21 research outputs found

    Effect of Water Removal On Introduced Caddisflies from a Tropical Mountain Stream

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    Tropical island streams worldwide are being threatened by existing or proposed dams and diversions. Numerous streams of the Hawaiian Islands have diversions that remove freshwater for human use; however, little research has addressed diversion effects on aquatic insect communities in tropical streams. We studied the effect of water removal by a stream diversion on density and biomass of two introduced Trichoptera, Cheumatopsyche analis (Banks) (Hydropsychidae) and Hydroptila potosina (Buenoa- Soria) (Hydroptilidae), in Iao Stream, Maui, Hawaii, from April-August 2000. Both species seem to have multivoltine life cycles. Pooled Trichoptera (both species) biomass was significantly greater above the diversion (178.3 mg.m-2 and 112.9 mg.m-2 for upstream and downstream, respectively). For each individual species the mean total instar biomass was significantly reduced below the diversion (38 % and 54 % reduction for C. analis and H. potosina, respectively). Both species had greater densities above the diversion; however, individual larval mass of H. potosina instars, but not C. analis instars, was significantly lower below the diversion. Our results suggest that reduced habitat quality, due to lowered stream flow, limits density of both species below the diversion, whereas lowered food quantity and quality may differentially affect H. potosina biomass through reduced body sizes. These data suggest that water removal not only reduces habitat quality, but significantly lowers the community biomass of these introduced Trichoptera species, affecting the trophic energetics of stream reaches downstream of a diversion in Hawaii. Similar changes to macroinvertebrate communities would be expected below dams and diversions of streams in other tropical regions

    Life Cycle of a Torrenticolous Hawaiian Chironomid (Telmatogeton Torrenticola): Stream Flow and Microhabitat Effects

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    In this study we documented the instar densities and life cycle of Telmatogeton torrenticola Terry (Chironomidae : Telmatogetoninae) from Kinihapai Stream, Maui, Hawaii. Greatest larval densities of this midge are found on substrates of high velocity, shallow flows of cascades, and splash zones of waterfalls, with lower densities in riffles. In the summer of 1994 we compared the effects of two microhabitats (termed optimal and suboptimal) on inter-instar density and relative abundance. In a second year (1995), we evaluated the effect of long-term reduced stream flow on these variables only in optimal microhabitats. A significant reduction in stream flow from 1994 to 1995 was correlated with a similar reduction in larval densities that precluded larval colonization of suboptimal habitats in 1995, thereby preventing sampling in this microhabitat during that summer. Depth of optimal habitats of 1995 were significantly shallower than both habitats of 1994, with suboptimal habitats of 1994 the deepest. Total larval density was significantly higher in 1994 optimal habitats, while 1994 suboptimal and 1995 optimal habitats were statistically similar. Individual instar densities showed variable differences among habitats and years, with the first three instars always highest in 1994 optimal habitats. All instars and pupae were collected on most sampling dates in both years ; however, pupae were only collected on a two dates in suboptimal habitats of 1994. Based on larval size frequency histograms, T. torrenticola has a multivoltine, asynchronous life cycle, with continuous reproduction, which is variable among microhabitats characterized by different flow velocity and depth, and between years of differing stream discharge. Reduced stream flow during the summer of 1995 had effects of reducing densities and changing life cycle features similar to those found in 1994 (a year of higher stream flow) suboptimal habitats

    Microbial Biofilm Community Variation in Flowing Habitats: Potential Utility as Bioindicators of Postmortem Submersion Intervals

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    Biofilms are a ubiquitous formation of microbial communities found on surfaces in aqueous environments. These structures have been investigated as biomonitoring indicators for stream heath, and here were used for the potential use in forensic sciences. Biofilm successional development has been proposed as a method to determine the postmortem submersion interval (PMSI) of remains because there are no standard methods for estimating the PMSI and biofilms are ubiquitous in aquatic habitats. We sought to compare the development of epinecrotic (biofilms on Sus scrofa domesticus carcasses) and epilithic (biofilms on unglazed ceramic tiles) communities in two small streams using bacterial automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis. Epinecrotic communities were significantly different from epilithic communities even though environmental factors associated with each stream location also had a significant influence on biofilm structure. All communities at both locations exhibited significant succession suggesting that changing communities throughout time is a general characteristic of stream biofilm communities. The implications resulting from this work are that epinecrotic communities have distinctive shifts at the first and second weeks, and therefore the potential to be used in forensic applications by associating successional changes with submersion time to estimate a PMSI. The influence of environmental factors, however, indicates the lack of a successional pattern with the same organisms and a focus on functional diversity may be more applicable in a forensic context


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    Life arises from death through species that decompose dead biomass or necromass. This paper provides a synthesis of the species responsible for dead plant and animal decomposition and describes a conceptual perspective—the “necrobiome”— that defines the diverse and complex communities that interact to recycle necromass. The concept brings unification to the previously disparate fields of plant and animal decomposition by discussing the universal processes occurring across all forms of necromass. It highlights the factors that make each form of dead biomass different in a way that defines how unique necrobiomes drive decomposition and ultimately shape ecosystem structure and function

    Climate and Landscape Factors Associated with Buruli Ulcer Incidence in Victoria, Australia

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    Background Buruli ulcer (BU), caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans (M. ulcerans), is a necrotizing skin disease found in more than 30 countries worldwide. BU incidence is highest in West Africa; however, cases have substantially increased in coastal regions of southern Australia over the past 30 years. Although the mode of transmission remains uncertain, the spatial pattern of BU emergence in recent years seems to suggest that there is an environmental niche for M. ulcerans and BU prevalence. Methodology/Principal Findings Network analysis was applied to BU cases in Victoria, Australia, from 1981–2008. Results revealed a non-random spatio-temporal pattern at the regional scale as well as a stable and efficient BU disease network, indicating that deterministic factors influence the occurrence of this disease. Monthly BU incidence reported by locality was analyzed with landscape and climate data using a multilevel Poisson regression approach. The results suggest the highest BU risk areas occur at low elevations with forested land cover, similar to previous studies of BU risk in West Africa. Additionally, climate conditions as far as 1.5 years in advance appear to impact disease incidence. Warmer and wetter conditions 18–19 months prior to case emergence, followed by a dry period approximately 5 months prior to case emergence seem to favor the occurrence of BU. Conclusions/Significance The BU network structure in Victoria, Australia, suggests external environmental factors favor M. ulcerans transmission and, therefore, BU incidence. A unique combination of environmental conditions, including land cover type, temperature and a wet-dry sequence, may produce habitat characteristics that support M. ulcerans transmission and BU prevalence. These findings imply that future BU research efforts on transmission mechanisms should focus on potential vectors/reservoirs found in those environmental niches. Further, this study is the first to quantitatively estimate environmental lag times associated with BU outbreaks, providing insights for future transmission investigations.This project was supported by the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health and Fogarty International Center (NIH - R01TW007550). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Fogarty International Center or the National Institutes of Health. R.W. Merritt is gratefully acknowledged for supporting this research as part of NIH grant R01TW007550

    Histochemical Comparison of the Hypopharyngeal Gland in Apis cerana Fabricius, 1793 Workers and Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 Workers

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    Hypopharyngeal glands of honeybee are age-dependent structures that change with the size of acini and are correlated with various social behaviors. The histochemical structure of Apis cerana and A. mellifera worker hypopharyngeal glands in four different developmental stages wes stained with ninhydrin Schiff's and periodic acid Schiff's reagents (PAS) for localization of proteins and carbohydrates, respectively, and examined with light microscopy. Nurse bees of both honeybee species had significantly larger glands as compared to guards and forgers, but there were no statistically significant differences between these two species after accounting for caste. Gland protein concentration increased progressively in nurse bees, and this was correlated with the appearance of enriched protein granules in the cytoplasm. In addition, the hypopharyngeal gland protein concentration of A. mellifera was higher than that of A. cerana even though gland size was not significantly different between species. However, gland size was shown to have decreased progressively in foragers and guards

    Flow Intermittency Affects Leaf Decomposition and Benthic Consumer Communities of Alpine Streams: A Case Study along the Po River

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    Streams and rivers are becoming increasingly intermittent in Alpine regions due to the global climate change and related increases of local water abstractions, making it fundamental to investigate the occurrence of supraseasonal drying events and their correlated effects. We aimed to investigate leaf litter decomposition, the C:N ratio of the litter, and changes in associated macroinvertebrate communities in three reaches of the Po River: One upstream, consistently perennial, a perennial mid-reach with high hydrological variability, and an intermittent downstream reach. We placed leaf litter bags of two leaf types—chestnut and oak; both showed comparable decomposition rates, but the remaining litter mass was different and was attributed to the C:N ratio and palatability. Furthermore, (1) in perennial reaches, leaf litter decomposed faster than in the intermittent ones; (2) in intermittent reaches, the C:N ratio showed a decreasing trend in both leaf types, indicating that drying affected the nitrogen consumption, therefore the conditioning phase; (3) associated macroinvertebrate communities were richer and more stable in perennial reaches, where a higher richness and abundance of EPT taxa and shredders was observed. Our results suggest that the variations in the hydrology of mountain streams caused by global climate change could significantly impact on functional processes and biodiversity of benthic communities