93 research outputs found

    Heterogeneity of the cancer cell line metabolic landscape

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    The unravelling of the complexity of cellular metabolism is in its infancy. Cancer-associated genetic alterations may result in changes to cellular metabolism that aid in understanding phenotypic changes, reveal detectable metabolic signatures, or elucidate vulnerabilities to particular drugs. To understand cancer-associated metabolic transformation, we performed untargeted metabolite analysis of 173 different cancer cell lines from 11 different tissues under constant conditions for 1,099 different species using mass spectrometry (MS). We correlate known cancer-associated mutations and gene expression programs with metabolic signatures, generating novel associations of known metabolic pathways with known cancer drivers. We show that metabolic activity correlates with drug sensitivity and use metabolic activity to predict drug response and synergy. Finally, we study the metabolic heterogeneity of cancer mutations across tissues, and find that genes exhibit a range of context specific, and more general metabolic control

    A Toolbox for Discrete Modelling of Cell Signalling Dynamics

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    In an age where the volume of data regarding biological systems exceeds our ability to analyse it, many researchers are looking towards systems biology and computational modelling to help unravel the complexities of gene and protein regulatory networks. In order to make such techniques more accessible to mainstream researchers, tools such as the BioModelAnalyzer (BMA) have been developed to provide a user-friendly graphical interface for discrete modelling of biological systems. Here we use the BMA to build a library of target functions of known molecular interactions, translated from ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We then show that these BMA target functions can be used to reconstruct complex networks, which can correctly predict many known genetic perturbations. This new library supports the accessibility ethos behind the creation of BMA, providing a toolbox for the construction of complex cell signalling models without the need for extensive experience in computer programming or mathematical modelling, and allows for construction and simulation of complex biological systems with only small amounts of quantitative data.Royal Societ

    FungalRV: adhesin prediction and immunoinformatics portal for human fungal pathogens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The availability of sequence data of human pathogenic fungi generates opportunities to develop Bioinformatics tools and resources for vaccine development towards benefitting at-risk patients.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>We have developed a fungal adhesin predictor and an immunoinformatics database with predicted adhesins. Based on literature search and domain analysis, we prepared a positive dataset comprising adhesin protein sequences from human fungal pathogens <it>Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Aspergillus fumigatus, Coccidioides immitis, Coccidioides posadasii, Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Pneumocystis carinii, Pneumocystis jirovecii and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis</it>. The negative dataset consisted of proteins with high probability to function intracellularly. We have used 3945 compositional properties including frequencies of mono, doublet, triplet, and multiplets of amino acids and hydrophobic properties as input features of protein sequences to Support Vector Machine. Best classifiers were identified through an exhaustive search of 588 parameters and meeting the criteria of best Mathews Correlation Coefficient and lowest coefficient of variation among the 3 fold cross validation datasets. The "FungalRV adhesin predictor" was built on three models whose average Mathews Correlation Coefficient was in the range 0.89-0.90 and its coefficient of variation across three fold cross validation datasets in the range 1.2% - 2.74% at threshold score of 0. We obtained an overall MCC value of 0.8702 considering all 8 pathogens, namely, <it>C. albicans, C. glabrata, A. fumigatus, B. dermatitidis, C. immitis, C. posadasii, H. capsulatum </it>and <it>P. brasiliensis </it>thus showing high sensitivity and specificity at a threshold of 0.511. In case of <it>P. brasiliensis </it>the algorithm achieved a sensitivity of 66.67%. A total of 307 fungal adhesins and adhesin like proteins were predicted from the entire proteomes of eight human pathogenic fungal species. The immunoinformatics analysis data on these proteins were organized for easy user interface analysis. A Web interface was developed for analysis by users. The predicted adhesin sequences were processed through 18 immunoinformatics algorithms and these data have been organized into MySQL backend. A user friendly interface has been developed for experimental researchers for retrieving information from the database.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>FungalRV webserver facilitating the discovery process for novel human pathogenic fungal adhesin vaccine has been developed.</p

    Highly Stable Parallel Runge-Kutta Methods

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    The construction of stiffly accurate and B-stable multi-implicit Runge-Kutta methods for parallel implementation is discussed. A fifth and a seventh order method is constructed and a promising numerical comparison with the efficient Radau5 code of E. Hairer and G. Wanner is conducted. AMS subject classification: 65L06, 65Y05 Keywords. Multi-implicit Runge-Kutta methods, parallel computation 1. Introduction This paper describes the construction of B-stable and stiffly accurate multiimplicit Runge-Kutta methods -- MIRK methods (not to be confused with monoimplicit RK-methods [7]). When solving stiff ordinary differential equations or differential algebraic equations, stiff accuracy and B-stability seems to be desirable properties, [11, 10]. Since parallel computation is becoming widely available it is natural to ask how to construct such methods which are suitable for implementation in a parallel environment. One possible way to do this--- as will be shown below---is by requiring tha..

    On the Construction of Stiffly Accurate and B-Stable Runge-Kutta Methods

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    . In the solution of stiff ODEs and especially DAEs it is desirable that the method used is stiffly accurate and B-stable. In this paper guidelines for the construction of Runge-Kutta methods with these properties are presented. AMS subject classification: 65L06, 65L20 Key words: Runge-Kutta methods, stiff accuracy, B-stability 1 Introduction It is well known that when solving stiff ODEs and especially DAEs, A-stability and stiff accuracy are desirable, see e.g. [4, Theorem 5.9]. Since for every Astable method there exists an equivalent B-stable one of the same order and with the same stability function and since B-stable methods are stable also when applied to nonlinear problems and thus might perform better than just A-stable ones, see e.g. [3], one might just as well aim for B-stability. This paper addresses some of the problems in constructing such methods on basis of a given L-acceptable stability function. In the following we will initially recall some result on the construct..