1,307 research outputs found

    LATEX: Audiovisual Presentations Editor in Culture Classes Complementary to Courses of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE)

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    Este artículo describe los fundamentos del sistema LATEX-beamer e introduce el protocolo de trabajo para el diseño de presentaciones audiovisuales basadas en un archivo sistemático de recursos audiovisuales para un curso de Cultura Argentina destinado a mejorar la competencia pragmática de los estudiantes internacionales de la Universidad Nacional del Sur. Se identifican algunas de las ventajas que el sistema ofrece: archivos más pequeños, portabilidad completa a distintas plataformas o sistemas operativos, reciclamiento veloz de diapositivas y enlaces efectivos a archivos de audio y video externos, así como a sitios de Internet.This article describes the basics of the LATEX-beamer system and introduces the work protocol devised for the design of audiovisual presentations based on a systematic archive of audiovisual resources and destined to the Course on Argentine Culture, with a focus on improving the pragmatic competences of the international Students at Universidad Nacional del Sur. It identifies some of the advantages the system offers: smaller files, full portability to different platforms or operating systems, fast recycling of slides, and effective links to external audio and video files, as well as, to Internet websites

    A Visual Summary for Linked Open Data sources

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    In this paper we propose LODeX, a tool that produces a representative summary of a Linked open Data (LOD) source starting from scratch, thus supporting users in exploring and understanding the contents of a dataset. The tool takes in input the URL of a SPARQL endpoint and launches a set of predefined SPARQL queries, from the results of the queries it generates a visual summary of the source. The summary reports statistical and structural information of the LOD dataset and it can be browsed to focus on particular classes or to explore their properties and their use. LODeX was tested on the 137 public SPARQL endpoints contained in Data Hub (formerly CKAN), one of the main Open Data catalogues. The statistical and structural information of the 107 well performed extractions are collected and available in the online version of LODeX (http://dbgroup.unimo.it/lodex)

    LODeX: A tool for Visual Querying Linked Open Data

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    Formulating a query on a Linked Open Data (LOD) source is not an easy task; a technical knowledge of the query language, and, the awareness of the structure of the dataset are essential to create a query. We present a revised version of LODeX that provides the user an easy way for building queries in a fast and interactive manner. When a user decides to explore a LOD source, he/she can take advantage of the Schema Summary produced by LODeX (i.e. a synthetic view of the dataset’s structure) and he/she can pick graphical elements from it to create a visual query. The tool also supports the user in browsing the results and, eventually, in refining the query. The prototype has been evaluated on hundreds of public SPARQL endpoints (listed in Data Hub) and it is available online at http://dbgroup.unimo.it/lodex2. A survey conducted on 27 users has demonstrated that our tool can effectively support both unskilled and skilled users in exploring and querying LOD datasets

    Online Index Extraction from Linked Open Data Sources

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    The production of machine-readable data in the form of RDF datasets belonging to the Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud is growing very fast. However, selecting relevant knowledge sources from the Cloud, assessing the quality and extracting synthetical information from a LOD source are all tasks that require a strong human effort. This paper proposes an approach for the automatic extraction of the more representative information from a LOD source and the creation of a set of indexes that enhance the description of the dataset. These indexes collect statistical information regarding the size and the complexity of the dataset (e.g. the number of instances), but also depict all the instantiated classes and the properties among them, supplying user with a synthetical view of the LOD source. The technique is fully implemented in LODeX, a tool able to deal with the performance issues of systems that expose SPARQL endpoints and to cope with the heterogeneity on the knowledge representation of RDF data. An evaluation on LODeX on a large number of endpoints (244) belonging to the LOD Cloud has been performed and the effectiveness of the index extraction process has been presented

    Tratamiento mediático sobre la propuesta de adhesión de Palestina como un Estado ante la ONU en los diarios El Tiempo, El Espectador, El Heraldo y El País

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    Esta investigación monográfica expone el análisis de contenido de un observatorio de medios, de cuatro periódicos colombianos, realizado durante un periodo de seis meses en torno a la propuesta Palestina de ser adherida como un Estado ante la Organización de Naciones Unidas, presentada el 23 de septiembre de 2011 por el presidente de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina, Mahmoud Abbas. En este ejercicio se analizaron 85 noticias de acuerdo con unas variables de orden cuantitativo y cualitativo, acordes a las teorías de la agenda setting y framing

    Automatic-test-ACF: a new evaluation tool based on automatic correction filters

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    This paper presents the results obtained with regard to the evaluation process in Web-Based Learning Systems. It shows the design of Automatic- Test-ACF in detail, an evaluation management system with Automatic Correction Filters that can be included as a complementary module in a Learning Management System. The purpose of this approach is to develop a tool to help teachers in student follow-up and evaluation, aiming at reducing course drop out and adjusting the number of students / number of tutors ratio. The design achieved is the result of several research projects that include the development of a prototype and its assessment in field experiments.Presentado en el VIII Workshop Tecnología Informática aplicada en Educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Increased levels of interleukin-6 exacerbate the dystrophic phenotype in mdx mice

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is characterized by progressive lethal muscle degeneration and chronic inflammatory response. The mdx mouse strain has served as the animal model for human DMD. However, while DMD patients undergo extensive necrosis, the affected muscles of adult mdx mice rapidly regenerates and regains structural and functional integrity. The basis for the mild effects observed in mice compared with the lethal consequences in humans remains unknown. In this study, we provide evidence that interleukin-6 (IL-6) is causally linked to the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy. We report that forced expression of IL-6, in the adult mdx mice, recapitulates the severe phenotypic characteristics of DMD in humans. Increased levels of IL-6 exacerbate the dystrophic muscle phenotype, sustaining inflammatory response and repeated cycles of muscle degeneration and regeneration, leading to exhaustion of satellite cells. The mdx/IL6 mouse closely approximates the human disease and more faithfully recapitulates the disease progression in humans. This study promises to significantly advance our understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms that lead to DMD

    Effect of redox potential on chalcopyrite dissolution imposed by addition of ferrous ions

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    Copper is a metal with a great economic interest and about 70% is found in nature in chalcopyrite form (CuFeS2). However the chalcopyrite dissolution is a challenge for industries as well as researchers because of its slow dissolution kinetics. The control of redox potential is one factor that can help in this drawback. This study was undertaken to evaluate the role of redox potential on chalcopyrite bioleaching by addition of ferrous ions. Acid leaching with addition of ferrous ions promoted high dissolution of chalcopyrite by the maintenance of low redox potential (420 mV/Ag/AgCl). On the other hand, the copper dissolution in bacterial systems showed low copper recovery (610 mV/Ag/AgCl). XRD of solid residues showed in abiotic conditions the formation of elemental sulfur, jarosites and a significant decrease on chalcopyrite’s peaks. In bacterial conditions, only jarosites was detected as new crystalline phase. SEM analysis confirmed the results obtained by XRD. In general, the results showed conclusive evidence that the maintenance of low redox potential and the addition of ferrous ions have positively influenced the copper recovery and confirmed the literature data, which indicate a critical potential range where chalcopyrite leaching is more favorable.</jats:p


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    5Abstract To assess the risk from exposure to occupational stress and burnout in health care workers (HCW), a cross-sectional study was planned to compare objective data that can represent potential job stressors in hospital wards and subjective symptoms reported by the workers. Medical doctors, nurses and ancillary workers of the Internal Medicine Wards of a large public hospital in Northern Italy participated in the study. Three subjective questionnaires were administered: the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). In addition, seven objective parameters were collected as average during the 3 months period prior to the study: a) working understaffed; b) ratio number of patients/HCW on service; c) ratio number of HCW on sick leave/ HCW on service; d) number of skipped days off after night shifts; e) days of sick leave; f) number of deceased patients; g) number of accidents at work. A total group of 230 HCW were examined, employed in six different sub-units of the Medical wards. The female workers were 67.8% and the male workers 32.2%, the mean age was 37.4 years (SD 9.3) in the total group of HCW, 35.1 years (SD 7.9) in females and 42.3 years (SD 10.3) in males. The average scores of subjective and objective parameters resulted significantly higher in the same sub-units. The correlation analysis showed that the subjective questionnaires were highly inter-related. The multivariate analysis showed that the days of sick leave were significantly related to the subjective questionnaires, and the subjective subscales of emotional exhaustion (from MBI), job demand and decision latitude (from JCQ) and STAIt were significantly related to some of the objective parameters. These results support the integrated use of multiple subjective and objective assessment as the most appropriate approach for the evaluation of occupational stress.openopenAlbini, Elisa; Zoni, Silvia; Parrinello, Giovanni; Benedetti, Laura; Lucchini, RobertoAlbini, Elisa; Zoni, Silvia; Parrinello, Giovanni; Benedetti, Laura; Lucchini, Robert

    3D bioprinting and Rigenera® micrografting technology: A possible countermeasure for wound healing in spaceflight

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    Plant and animal life forms have progressively developed mechanisms for perceiving and responding to gravity on Earth, where homeostatic mechanisms require feedback. Lack of gravity, as in the International Space Station (ISS), induces acute intra-generational changes in the quality of life. These include reduced bone calcium levels and muscle tone, provoking skin deterioration. All these problems reduce the work efficiency and quality of life of humans not only during exposure to microgravity (mu G) but also after returning to Earth. This article discusses forthcoming experiments required under gravity and mu G conditions to ensure effective and successful medical treatments for astronauts during long-term space missions, where healthcare is difficult and not guaranteed
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