 2 ratio (TALF1/2), the tiller population density (DPP), the phylochron and the crop growth (TCC) and accumulation (TAC) rates. The TAlF1/2 ratio was not affected by the PD, however, it decreased over the cycles at the 3.5F PD pasture. The TAlF was not affected by the PD. The TAlH was inferior at the 1.5F PD pasture, as well as the TSFA and the TSFT. There was TSFP only at the 3.5F PD pasture. The phylochron of the 1.5F PD pasture was superior to the others. The DPP of the 2.5F PD pasture was similar to that of the 1.5F PD pasture, and it was superior to the 3.5F PD pasture. There was reduction of the DPP following the cycles at the 3.5F PD pasture. The TCC and the TAC of the 2.5F PD pasture were superior than the others. The extension of the PD raised the TAlH and the TSFT and reduced the DPP and the TAC. As a conclusion, the resting period should not exceed the time necessary to the expansion of 2.5 leaves on the tiller for tanzaniagrass pastures grazed by sheep

    Social Innovation by Tourism Strategy in the Western Amazon

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    This work concerns the strategies of social innovation focused on the concept of inbound tourism and hospitality in Rond&ocirc;nia State, Brazil. The general objective is to study the main strategies for qualifying as a tourist attraction. The specific objectives are to: point out the strategic elements to (1) qualify the facilities for inbound tourism and hospitality in the scenario;(2)examine the perspective on the implementation of the strategic elements in practice; and (3)indicate the elements of social innovation in support of the strategy of qualification to the concepts of inbound tourism and hospitality. This study is supported by the Theory of Planned Behaviour and concepts of inbound tourism, hospitality, creativity and innovation. It adopts the method of a case study which is both qualitative and quantitative in nature. As part of the methodological procedure, workshops were held for 28 stakeholders in Rond&ocirc;nia&rsquo;s tourism, during which questionnaire data were collected from answers using the Likert Scale, participant observation was conducted and documents were analysed to enable the causal relationship to be critically assessed. A SWOT matrix was imposed upon the survey report. The tourist potential in the scenario has consequently been acknowledged, together with a need for the strategic planning of its attributes; valid elements for social innovation which use qualifying strategies for inbound tourism and hospitality are indicated; Possible public-private partnerships with the third sector and society could together create an ideal form of intervention. This study is of interest to both the public and the private sector, to academia and the community. It can contribute suggestions for the planning and management required for tourism to develop as well as outline strategies for social innovation

    Qualidade do leite caprino antes da aplicação de Boas Práticas Agropecuárias: estudo de casos.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil bacteriano total do leite caprino associado ao nível de adoção de práticas higiênicas durante a ordenha, em vinte e quatro Unidades Produtoras (UP) no município de Monteiro-PB. As coletas foram realizadas diretamente do latão de leite de cada produtor, após a ordenha e durante três dias consecutivos, totalizando assim, setenta e duas amostras. As amostras de leite foramacondicionadas em frascos plásticos contendo o conservante Azidiol e enviados ao laboratório da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco pertencente à Rede de Laboratórios de Controle da Qualidade do Leite (RBQL) em Recife - PE para a contagem bacteriana total (CTB). Para avaliação do manejo de ordenha, os dados primários foram coletados utilizando-se um questionário. As propriedades foram agrupadas segundo o nível de adoção de práticas higiênicas realizadas na ordenha, em bom, regular e ruim. Observou-se, que 29,2% das propriedades foram consideradas boas, 46,0% foram classificadas em regulares e 25,0%, em ruins.Verificou-se, que 20,8% das UP apresentaram médias superiores a 1500.000 UFC/mL, valor considerado alto. Apenas 25,0% das propriedades avaliadas encontram-se dentro do limite estabelecido pela legislação que é de 500.000 UFC/mL. Acredita-se que a inclusão de novas tecnologias visando à adoção de medidas corretas durante o processo da ordenha é essencial, por melhorar a qualidade e a padronização da higiene do leite. Atenção especial deverá ser dada também a água utilizada durante o procedimento de obtenção do leite. Goat Milk Quality Prior to Implementation of Good Agricultural Practices: Case Studies. Abstract: This study aimed to assess the total bacterial profile of goat milk associated with level of adoption of hygienic practices during milking, in twenty-four Production Units (PU) in the town of Miller-PB. The samples were taken directly from the tin of milk from each producer, and after milking for three consecutive days, thus totaling seventy-two samples. Milk samples were packed in plastic bottles containing the preservative and sent to the laboratory azidiol Federal Rural University of Pernambuco belongs to the Network Laboratories Quality Control of Milk (RBQL) in Recife - PE for total bacterial count (CTB). To evaluate the management of milking, the primary data were collected using a questionnaire. The properties were grouped according to level of adoption of hygienic practices during milking performed in good, fair and poor. It was observed that 29.2% of properties were considered good, 46.0% were classified as regular and 25.0% in ruins.Verificou is that 20.8% of PU had averages exceeding 1500,000 CFU / mL, which is considered high Only 25.0% of the properties are within the limit established by legislation that is 500,000 CFU / mL. It is believed that the inclusion of new technologies towards the adoption of correct measures in the process of milking is essential for improving the quality and standardization of milk hygiene. Special attention should also be given to water used during the procedure of getting the milk

    Qualidade do leite caprino antes da aplicação de Boas Práticas Agropecuárias: estudo de casos.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil bacteriano total do leite caprino associado ao nível de adoção de práticas higiênicas durante a ordenha, em vinte e quatro Unidades Produtoras (UP) no município de Monteiro-PB. As coletas foram realizadas diretamente do latão de leite de cada produtor, após a ordenha e durante três dias consecutivos, totalizando assim, setenta e duas amostras. As amostras de leite foramacondicionadas em frascos plásticos contendo o conservante Azidiol e enviados ao laboratório da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco pertencente à Rede de Laboratórios de Controle da Qualidade do Leite (RBQL) em Recife - PE para a contagem bacteriana total (CTB). Para avaliação do manejo de ordenha, os dados primários foram coletados utilizando-se um questionário. As propriedades foram agrupadas segundo o nível de adoção de práticas higiênicas realizadas na ordenha, em bom, regular e ruim. Observou-se, que 29,2% das propriedades foram consideradas boas, 46,0% foram classificadas em regulares e 25,0%, em ruins.Verificou-se, que 20,8% das UP apresentaram médias superiores a 1500.000 UFC/mL, valor considerado alto. Apenas 25,0% das propriedades avaliadas encontram-se dentro do limite estabelecido pela legislação que é de 500.000 UFC/mL. Acredita-se que a inclusão de novas tecnologias visando à adoção de medidas corretas durante o processo da ordenha é essencial, por melhorar a qualidade e a padronização da higiene do leite. Atenção especial deverá ser dada também a água utilizada durante o procedimento de obtenção do leite. Goat Milk Quality Prior to Implementation of Good Agricultural Practices: Case Studies. Abstract: This study aimed to assess the total bacterial profile of goat milk associated with level of adoption of hygienic practices during milking, in twenty-four Production Units (PU) in the town of Miller-PB. The samples were taken directly from the tin of milk from each producer, and after milking for three consecutive days, thus totaling seventy-two samples. Milk samples were packed in plastic bottles containing the preservative and sent to the laboratory azidiol Federal Rural University of Pernambuco belongs to the Network Laboratories Quality Control of Milk (RBQL) in Recife - PE for total bacterial count (CTB). To evaluate the management of milking, the primary data were collected using a questionnaire. The properties were grouped according to level of adoption of hygienic practices during milking performed in good, fair and poor. It was observed that 29.2% of properties were considered good, 46.0% were classified as regular and 25.0% in ruins.Verificou is that 20.8% of PU had averages exceeding 1500,000 CFU / mL, which is considered high Only 25.0% of the properties are within the limit established by legislation that is 500,000 CFU / mL. It is believed that the inclusion of new technologies towards the adoption of correct measures in the process of milking is essential for improving the quality and standardization of milk hygiene. Special attention should also be given to water used during the procedure of getting the milk

    Genome Sequence of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis MB20 bv. equi Isolated from a Pectoral Abscess of an Oldenburg Horse in California.

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    The genome of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis MB20 bv. equi was sequenced using the Ion Personal Genome Machine (PGM) platform, and showed a size of 2,363,089 bp, with 2,365 coding sequences and a GC content of 52.1%. These results will serve as a basis for further studies on the pathogenicity of C. pseudotuberculosis bv. equi

    Sistema de Produção Integrada do leite de cabra na região do Cariri Paraibano.

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    Resumo: O Sistema Agropecuário de Produção Integrada (SAPI) é uma política pública voltada à obtenção de alimentos seguros, para atender exigências sanitárias, tecnológicas, ambientais e sociais deste novo mercado consumidor. O sistema emprega tecnologias, as quais permitem a aplicação de Boas Práticas Agropecuárias (BPA) e controle efetivo de todo o processo produtivo. Idealizou-se o presente estudo, com o objetivo de implementar medidas de BPA em duas propriedades do Cariri Paraibano, as quais se tornarão Unidades Técnicas de Referência Local (UTRL) para o Sistema Agropecuário de Produção Integrada de Caprinocultura Leiteira. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que esse modelo de produção tem potencial para proporcionar uma nova competitividade para a produção de leite de cabra e derivados. [Integrated production system for goat milk in the cariri region of paraíba, Brazil]. Abstract: Goat milk is an inclusion product in family agriculture within the institutional and other new types of markets. In northeastern Brazil where as a rule all goat milk goes to school meal-provisions, goat breeding in family homesteads is being developed in expansion hubs even though such features as quantity and quality required improvement. The Agricultural-Stockbreeding System of Integrated Production (SAPI) is a government policy for safe food deemed to comply with sanitary, technological, environmental and social requirements of the new consumer market. The system employs technologies through the application of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and efficient control throughout the production process. Current analysis aims at deploying GAP on two farms in the Cariri region of the state of Paraíba, Brazil, which will become the Technical Units for Local Reference for the Agricultural-Stockbreeding System of Integrated Production. Results show that the production model is capable of providing new competitiveness for the production of goat milk and derived products

    Long-term optical variability of the blazars PKS 2005-489 and PKS 2155-304

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    We present optical light curves for the period 1996-2000, of two of the brightest known EGRET BL Lac objects: PKS 2005-489 and PKS 2155-304, the latter also one of the few known TeV sources. For both objects, quiescent epochs of low level of variability were followed by active periods, without any indication of periodicity. In PKS 2005-489, several variability events with duration of about 20 days were observed. In PKS 2155-304 fast drops and subsequent rises in luminosity occurred in time scales of days. We proposed an explanation in which a region moving along the relativistic jet is eclipsed by broad line region clouds or star clusters in the host galaxy. We compare our light curves with contemporaneous X-ray observations from All-Sky Monitor/RXTE. Correlations between optical and X-ray activity were not found in any of the sources at long time scales. However in PKS 2005-489 possible correlations were observed in 1997 and 1998 at short time scales, with optical variability preceding X-rays by 30 days in 1997 and succeeding them by about 10 days in 1998. The analysis of the SED, using the optical data presented here and BeppoSAX contemporaneous observations obtained from the literature, shows only small shifts in the synchrotron peak as the X-ray flux density changes.Comment: 23 pages,12 figures, accepted for publication in A