9 research outputs found

    Exposure to Domestic and Community Violence and Subjective Well-Being in Adolescents

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    Abstract There is major exposure to domestic and community violence during adolescence, which has been negatively related to well-being. This work aimed to identify relationships between domestic and community violence and the levels of subjective well-being perceived by adolescents, considering sex and age. The participants were 426 adolescents from public schools in the south of Brazil; 62% were girls, with a mean age of 14.91 years old ( SD = 1.65), who answered one instrument about exposure to violence and another about well-being. Results indicated greater domestic violence exposure among girls and greater community exposure among boys. The age range from 16 to 18 years old was the most exposed to domestic violence. Boys reported greater well-being and less negative affect. Differences in violence exposure may be related to roles of gender in our society. Well-being promotion is highlighted as a resource for confronting violence among adolescents

    Health vulnerabilities in adolescence: socioeconomic conditions, social networks, drugs and violence

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    OBJECTIVE: to analyze the health vulnerabilities in adolescence associated with socioeconomic conditions, social networks, drugs and violence from the perspective of students. METHOD: cross-sectional study with 678 students between 14-15 years old in Contagem, Brazil. A self-administered questionnaire divided into modules by subject was used. Quantitative, descriptive and stratified analyses were performed by sex. RESULTS: high percentage of adolescents (40.4%) were beneficiaries of Government financial support called "Bolsa FamĂ­lia" and 14.6% had a job, 57.1% and 23.6% had tried alcohol and tobacco, respectively. We identified 15% of aggression and 26.7% of bullying. The majority informed they never/rarely talk to parents about the daily difficulties (64.5%) and 22% reported insomnia and/or feelings of loneliness. CONCLUSION: the results indicated that there is a need to intensify educational activities that seek to develop cognitive, affective and social skills aimed at improving the way adolescents face the vulnerabilities, in these activities, nursing has a fundamental role

    O perfil da violĂȘncia contra crianças e adolescentes, segundo registros de Conselhos Tutelares: vĂ­timas, agressores e manifestaçÔes de violĂȘncia The profile of violence against children and adolescents according to Child Protection Council records: victims, aggressors and patterns of violence

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    OBJETIVO: estimar a prevalĂȘncia das formas de violĂȘncia contra crianças e adolescentes, registradas nos Conselhos Tutelares, e a associação dessas violĂȘncias por faixas etĂĄrias das vĂ­timas e vĂ­nculo com agressores, em 2003-2004. MÉTODO: foram coletados dados dos prontuĂĄrios e calculadas as prevalĂȘncias e associação entre variĂĄveis, atravĂ©s da razĂŁo de prevalĂȘncia (RP), com nĂ­vel crĂ­tico de 5%. RESULTADOS: totalizaram 1.293 registros de violĂȘncia, sendo 1.011 (78,1%) originados no domicĂ­lio. As violĂȘncias mais freqĂŒentes foram a negligĂȘncia (727), por omissĂŁo de cuidados bĂĄsicos (304) e abandono (259); a violĂȘncia fĂ­sica (455), por espancamento (392), nas faixas de 2 a 13 anos; a violĂȘncia psicolĂłgica (374), por amedrontamento (219); a violĂȘncia sexual (68), por abuso (58), principalmente entre adolescentes. A principal forma de denĂșncia foi anĂŽnima, 398 (30,8%); os agressores para negligĂȘncia foram os pais; para violĂȘncia fĂ­sica, a madrasta e "outros agressores"; para violĂȘncia sexual, o padrasto, "outros familiares/ agressores"; a violĂȘncia psicolĂłgica foi prevalente entre todas categorias de agressores. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de divulgação do "Disque DenĂșncia"; a formação de conselheiros, quanto ao registro adequado, assim como a implementação de polĂ­ticas de prevenção da violĂȘncia contra crianças e adolescentes.<br>OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of violence against children and adolescents through the records of Child Protection Councils, associating this violence with the age of the victims and their links with the aggressor. METHOD: Data were collected from the records and the prevalence rates were calculated through the Prevalence Ratio (PR), together with the associations among variables, with a critical level of 5%. RESULTS: Out of 1,293 records of violence, 1,011 (78.1%), originated in the home. The most frequent types of violence were: neglect (727), failure to provide basic care (304) and abandonment (259); physical violence (455), beatings (392) between 2 and 13 years old; psychological violence (374) through threats (219); sexual violence (68) through abuse (58), mainly among adolescents. Denunciations were mainly (398) anonymous (30.8%); the aggressors through neglect were the parents; through physical violence, the stepmother and "other aggressors"; through sexual violence, the stepfather and "other relatives / aggressors"; psychological violence was prevalent among all aggressor categories. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate the need to extend the Anti-Violence Hot-line facilities, training Council Members in terms of keeping proper records, and implementing policies designed to prevent violence against children and adolescents

    Discriminant Profile of Young Internet Dependents: The Role of Family Relationships

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    AbstractInternational studies have shown effects of family relations on Internet addiction in young people. This research aimed to outline a discriminant profile of young people classified as dependent and not dependent on the Internet regarding to socio-biodemographic variables to parenting practices, parent-child conflict and interparental conflict. The sample consisted of 200 students (152 girls and 48 boys), between 15 and 24 years of age, 85.5% reside in Rio Grande do Sul and 14.5% in other Brazilian states. Participants responded individually to the protocol available online. The results showed that interparental conflict, parent-child conflict and the educational practice of supervision of paternal behavior discriminate dependents on Internet. The educational practice of maternal emotional support was the only discriminating variable for non-dependents. These national findings corroborate the international context studies and reinforce the importance of including the family in promotion and prevention of mental health of young people