27 research outputs found

    Mapping of the indoor conditions by infrared thermography

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    We present an instrumentation devoted to the mapping of indoor ambient conditions by an infrared camera. In addition to a measurement grid composed of several spherical sensors, an infrared camera is used to visualize and quantify the spatial distribution of the air temperature, the air speed, and the mean radiant temperature. A suitable procedure is developed so that from its temperature history recorded by the infrared camera, each sensor can measure, after solving an inverse heat transfer problem, all the three cited parameters. As the sensors are all imaged at the same time by the camera, an interpolation is done with the values they provide; the 2D distribution of each parameter is then obtained. By using a pair of stereoscopic cameras, it is possible to determine the 3D coordinates of each sensor of the measurement grid; consequently, the 3D mapping of the indoor ambient conditions is possible. Two steps are followed and allow us to achieve our goal: the validation of the performance of the sensor in terms of accuracy and reliability, and the validation of the complete experimental procedure which relies on digital image processing and on inverse heat transfer

    Santa Maria di Collemaggio Church (L’Aquila, Italy) : historical reconstruction by non-destructive testing techniques

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    The main goal of this work was the non-destructive testing (NDT) of an ancient fresco (15th century) preserved in the Santa Maria di Collemaggio Church (L’Aquila, Italy) and damaged after the 2009 earthquake. Active infrared thermography (IRT), near-infrared (NIR) reflectography and ultraviolet imaging (UV) were used. In addition, the state of the fresco prior to the earthquake was analyzed by electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI), digital speckle correlation (DSC), raking light, tap, and chemical NDT techniques. The use of these techniques was important for the monitoring of new damages and for a comparison between the results over the years. Square heating thermography (SHT) data were processed using principal component thermography (PCT) and pulsed phase thermography (PPT) algorithms, in order to improve the defects’ signature and to reduce the impact of non-uniform heating and emissivity variations due to the painting’s pigments. A multi-analysis approach, segmentation operators and a specific data correlation method emphasize the overall study of the fresco. Furthermore, the facade and the high altar area were inspected by passive thermography and ground-penetrating radar (GPR), respectively. In the present case, the combined use of NDT techniques was useful to fill in the gaps in the construction history of the building

    How to reveal subsurface defects in Kevlar® composite materials after an impact loading using infrared vision and optical NDT techniques?

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    An integrated system between infrared vision and optical non-destructive testing techniques can be considered a viable, robust and reliable approach for both aerospace manufacturing and in-service inspections. In this paper, infrared vision is applied in different spectral bands on two impacted panels made of aramid–phenolic composite by applying two different methods, respectively: (1) near and short-wave infrared reflectography and transmittography, and (2) mid-wave active infrared thermography. Furthermore, optical methods, namely digital speckle photography and holographic interferometry, are used as well to highlight the damages due to the impacts on the samples. Some techniques provide more straightforward detection capabilities than others for different defect types

    Tomographie infrarouge stimulée : estimation d'une résistance d'interface non uniforme

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    Not availableLes résistances thermiques d'interface sont la conséquence d'une discontinuité structurale entre deux matériaux. Des exemples peuvent être trouvés dans des délaminages au sein de composites laminés ou dans les applications de soudage où on cherche à avoir des assemblages parfaits entre deux matériaux. Ces discontinuités structurales peuvent être caractérisées en utilisant la thermographie infrarouge stimulée. La profondeur et la résistance de contact d'un défaut dans un matériau peuvent être identifiées en utilisant des méthodes basées sur la transformation De Laplace en temps pour les cas ou le transfert de chaleur peut être considéré comme unidirectionnel (défauts très étendus). Il est proposé ici d'étendre les méthodes précédentes aux cas où le transfert de chaleur ne peut être considéré comme uni-directionnel. Dans ce but, une transformation de Fourier spatiale est appliquée à la transformée De Laplace en temps du signal produit par une camera infrarouge. Grâce à l'emploi des quadripôles thermiques 2D et 3D, une solution explicite du problème peut être trouvée. Un développement asymptotique (méthode des perturbations) permet la construction d'une solution approchée, très commode pour l'inversion. Dans le cas où la résistance d'interface est continument non uniforme, une relation explicite entre la transformée De Laplace-Fourier du contraste et la transformée de Fourier de la distribution de la résistance peut être trouvée dans le cadre d'un transfert 2D. L’inversion de cette relation fournit un algorithme explicite très commode qui permet d'estimer le profil de résistance. Des exemples numériques et expérimentaux ont été présentés: ils montrent la robustesse des techniques d'inversion développée