129 research outputs found

    Somatostatin treatment attenuates proteinuria and prevents weight loss in NZB/W F1 mice

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    Somatostatin, a naturally occurring neuropeptide, is an immunomodulator which inhibits humoral and cell mediated immunity as well as secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of a somatostatin analogue on the severity of glomerulonephritis in the female NZB/W F1 murine model of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Twenty female NZB/W F1 mice were treated at 23 weeks of age with 10 mg/kg of the somatostatin analogue Sandostatin-LAR, IM every four weeks. Ten control mice received IM injection of vehicle. Mice were assessed at fourweek intervals for weight change, proteinuria, anti-DNA antibodies and splenocyte cytokine profile. The mice were sacrificed at age 34.5 weeks. Kidneys were collected and evaluated by light and immunofluorescence (IF) microscopy. Spleens were collected and splenocyte intracellular cytokines were measured by FACS analysis. In the treatment group significantly less proteinuria was observed four weeks after the second somatostatin analogue injection (dipstik scale: ϩ2.07 Ϯ 0.95 versus. ϩ3.5 Ϯ 1.08, P ϭ 0.0002). The treated mice did not lose weight while the control group lost weight over time (P ϭ 0.016). No differences were noted between the groups in anti-DNA antibody titres, cytokine profile or the severity of lupus nephritis as assessed by light and IF microscopy. Somatostatin analogue treatment attenuated proteinuria and prevented weight loss in NZB/W F1 mice, suggesting a possible beneficial effect on renal parameters and systemic manifestations of the disease. Further studies will be needed to assess the value of somatostatin analogue treatment in lupus nephritis, utilizing higher doses, at different stages of the disease, for longer periods. Lupus (2006) 15, 526-531

    Endotracheal temperature and humidity measurements in laryngectomized patients: intra- and inter-patient variability

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    This study assesses intra- and inter-patient variability in endotracheal climate (temperature and humidity) and effects of heat and moister exchangers (HME) in 16 laryngectomized individuals, measured repeatedly (N = 47). Inhalation Breath Length (IBL) was 1.35 s without HME and 1.05 s with HME (P < 0.0001). With HME, end-inspiratory (minimum) humidity values increased 5.8 mg H2O/L (P < 0.0001) and minimum temperature values decreased 1.6°C (P < 0.0001). For the temperature and humidity minimums, the inter-patient variability was much smaller than the short- and long-term intra-patient variability. For exhalation breath length and full breath length, the opposite was the case. Conclusions: (1) Because inter-patient variability is smaller than intra-patient variability, investigating endotracheal climate in a limited number of laryngectomized subjects is justified, provided repeated measurements per patient are accomplished; (2) main contributor to intra-patient variability is the positioning of the catheter tip in the trachea; (3) an HME leads to a shortened IBL which enhances the HME effect

    A Protective Role by Interleukin-17F in Colon Tumorigenesis

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    Interleukin-17F (IL-17F), produced by Th17 cells and other immune cells, is a member of IL-17 cytokine family with highest homology to IL-17A. IL-17F has been shown to have multiple functions in inflammatory responses. While IL-17A plays important roles in cancer development, the function of IL-17F in tumorigenesis has not yet been elucidated. In the current study, we found that IL-17F is expressed in normal human colonic epithelial cells, but this expression is greatly decreased in colon cancer tissues. To examine the roles of IL-17F in colon cancer, we have used IL-17F over-expressing colon cancer cell lines and IL-17F-deficient mice. Our data showed decreased tumor growth of IL-17F-transfected HCT116 cells comparing to mock transfectants when transplanted in nude mice. Conversely, there were increased colonic tumor numbers and tumor areas in Il-17f−/− mice than those from wild-type controls after colon cancer induction. These results indicate that IL-17F plays an inhibitory role in colon tumorigenesis in vivo. In IL-17F over-expressing tumors, there was no significant change in leukocyte infiltration; instead, we found decreased VEGF levels and CD31+ cells. While the VEGF levels were increased in the colon tissues of Il-17f−/− mice with colon cancer. Together, our findings demonstrate a protective role for IL-17F in colon cancer development, possibly via inhibiting tumor angiogenesis

    Mechanisms of Endothelial Dysfunction in Resistance Arteries from Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease

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    The study focuses on the mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction in the uremic milieu. Subcutaneous resistance arteries from 35 end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients and 28 matched controls were studied ex-vivo. Basal and receptor-dependent effects of endothelium-derived factors, expression of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), prerequisites for myoendothelial gap junctions (MEGJ), and associations between endothelium-dependent responses and plasma levels of endothelial dysfunction markers were assessed. The contribution of endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) to endothelium-dependent relaxation was impaired in uremic arteries after stimulation with bradykinin, but not acetylcholine, reflecting the agonist-specific differences. Diminished vasodilator influences of the endothelium on basal tone and enhanced plasma levels of asymmetrical dimethyl L-arginine (ADMA) suggest impairment in NO-mediated regulation of uremic arteries. eNOS expression and contribution of MEGJs to EDHF type responses were unaltered. Plasma levels of ADMA were negatively associated with endothelium-dependent responses in uremic arteries. Preserved responses of smooth muscle to pinacidil and NO-donor indicate alterations within the endothelium and tolerance of vasodilator mechanisms to the uremic retention products at the level of smooth muscle. We conclude that both EDHF and NO pathways that control resistance artery tone are impaired in the uremic milieu. For the first time, we validate the alterations in EDHF type responses linked to kinin receptors in ESRD patients. The association between plasma ADMA concentrations and endothelial function in uremic resistance vasculature may have diagnostic and future therapeutic implications

    Relations between C9orf72 expansion size in blood, age at onset, age at collection and transmission across generations in patients and presymptomatic carriers

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    A (GGGGCC) n repeat expansion in C9orf72 gene is the major cause of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The relations between the repeats size and the age at disease onset (AO) or the clinical phenotype (FTD vs. ALS) were investigated in 125 FTD, ALS, and presymptomatic carriers. Positive correlations were found between repeats number and the AO (p &lt; 10 e−4 ) but our results suggested that the association was mainly driven by age at collection (p &lt; 10 e−4 ). A weaker association was observed with clinical presentation (p = 0.02), which became nonsignificant after adjustment for the age at collection in each group. Importantly, repeats number variably expanded or contracted over time in carriers with multiple blood samples, as well as through generations in parent-offspring pairs, conversely to what occurs in several expansion diseases with anticipation at the molecular level. Finally, this study establishes that measure of repeats number in lymphocytes is not a reliable biomarker predictive of the AO or disease outcome in C9orf72 long expansion carriers

    Ventilatory Chaos Is Impaired in Carotid Atherosclerosis

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    Ventilatory chaos is strongly linked to the activity of central pattern generators, alone or influenced by respiratory or cardiovascular afferents. We hypothesized that carotid atherosclerosis should alter ventilatory chaos through baroreflex and autonomic nervous system dysfunctions. Chaotic dynamics of inspiratory flow was prospectively evaluated in 75 subjects undergoing carotid ultrasonography: 27 with severe carotid stenosis (>70%), 23 with moderate stenosis (<70%), and 25 controls. Chaos was characterized by the noise titration method, the correlation dimension and the largest Lyapunov exponent. Baroreflex sensitivity was estimated in the frequency domain. In the control group, 92% of the time series exhibit nonlinear deterministic chaos with positive noise limit, whereas only 68% had a positive noise limit value in the stenoses groups. Ventilatory chaos was impaired in the groups with carotid stenoses, with significant parallel decrease in the noise limit value, correlation dimension and largest Lyapunov exponent, as compared to controls. In multiple regression models, the percentage of carotid stenosis was the best in predicting the correlation dimension (p<0.001, adjusted R2: 0.35) and largest Lyapunov exponent (p<0.001, adjusted R2: 0.6). Baroreflex sensitivity also predicted the correlation dimension values (p = 0.05), and the LLE (p = 0.08). Plaque removal after carotid surgery reversed the loss of ventilatory complexity. To conclude, ventilatory chaos is impaired in carotid atherosclerosis. These findings depend on the severity of the stenosis, its localization, plaque surface and morphology features, and is independently associated with baroreflex sensitivity reduction. These findings should help to understand the determinants of ventilatory complexity and breathing control in pathological conditions

    Th17 Cells Are Involved in the Local Control of Tumor Progression in Primary Intraocular Lymphoma

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    BACKGROUND: Th17 cells play an important role in the pathogenesis of many autoimmune diseases, but despite some reports of their antitumor properties, too little is known about their presence and role in cancers. Specifically, knowledge is sparse about the relation of Th17 to lymphoma microenvironments and, more particularly, to the microenvironment of primary intraocular B-cell lymphoma (PIOL), an aggressive lymphoma with a poor prognosis. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work, we investigated the presence of Th17 cells and their related cytokines in a syngeneic model of PIOL, a subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The very small number of lymphocytes trafficking in normal eyes, which represent a low background as compared to tumor-bearing eyes, allows us to develop the present model to characterize the different lymphocyte subsets present when a tumor is developing. IL-21 mRNA was expressed concomitantly with IL-17 mRNA in tumor-bearing eyes and intracellular expression of IL-17A and IL-21 in infiltrating CD4(+) T lymphocytes. Interestingly, IL-17A production by T cells was negatively correlated with tumor burden. We also showed that IL-21 but not IL-17 inhibits tumor cell proliferation in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that IL-17A and IL-21-producing CD4(+) T cells, referred as Th17 cells, infiltrate this tumor locally and suggest that Th17-related cytokines may counteract tumor progression via IL-21 production. Thus, Th17 cells or their related cytokines could be considered to be a new therapeutic approach for non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphomas, particularly those with an ocular localization

    Interleukin-17 regulation: an attractive therapeutic approach for asthma

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    Interleukin (IL)-17 is recognized to play a critical role in numerous immune and inflammatory responses by regulating the expression of various inflammatory mediators, which include cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules. There is growing evidence that IL-17 is involved in the pathogenesis of asthma. IL-17 orchestrates the neutrophilic influx into the airways and also enhances T-helper 2 (Th2) cell-mediated eosinophilic airway inflammation in asthma. Recent studies have demonstrated that not only inhibitor of IL-17 per se but also diverse regulators of IL-17 expression reduce antigen-induced airway inflammation, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and Th2 cytokine levels in animal models of asthma. This review will summarize the role of IL-17 in the context of allergic airway inflammation and discuss the therapeutic potential of various strategies targeting IL-17 for asthma