20 research outputs found

    Effect of pre- and postoperative bleaching on marginal effect of leakage of amalgam and composite restorations

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pre- and postoperative bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide on marginal leakage of amalgam and resin composite restorations. Method and materials: Three groups were made using 30 extracted, caries-free third molars (n = 10). In the preoperative group, bleaching was performed with 10% carbamide peroxide, followed by the placement of resin composite and amalgam restorations on Class V cavity preparations. In the postoperative group, bleaching was performed after the resin composite and amalgam restorations were fabricated. The third group served as a control in which no bleaching was performed. Dye penetration was used for evaluation of marginal leakage. Results: Chi-square test showed that marginal leakage of resin composite restorations increased in both pre- and postoperatively bleached groups, but marginal leakage of amalgam restorations showed no alterations. Conclusion: Bleaching with carbamide peroxide may alter the marginal leakage of resin composite restorations, but amalgam restorations are not affected adversely in vitro

    Effects of hormonotherapy administered after concurrent radiotherapy and Trastuzumab on pulmonary fibrosis

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    Aim: This study was to investigate whether the use of hormonotherapy after concurrent radiotherapy (RT) and trastuzumab (T) has a contribution to the development of radiation fibrosis in the lungs

    Alstrom syndrome: A case report.

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    Alstrom syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by early obesity, loss of central vision, diabetes mellitus, hearing loss and short stature. Previous studies, have reported no information regarding oral findings. This article describes oral findings in two cases of Alstrom syndrome. In both cases, gingivitis was present and also light yellow-brown discolored enamel bands were observed on the anterior teeth. This staining may have resulted from discoloration of the preexisting slight band-like enamel hypoplasia. The gingiva was examined histologically by light and transmission electron microscopy. Irregular thickness of the basal lamina and delamination of the myelin sheath were detected by transmission electron microscopy. There is no information about pathological odontogenesis in Alstrom syndrome in previous reports. Oral present findings may contribute further information about the clinical manifestations of Alstrom syndrome

    Tensile bond strength of adhesive systems: effects of primer and thermocycling Resistência à tração de sistemas adesivos: efeitos do “ primer” e dos ciclos térmicos

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of primer and thermocycling on the bond strength of multi-purpose adhesive systems applied to enamel, under tensile stress. The following bonding systems were applied, according to the manufacturers' instructions, on unground enamel buccal surfaces of 96 premolars, with or without the application of primer: Scotchbond MP, OptiBond FL, Amalgambond Plus and OptiBond (dual-cure). A composite resin (Z100, 3M) was applied and light-cured in a cast metal hollow cone, which was previously fixed to the enamel surfaces. Half of the sample was subjected to 3,000 thermocycles (5-37ºC; 37-55ºC, dwell time of 60 s), and the other half was stored in water at 37ºC for the same period. The data were treated by means of ANOVA and no significant effects were detected, which indicates that tensile bond strength was not affected by the adhesive systems, application of primer or thermocycling.<br>O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de verificar o efeito do "primer" e dos ciclos térmicos na resistência da união entre adesivos multiuso e esmalte dental, sob ensaios de tração. Os seguintes sistemas adesivos foram aplicados, de acordo com as instruções dos fabricantes, na superfície vestibular (sem desgaste) de 96 pré-molares com ou sem a aplicação prévia do "primer": Scotchbond MP, OptiBond FL, Amalgambond Plus e OptiBond - "dual cure". Após a aplicação do sistema adesivo, foi confeccionado um cone de resina composta (Z100, 3M), e fotoativado dentro de um molde metálico. Metade do total de espécimes foi submetida a 3.000 ciclos térmicos (5-37ºC; 37-55ºC, 60 s de imersão); a outra metade permaneceu imersa em água a 37ºC pelo mesmo tempo dispensado no procedimento anterior. Os dados foram submetidos a uma análise de variância (p = 0,05) e nenhum efeito significante foi detectado, indicando que a resistência de união não foi afetada pelo sistema adesivo, pela aplicação do "primer" ou pelos ciclos térmicos